Arcturian Starseeds, 27 Signs, Traits, and Mission
It is my pleasure and honour to talk about Arcturus Starseeds in this article.
Arcturians made their second entrance into my life not so long time ago when I became aware of their Galactic Ship first.
The first one was many moons ago when I received a private invitation to visit Arcturus.
I lived then in an etheric body on one of the Pleiadian Planets.
With great interest, I visited Arcturian Starship (in my Spiritual body, of course) and was offered a Healing Session.
I loved it so much that I keep coming back for more sessions!
In my modest opinion, Arcturian Healing is advanced and one of the most powerful in the Universe.
I’ll talk more about Arcturian Healing later and offer you the Meditation.
So, you will be able to experience their Healing for yourself.
Arcturus Star Systems
Arcturus is the brightest Star and the Orange Giant in the Bootes Constellation.
It is the fourth-brightest star that can be seen from Earth in the Nothern Hemisphere, according to Wikipedia.
Arcturus is an aging star that has exhausted its core supply of hydrogen and cooled and expanded to a diameter of 27 solar diameters.
Arcturus shines with 133 times the luminosity of the Sun.
The star is in the latter stages of its life.

It’s not confirmed officially, but Arcturus has a companion star, so, it is a binary star.
Also, our science hasn’t reached the level yet to be able to discover Arcturus’ three Planets.
One of these Planets houses physical 5-6-dimensional life and also is a Home for amazing 10-dimensional non-physical Arcturians.
By the way, there is a Planet in the Alkalurops Star System which is a part of the Bootes Constellation that is inhabited by the Humanoid Race.
They are not technically Arcturians, but Arcturian Beings treat them as their closest family.
This Race is slightly ahead of us, people of the Earth.
They moved out of the 3D World, and their Planet varies between the 4th and the 5th dimensions.
Their World is ascending, and Arcturians support them.
It is safe for Arcturians to land their Spaceships on their Planet and visit physically their Brothers and Sisters.
We don’t live in the lucky time yet to experience physical contact with Arcturians.
The reception would be hostile, to say the least.
The military forces would try to shoot them down.
By the way, it is impossible to destroy Arcturian Spaceship.
They deploy unfathomable technology and de-materialize their Ship instantly, moving into another dimension.
Where was the Arcturian Spaceship a nanosecond ago, there is an emptiness.
And the shots go through.
Arcturians are more than capable of protecting themselves.
Coming back to that Planet, ascending into the 5th dimension, they do incarnate on Earth as well.
Their special Mission is to assist us in moving away from all the “perks” of the 3-dimensional World as wars, starvation, poverty, cruelty, greed, etc.
They’ve just been there, done that on their Planet.
Arcturian Race
The Arcturian Race is one of the oldest and most advanced Intergalactic Races in our Universe.
They’ve been where we stand now in our evolution and passed this point, building the 6-dimensional physical life on their Planet.
The history of Arcturians involves a lot of dark, painful, and troublesome times, one Intergalactic War after the other.
They had to fight for the Arcturus Planets.
The thing is that Arcturus is a Portal into another Universe.
That’s why the Dark Forces have always kept an eye on it.
They always wanted to get control over that doorway.
But they never succeeded!
Arcturians trained themselves into the most potent Warriors of Light.
They are still extremely skilled in the art of war.
But now, they are peaceful Warriors and Protectors.
The Intergalactic Council appointed Arcturians as the Protectors of Earth.
And ever since, Arcturian Starships patrol the space around the Earth to stop any aggressive Intergalactic Ship from coming here.
Otherwise, we would be enslaved by some not-nice folks from Space already, and Earth would be their colony.
The Arcturian Fleet is invisible to human eyes as the Earth is not ready yet for contact with the Intergalactic Civilizations.
What is different about Arcturians?
They have mastered Mind Control to such an incredible level that they can materialize and de-materialize things (the physical matter as well as the densest energy), open the Portals, generate “fuel” for their Spaceships, and drive them at unbelievable speed, move between dimensions, etc.

