Can you be a Sirius C Starseed?
Before you dive into the Sirius C Starseeds’ traits and purpose on Earth, let’s discover the glorious Sirius C first.
You probably already heard of Sirius A and Sirius B, but what about Sirius C?
Sirius C is non-physical and invisible to the eye etheric plane, connected to the Sirius Stars System.
It serves as the two-way Portal where the Beings of Light from other Galaxies and Universes enter our Universe.
Also, the Souls descend to experience the lower Realms, for example, the Being of Light from Sirius C decides to incarnate on Sirius B.
And the ascended Souls join the Paradise of Sirius C.
The high vibrational, 9-dimensional world of Sirius C is Home to:
Dolphins and Whales,
Elementals of Air and Water,
Christ Light,
Mother Sirius Light,
Dragons of Sirius C,
The Illumined Ones of Sirius C.
Meet the incredible Worlds of Sirius C:
# Unicorns
The Kingdom of Unicorns lies on Sirius C.
Unicorns are Angelic Beings of Light, and we are used to seeing them as white horses with a horn on the forehead.

Their horn is nothing but the light streaming from the Unicorns’ third eye.
The horn can be silver or golden.
As the Unicorn matures and evolves into the higher dimension, its horn changes colour from silver to pure gold.
There are two other varieties of Unicorns: Pegasi and Unipegs.
Pegasus has its heart centre so developed that the bright light, emanating from it, forms the wings.
Pegasus is basically the winged horse.
And Unipeg has both his third eye and the heart evolved and enlightened, so he looks like the Unicorn with the horn and the wings.
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Like every energy, Unicorns look in reality like a blazing ball of Light but take on the image of the horse to be recognisable.
The Source picked the shape of a horse for them to reflect the power, speed, and stability of Unicorns.
Don’t you ever look in awe at the running horse with its mane and tail blowing in the breeze?
Unicorns vibrate from the 7th to the 12th dimension.
They returned to the Earth many years ago now to support people with pure, gentle, and innocent hearts.
Originally, Unicorns came to our Universe through the Lyra Stargate, using Sirius C Portal.
And they settled there, building the Kingdom of Unicorns.
Imagine the vast emerald-green meadows for Unicorns to gallop and frolic, edged by the tall trees.
The picture is as if taken from Earth, but the colours are bright and vivid.
And beautiful perfume fills the air.
You see and hear the birds that look unbelievably bright.
All birds originate from Sirius and visit Sirius C to grow in light and wisdom.
They are very close and work together with the Angelic Kingdom.
You can spot the pure white birds as well.

They are the birds that have mastered their lessons and fully ascended.
When you spend enough time in the Kingdom of Unicorns, your eye catches what you don’t expect to see here – the white wolves.
White Wolves are very special and highly revered on Sirius for their Wisdom and Strength.
When you look around, you spot gorgeous butterflies and dragonflies, but bigger, more breathtaking and even brighter than on Earth.
If you want to learn more about Unicorns, here and here are Diana Cooper’s books I love.
# Dolphins and Whales
Another part of Sirius C is dedicated to the ocean (etheric, of course).
Silver and white waters of the ocean provide a home for dolphins, whales, and fish.
But the white ascended dolphins and whales have developed a column of swirling light, shining from their forehead, – the horn, similar to the Unicorns one.
Fish originates from Sirius and spends time on Sirius C to absorb Christ Light and spread it as it incarnates elsewhere.
# Angels
Archangels Gabriel and Uriel hold a close connection with Sirius C.
They and the Unicorns watch together the energy blueprint of Sirius C and correct it.
As we know, everything in the Universe is interlinked.
And the changes in the energy output from Sirius C affect the whole Universe and beyond.
Archangels Gabriel and Uriel have their own Retreats on Sirius C.
Archangel Gabriel’s one looks like the shimmering diamond and rainbow chamber.
And Archangel Uriel’s Retreat is the huge Golden Tetrahedron (triangular pyramid) with ruby walls engraved in delicate and intricate gold patterns with golden roses woven into the design.
When your Light quotation reaches 82 (I have explained how to measure the amount of light in your energy field by the Pendulum in this article), your shining Light attracts one of the Archangels’ attention.
And they personally overlook your Earth journey and influence you since.
Archangels Gabriel or Uriel work with Sirius folk normally.
Archangel Uriel keeps me under his wing.
He is very a very straight-talking man!
When he first appeared to me, I expected to see a human figure with a halo and probably see some sort of wings.
But he showed himself as the blazing golden light.
I still remember asking him why he doesn’t show himself as a human, he said: “But you don’t need the theater, do you? You see the real me.”
By the way, if Archangel Uriel works with you, his energy overflows into you.
And you start acting as a no-fluff-no-bullsh*t-no-hogwash sort of person.
# Elementals of Air and Water
Sirius C welcomes Elementals of Air and Water – fairies, sylphs, pixies, undines, nymphs and others.

