Sirius C Starseeds

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  1. Thank you for such a well-written and beautiful text.
    I am recently told from my spirit guide that i am a starseed. After this i found out i was the sirian sort, and later even sirius C. I do not know much about this, or anything really, and im still not 100% sure its true. I heard my light and energy is extremely strong and rather rare, according to a few psychics and spiritual teachers. But is there any way for me to know for sure or to train myself to remember?
    I will start my soulmission now, which is to guide and help the newly awakened people. Share my wisdom, so to speak, wherever it is. I feel more like a baby in the dark than a soul full of wisdom

    I will try this meditation of yours, as i feel i could need even more spiritual help to find myself and my inner voice and wisdom.
    If this doesnt work, do you make readings etc?

    Thank you so much again ❤️

    Best regards,


    1. Hi Zoya,

      When you work on yourself, following the best Spiritual practices like Meditation, for example, you will return to your Soul, and the information will become available to you again.

      It will happen in its own time, you can’t hurry it.

      Follow your Path as the gentle, quiet, and loving voice of Intuition leads you.

      And no, I don’t offer readings anymore.

      Love from Irina

  2. This article is absolutely wonderful. I went into meditation recently to connect with sirius ( lakumay in particular) and every single word you mentioned here I saw in my own way. I had to go through a water planet first where i was given a blue pearl then I got to sirius c which is where I met I large guide a motherly figure who also looked like me and so much more, Incredible! Thank you so much

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