All using the Power of their Mind.
But they quickly realised how dangerous the Mind not balanced by the Loving Heart could be on its own.
Arcturians focused hard on both Spiritual Centres – Mind and Heart.
And now the Arcturian Race is graced by the amazingly developed Mind of Genius and beautiful glowing Heart of Gold.
What is the purpose for Arcturian Souls to incarnate on Earth?
Arcturian Starseeds Mission
Arcturians volunteer to incarnate on Earth to bring their experience, vast foundational knowledge, strength, wisdom, and healing to humanity.
These incredible Souls have the potential to become Spiritual Teachers and Leaders.
Some of them are born to contribute to science and technology.
And many Arcturians are here to heal the Planet and humanity.
Arcturians are amazing Healers, one of the best in the Universe.
Their collective Mission is to help Earthlings raise the vibrational energy of the Planet, move into the fifth dimension, and build the Golden Earth as they have achieved it on Arcturus already.
The mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual transformation would be among their primary goals.
Physical Traits
Starseeds incarnate in all sorts of bodies.
Often, there is not a lot of choice of physical bodies available, and they have to incarnate urgently.
But their Spirit Guides look for the human body to be as compatible as possible with their Star energetic body.
The Universe always follows the path of least resistance.
The ideal human body, designed for the Arcturian Souls, is slim and average height or on the shorter side.
They tend to have lower blood pressure and lower body temperature.
So, they prefer warmer climates.
Arcturian Energy
Arcturian energy is masculine at its core, but they have spent a long time mastering the balance of masculine-feminine.
They emit loving, peaceful, but strong, and confident vibes.
The colours of Arcturian energy are vibrant golden-orange at the masculine end and gentle light-blue when the Arcturian Healing takes place.
Arcturians are real Masters of Energy Manipulation and True Alchemists.
Arcturian Starseed Traits and Clear Signs
How do you know if you are the Arcturian Starseed?
#1 You feel different.
Arcturians are 5-to-6-dimensional Beings whilst experiencing life in a physical body on Arcturus and extremely high-frequency 10-dimensional Beings in an etheric body.
And despite slowing your vibration down to be able to be born in the 3-dimensional physical reality, you are still connected to your brilliant unbelievably high-dimensional home.
And you have a hard time adjusting to life here on Earth, you don’t fit in.
Others feel it too.
So, it is not only for you, but it’s hard for other people to get you and deal with you.
You are that black sheep in the family, the weird one.
#2 Unlike others, you see the bigger picture, the wider perspective for your own and everyone’s lives, for our beautiful Planet Earth.
You are not interested in living the little life as a little human with a little house, little money, and little interests.
Expansion is your second name!
You are stubborn and make sure to bring your ideas through to the people, surrounding you.
The geeky for them ideas they don’t understand…
#3 Arcturians are heart-centered Beings.

You have a strong desire to embrace others in your Love.
And you are a very kind and empathetic person who is ready to help anyone.
Often, you take so much load off your family, as well as the invisible negative energy of humanity and Earth, that you stumble under that load.
And you struggle, you are so tired that your bright Light deems…
Take a bit of that load off, take it easy on yourself.
#4 You want to see everyone happy.
You want everyone to be the winner.
You want everyone to succeed.
And you are NOT ambitious and competitive and don’t have to prove yourself to anyone.

#5 You instinctively understand Oneness.
Everything is One – you, me, that animal and that tree, the sky and the Universe.
Whatever religion, culture, background, money – you accept everyone.
Social ranks mean nothing to you.
You can see God and potential in everyone.
#6 You always feel that you have a very important job to do.
You are on a big personal Mission – building a better future for human beings and Earth.
#7 You are drawn to study Philosophy, Counseling, History, and Ancient Civilizations.
So, you can get the bigger picture of Earth, visualize and bring forward the Golden Future of Earth.
Arcturians honour the knowledge whether it is scientistic or spiritual.
And you might be an avid reader.
#8 You like maths and have a gift for Sacred Mathematics – Numerology, Astrology, Sacred Geometry.
#9 You can’t stand arguments and conflict and keep away from trouble.
You look for calm and peaceful solutions.
#10 You have excellent communication abilities and strong opinions.
You are not afraid to speak your Truth, debate, and discuss your ideas.
Some people think you are straightforward, opinionated, Mr Always Right.
But you think it is really important to get your point of view across to others.
About “always right”…
I read somewhere that when someone had been reproached that there is only one opinion – his own, he objected: “That’s not true, there can be two opinions.
One is mine, and the other one is wrong”.
#11 You are the best advisor ever.
Because of your ability to see the positive outcomes when no one else sees them and map out the steps to achieve them.
#12 You possess deep inner strength.
Always ready to help, Arcturian can look like a big softy, but the looks are deceiving.
The kind and noble knight is dressed up in the iron armoire.
#13 Arcturians are natural leaders.
And you have all the qualities to become the best heart-led leader: strength, empathy, and an ability to see the bigger picture.
#14 You like logic and order and are well-organized.
You always have a plan.
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”, as Benjamin Franklin said.
And you totally agree.
#15 You have an analytical mind and like to know how things work.
#16 You are disciplined and hard-working.
#17 You are a good Manifestor.