They learn the higher vibrations as they prepare to evolve into Angels.
And Sirius C serves as the school of mastery for them.
The Elementals (and Angels) are invisible on Earth, but they are not afraid to show themselves in all their beauty on Sirius C.
They might undertake a mission in a lower-dimensional world to become its Guardians though.
For instance, the undine takes on the purpose to bring the light of Sirius C to the waters of Sirius B and become the ocean’s protector.
The Elementals like all Angelic Beings can’t decide for themselves, they have no free will, which is our, humans, prerogative.
# Christ Light
Christ Light pours from the Source initially as the flow of 12-dimensional diamond-white energy.
It steps its frequency down as it enters Sirius C and forms the pool of the 9-dimensional golden white Light, surrounded by the luminous rainbow halo.
Invoke the Golden Ray of Christ Light for the strongest protection and imagine that you stand right in the middle of it.
Christ Light transmutes any negative lower energies that try to impact you.

It also heals on the cellular level, expands your consciousness and lights up your heart.
It touches the codes and keys dormant in your aura probably from the Atlantean times.
Visit Christ Light Pool in the meditation to cleanse your energy fields deeply, and bring back the ancient wisdom, knowledge and memories of who you are.
# Mother Sirius Light
You can call her Lady Sirius, but I prefer and feel her as Mother Sirius.
Mother Sirius is the Angel, overlooking the Sirius Star System.
Her Light is soft, loving, feminine, protective, creative, and nurturing. The Silver and Light Blue Pool of her energy is found on Sirius C.
When you feel sad and low, and nothing goes to plan, come back to your Mother.
She waits for you with her arms open.
Come into her arms, hug her tight, and hide your face in her loving silvery-blue energy.
Feel her Light embrace you and wash through your body, taking away all worries and sadness.
Peace and calm come over you.
All is well…
Meditation to meet Mother Sirius
You can listen to this meditation here:
Or simply read…
Relax, close your eyes.
Just breathe for a while and concentrate on your breath.
See yourself walking through the forest at night.
It’s dark, but your eyes have adjusted to the darkness, and you can see well.
The late Autumn, and you can hear leaves rustling under your feet.
Very quiet, the birds are gone to bed already.
You know that you are watched by animals hiding in the forest and surprised at what you are doing here so late on your own.
The air is fresh and cool, but you don’t feel cold.
Breathe in the smell of the forest, damp ground and fallen leaves.
You walk on your own in the middle of the forest at night, but you are not afraid.
You feel that Mother Gaia (Earth) loves and protects you.
When you look up, you notice the bright Star in the dark, nearly black sky.
And you know that it is Sirius.
Suddenly, you realise that you haven’t seen your other Mother – Mother Sirius – it seems for millions of years!
You long for her.
And right in front of you, the portal opens up in the night sky.
Before you know it, you move through the portal and find yourself in the blue forest.
It’s a bright day, and the colours, surrounding you, and the chorus of birds mesmerise you!
Blue trees, bright orange and vivid pink shrubs, huge royal magenta flowers.
You are on Sirius A, and the beautiful woman walks towards you in the flowing silver-blue gown – Mother Sirius.
“I was waiting for you”, – she says softly and touches your hand.
Your aura expands instantly and turners shiny silvery.
Mother Sirius takes your hand, and you find yourself transferred into her Temple on Sirius B.
The round silver walls of the Temple are adorned with diamonds.
When the light from the circular window at the top hits the crystals, they seem to explode in all colours of the rainbow.
Your energy changes and you emanate the blazing silver diamond light now.
Mother Sirius smiles gently at your transformation and takes your hand again.
This time, you see the shimmering soft silver mist all around you, and the brilliant silver and light blue pool lying right in front of you.

You enter the pool and feel its incredible energy wash through your body, you feel your every cell buzz.
You are cleansed and re-charged.
Your Sirius inheritance – the memories, the gifts, the sacred keys, your Sirius DNA – are lit up in your energy fields.
You feel like you’ve been reborn now.
As you come out of the pool, Mother Sirius hugs you – the way only Mother can do, giving you all the love of her heart, blessings and grace.
It’s time to come back.
You see the portal opening up for you again and travel all way back: to the Temple of Sirius B and the blue forest of Sirius A.
And you stand again in the middle of the night Autumn forest on the Planet called Earth.
# 12-dimensional part of Sirius C
The 12-dimensional part of Sirius C (houses the Portal, connecting our Universe with other high-dimensional Universes.)

Serves as the door to other high-dimensional Universes.
We hardly know anything about it.
Whilst being in a human body, you can reach the 9th dimension at the very maximum, and for a very short period of time.
# Dragons of Sirius C
When you visit Sirius C in meditation, you might meet one of these Dragons:
- Golden and White Dragons of Sirius C,
- White Crystal Dragons of Archangel Gabriel,
- Golden and Ruby Dragons of Archangel Uriel,
- Golden Christed Dragons,
- Metallic Blue Dragons of Mother Sirius.