You believe in Impossible Dreams and make them Possible.
Many people see and trust only that tiny bit of reality they see around them.
But not you!
You see many layers of life and endless scenarios your destiny can take you to.
#18 You possess good Telepathic abilities, i.e. the ability to communicate with others without words, sort of hearing, or knowing their thoughts, and receive the information non-verbally.
Arcturians are an amazing and highly advanced Intergalactic Race.
They don’t use language as a tool of communication.
The information is passed directly between the minds.
#19 You put Personal Freedom above all.
#20 You don’t have lots of friends, very few close people, definitely, an introvert preferring your own company.
#21 You are technologically inclined.
Arcturians are famous for their Spiritual Technology.
#22 You are the Inspiration for others, always seeing the silver lining and happy ending.
You bring Hope in the darkest hour.

#23 You may seek peace and solace by looking at the night sky because its vastness, the freedom of stars, and space seem familiar and comfortable to you.
So, unconsciously, you are tuning into your Home.
#24 Arcturians reached an equilibrium of masculine-feminine in their Home World, but their energy was masculine originally.
Think of Archangel Michael, the Divine Embodiment of masculine energy.
You can feel this energy inside of you – the Inner Power, sense of Inner Truth, and a strong calling to protect our beautiful blue Planet and its inhabitants.
#25 People might think that you are unreliable and fickle in your personal life, but you only try to keep your energies in balance.
If you don’t like the energy of the situation, you retreat straight away, saying No to the budding relationship.
Or you change the plans with someone, making them furious.
#26 No one feels the energy as Arcturians do.
Before your incarnation on Earth, you have been over-optimistic and over-confident, underestimating the hostility of the Earth’s environment.
Now, being bombarded with acid emotions, feeling hurt, and experiencing unfairness, fear, and anger, you try so hard to heal your Soul and keep it together.
You return to your shell to get your breath back.
You need a lot of time alone with your Soul, tapping into the benevolent and loving energy of the Universe.
And you probably don’t realise that you connect with your Star Arcturus in these moments.
#27 Arcturian Beings are bald, and you can find yourself fiddling with your hair, twisting it, wrapping it around your finger unconsciously when you are away with your thoughts.
The hair is a novelty for your inner being.
The Shadow side of Arcturian Starseeds
The 3-dimensional world of Earth is not for the faint-hearted.
The Arcturian energy system is a piece of Mastery and Art.
But being so sensitive, it can crack down under the pressure of the harsh local environment.
And their Divine Masculine can slip from the perfect centre to the opposite negative ends of the spectrum.
One end is passive, and the other one is active.
The passive end means withdrawal of life, low energy, depression, isolation, and loss of faith and direction.
The active Shadow Masculine rears its ugly head as aggression, domination, control, and inequality.
But luckily, the blazing Light inside and the Truth of who they are win over these destructive tendencies.
Arcturians are so strong and wise and often called the Sages of the Universe.
Be honest with yourself, but also be understanding and compassionate.
It’s not easy to be on Earth, is it?
Arcturian Council
12 wonderful and wise 11-dimensional Arcturian Souls make the Arcturian Council of Light.
They overlook the Star of Arcturus and are in touch with every Arcturian Being.
The energy flows back and forth.
Arcturian Council works in cooperation with other Councils of Light in the Universe – Pleiadian, Sirian, Lyran, our Sun’s Council, etc.
Here is the little Channeling from the Arcturian Council of Light:
“Greetings from the Arcturian Council of Light as you call us.
We want to talk today about Domination, but not the way you understand it.
The Domination of Light.
We are talking about the Light increasing in your World to gradually win over the Darkness.
We are your Galactic Brothers and Sisters.
Many Arcturians joined humanity at the present time, working on one common goal – to bring Freedom, Light, and Joy to the Planet Earth.
We know that positive change is happening right now.
Maybe, it doesn’t look like that, judging the cataclysms shaking the Earth – the natural disasters and human-made disasters alike.
But understand that Earth is moving through the Revolution as the old 3-D paradigm resists and fights for survival.
With a part of the Earth being in the 4th dimension already and not stopping there, bringing the new dawn on Earth – the Golden 5th dimension.
We, the Arcturian Council, watch in awe and compassion you, people of Earth.
We believe in you and know that you will succeed.
You are incredible, strong, brave, and noble Souls who didn’t shy away from being born on Earth in these extraordinary and challenging times.
We salute you!
And a special greeting to the Star Souls incarnated on Earth now.
We see that you often feel lonely and estranged there and want to go home.
Of course, we are able to despatch the Spaceship, collect you all, and whisk you away.
But understand that you have a special Mission that only you can accomplish on Earth.
You are an important link in the Intergalactic Net of Light, supporting Earth right now.
This Net is like the Ley Lines of the Earth, only it has been distributed to the Planet from Space by the Council of Light of this Universe.
Even your whereabouts on Earth are not accidental.
You are exactly where you are supposed to be at this moment.
So, without you, the chain will break, and the Net of Light will be damaged, jeopardizing the Golden Future of Earth…
Know that you are not alone.
Your Galactic Brothers and Sisters are always there for you.
We are rooting for you.
We are on your side.
Sending you Waves of Healing, Strength, and Encouragement.
Here from Arcturus to Earth with Love.”
Arcturian Intergalactic Ship
The Fleet of Arcturian Spaceships protects the Earth from unfriendly Intergalactic visits.
Arcturians have always been the Guardians of Earth.
The best-known Arcturian Ship is called Athena, which is the Mother-Ship.

It means that Athena is the main Ship that sends out the smaller Ships with a particular Mission.
Athena comprises the whole town inside.
It is absolutely huge!
The staff working on Athena has everything for their needs: offices, specialist rooms, laboratories, libraries, living, rest and revitalization, entertainment rooms, etc.
Also, they’ve got a variety of Healing Pods.
Arcturians are gifted Healers, ones of the best in the Universe.
These Pods are for everyone to use, not only for Arcturian staff.
Many Lightworkers visit them in the etheric body whilst asleep at night.
We all need these Pods.
Who is 100% healthy on Earth?
I offer the Visualisation to visit the Spaceship Athena to heal your body and your Soul.

Visualisation to visit Arcturian Spaceship Athena for Healing
See the white Light, coming from above and filling your aura.
Turn your attention to the feet now.
Notice the shimmering silver Light from Mother Earth, traveling up your feet, your ankles, your calves, up and more up until it meets the white Light in your Heart Centre.
The silver-white Light cleanses and uplifts you.
You feel so peaceful, so relaxed…
And you notice Archangel Michael, placing his royal blue cloak of Protection around you.
He also touches the ceiling, walls, and floor of your room, embedding his energy.
Your ceiling, walls, and floor turn royal blue too.
You are safe…
You think of the Arcturian Spaceship and wonder if you could visit it.
The idea seems fascinating.
And you notice the small golden-orange Light hovering in the room.
The Light grows bigger and bigger, and you realise that it is someone, radiating this blazing golden-orange Light.
Arcturian stands in front of you.
You scan his figure: about 5-and-half feet tall, with light-blue skin, a bald head with a prominent forehead, and piercing eyes.
He is dressed in a silvery-grey jumpsuit.
Arcturian draws with his hand a symbol in the air – the Light Language you don’t understand.
Then he puts his hand on the heart and reaches it out to you with his palm open.
You receive the mental message that he greets you.
Arcturian invites you telepathically to visit the Galactic Ship “Athena” and experience for yourself the advanced Healing in one of its Pods.
Of course, you say “Yes”!
Arcturian touches you lightly, and your body illuminates in the same golden-orange Light.
Your Companion draws another symbol in the air.
And the vortex of the light-blue Light appears in your room.
Arcturian first and you after step into the vortex.
In front of you, the long bright orange tunnel stretches well ahead.
As you walk along the tunnel, your eyes move from one wall to the other, following the dance of the orange Light.
The walls are lit up from the inside, and the bright orange glow is changing the patterns and intensity, forming swirls and symbols on the walls.
You and your Guide approach the end of the tunnel blazing in blue-white Light.
Both of you step inside that Light.
First, you can’t see anything, the Light is too bright.
But in a little while, your eyes adjust, and the Light seems dimmer and more comfortable.
It’s a strange room – round with a long bench along the walls and something looking like a pole in the centre of the room.
“I’m not invited for the pole dancing here, am I?” you think to yourself.
You humour Arcturian who reads your thoughts.
The very next second, your Guide disappears, and you are left on your own.
You have an eerie feeling that the pole watches you.
The light in the room gets brighter and brighter again.
You can’t see anything.
When the vision returns to you, you are seated in the other room in the very comfy chair.
The room is basked in the colourful Light.
Which colour is it – green, purple, pink, or any other colour?
You watch the waves of Light, moving in slow motion in front of you in the mesmerising dance.
Another Arcturian appears in front of you.
He scans your thoughts and explains telepathically:
“The pole is the device for examination of your energy fields and appointing the Pod and the Healer best suited for you.
So, here you are, and here I am.”
Arcturian repeats the gesture of your previous companion – puts the hand on his heart and extends his arm towards you with the palm open.
Then he returns the hand to the heart and bows his head.
He asks you mentally to move to the chair in the middle of the Pod.
It looks even comfier than the one you sit on – big, white, and snug.
You move without hesitation, it feels very smooth like the white leather, but warm and gives you a gentle hug.
You realise that it is the recliner chair as it changes its shape.
And you find yourself lying on the cozy bed.
The giant silver colour dome starts descending on you from the ceiling.
It stops about 2 feet above you.
You feel that the Arcturian Healer has connected his energy with yours.
Arcturian asks you to close your eyes, relax, and have a little sleep maybe.
Next, you feel your energy intensify as if you are plugged into the electrical socket – the Dome is working.
The strong waves of energy are running from the soles of your feet to the top of your head.
The energy is pulsing through your body.
It is a rather pleasant experience.
In a couple of minutes, the Dome is off.
You open your eyes, and your Healer explains to you that the Dome clears the cobwebs and stubborn blocks in your aura, opens new pathways for your energy to run, and pushes out the energetic debris.
The Dome is gone now.
And your nostrils register the beautiful smell, you wonder where it is coming from.
What is the smell for you – strawberries, honey, rose, anything else?
The quiet music fills your ears.
The colour of the Light in the room changes to shiny Golden.

“Perfect Health, Wisdom, Enlightenment, and Divine Masculine” – the words appear in your head.
For a couple of minutes, you gaze softly at the Golden Light and feel it washing through you.
With every breath, you inhale that sweet perfume.
And you listen like in trance to the beautiful enchanting music.
The colour of the room changes to pearlescent Silver.
“Eternal Youth, Rejuvenation, Beauty, Inner Knowledge, and Divine Feminine” – you hear the whisper in your head.
The Silver Light caresses you gently and passes through the cells of your body and DNA, waking up the dormant Powers inside of you.
The Light changes again to Diamond Pink.
“Love, the strongest Energy in the Universe, and Purity of Heart” reverberates through your head.
You absorb that sweet Love with every fiber of your Being.
You feel you are changed forever.
And the Light around you is not Pink anymore, but Rainbow.
“Joy, Miracles, Luck, Abundance, and Expansion” – you hear now.
You lie for a minute there, overwhelmed by Joy to be alive, Gratitude for every little and big experience in your life, Faith, and Trust.
You feel like a little kid, looking at the big World with wide-open eyes full of Awe and Wonder!
The World full of Miracles and Adventure!
The Light returns to the original colour slowly, but you still smile, reminiscing the feelings and emotions you’ve just been through and which have touched you deeply.
Your Arcturian Healer doesn’t hurry you…
But it is time to come back.
The comfy bed that you don’t want to leave turns into a chair.
Arcturian raises his hand towards you with the blue-and-white Light, beaming from its centre.
The Light engulfs you, and you can see the Sacred Symbol, engraved into your aura.
This Light will seal your energy fields and protect you.
And the Symbol, glowing in your aura, gives you access to the Gifts and Knowledge of Arcturian Race.
You thank the Healer.
He puts the hand on his heart and bows to you again: “With Love Forever”.
The Light in the Pod gets brighter and brighter until you can’t see anything.
When your sight returns to you, you are sitting on the bench in the round room where your first Guide is waiting for you patiently.
He draws the symbol in the air and the blue-white Light appears in front of you.
The Guide says his Goodbyes without words, and you step into the Light.
And again you walk along the orange tunnel, staring to the left and to the right as the glowing golden symbols light up and swirl inside the walls of the tunnel.
You step through the Light at the end of the tunnel, and you are back in the room where you started your journey to the Starship Athena.
Feel yourself breathing… In… And out…
Feel your feet on the floor.
You can open your eyes now…
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Images: Depositphotos
Hi Irina
Thanks for this wonderful article.
I have a question about the dark forces outside our planet. You wrote: “The Fleet of Arcturian Spaceships protects the Earth from unfriendly Intergalactic visits”..
Who are these dark forces? Are they the same as the Dark Angels forces or not?
Hi Sam,
I’m glad you liked the article.
No, they are not Dark Angels.
Arcturian Spaceships have been protecting the Earth from unfriendly Intergalactic Races for millions of years.