The Dragon will come to you for a reason.
Something in your energy fields resonates with him.
Ask the Dragon for guidance and advice.
Trust his wisdom and expertise.
You can read more about Dragons in this book.
# 9-dimensional Beings
The Souls incarnate on Sirius C (in the etheric body of course) in two ways.
The first one is when the Soul evolves over millions of years, ascends and picks for the next life Sirius C.
That’s the way up.
For example, after the life on Sirius B, someone moves the level up to Sirius C.
And there is the way down.
Someone comes from the other highly developed Universe through the 12-dimensional Sirius C Portal and descends to the lower 9-dimensional level of Sirius C.
What for?
To learn about the other Universe and bring their unique experience and their incredible Love with them.
My Sirius C Guide Aida (pronounce A-EE-DA) has done exactly that.
It’s the first time in our Universe for her, she learns Sirius C.
And at the same time, to broaden her horizons, she has bonded with me to touch the Earth slightly just with the tip of her finger as it is a hugely alien Planet for her.
The concept of our Planet is bizarre, too risky and too big a gamble for her.
The information flows in two directions: from me to her, information about Earth.
She perceives it like we watch the news on the telly about something going on far away from us.
And the information she downloads into me – don’t be afraid to be different, to think different.
Your Superpower is in being different.
Be bold, be brave.
If everything goes as it always has been going, how do you expect the Earth to change?
If you want to see the new Earth, try a new approach and start with yourself.
So, what do Souls do during their incarnation on Sirius C?
The collective name for the Sirius C Souls is the Illumined Ones of Sirius C.
They are the Keepers of Sirius C, and 12 of them are the Elders.
Some of the Illumined Ones work with the specific area of Sirius C.

And some Souls have chosen to be the Guides and Communicators for the Souls visiting Sirius C.
It was my role on Sirius C to meet and welcome the visitors and take them to the area they resonated with.
I prefer to be flexible and move around!
I remember scanning their energy fields and instantly recognising which part of Sirius C was calling for them.
Maybe, they needed to experience the pure magic and alchemy of the Mother Sirius or Christ Light Pools or meet the wondrous Unicorns or learn about the enchanting Elementals or marvel at the glorious Golden and White Dragons of Sirius C…
The visitors, coming through the Portal from the other Universes, were usually “seen” by the Elders first.
And after they were very gently introduced to the Worlds of Sirius C and given the information about our Universe.
You won’t find a lot of Sirius C Starseeds on Earth.
Why would these special 9-dimensional Souls decide to go down in their vibration and incarnate in the lower Realms?
Because of the huge blazing flame of Love in their hearts and a burning desire to make difference in these Realms.
Imagine – their Souls have evolved through the millions of years, undergoing endless incarnations elsewhere, often in another Universe.
Their Light shines enormously bright during their last life’s Mission on Sirius C, but after coming back into the Spiritual Realm they want to embrace the whole World with their Love!
We expand as we evolve.
And they decide to go to the areas of the Universe where is less Love.
The famous examples of Starseeds originated from Sirius C include Jesus Christ and Mother Mary.
No one goes straight from Sirius C to Earth.
There is an abyss in dimensions between these two Worlds.
The Souls undertake the in-between incarnations on Sirius B, then sometimes Sirius A before an actual incarnation on Earth.
Jesus and Mother Mary experienced life on Sirius B first and then moved on to Earth, undertaking numerous lives before the Great Finale – their last life on Earth when they touched every heart and turned people’s consciousness around.
And their influence is alive forever!
Many centuries on, we still hold their Light in our hearts.
Of course, not everyone from Sirius C has as big a life’s Mission as Jesus Christ ( or Sananda in the Spiritual Realms) has had.
Jesus Christ and Mother Mary are huge figures!
But still remember – underneath many layers of your Being, at your core…
There is the blazing 9-dimensional Light.
There are millions of years of experience of the Old Soul.
There is YOU that you don’t know anything about.
There are the Knowledge and Love from another Universe…
14 Signs you originate from Sirius C:
- People feel something Angelic about you – your soft and beautiful light, your patience and your consideration for the imperfection of the world you live in.
Your kindness, love, and seeing the good in everyone and the silver lining in every situation.
You are trustworthy and unfortunately too trusty.
But as you mature, you grow in wisdom to discern who you can trust.
- You connect easily with Angels and Elementals because you’ve been used to rubbing shoulders with them on Sirius C.

You love Angels, Fairies, Dragons, and Mermaids and probably have got their figurines around your home and garden.
And as a part of your Life Contract, your own energy often gets an influx of Angelic or/and Elemental energy.
So, they can impact Earth directly through you.
As Lorna Byrne says in her famous book “Angels in my hair”: “The Angel dwells in your Soul”.
You are considered to be then the Earth (or incarnated) Angel or the Incarnated Elemental, the Incarnated Fairy, for instance.
This is the best book about Earth Angels, Incarnated Elementals, and other Lightworkers I read.
- You prefer to work on the background, you are not interested in fame and regalia.
Of course, Jesus was a leader, but only because his role required so!
Otherwise, he was the humblest and the most egoless man.
- There is always a distance between you and even the closest to you people.
You love being in your own world and feel uncomfortable and vulnerable for someone to get too close to you.
And there is a sacred place in your heart where no one is allowed.
- You have the Healing Gift, but you avoid working directly with people, for example, the hands-on massage.
You don’t like mixing directly with other people’s energy.
Distant Healing is your thing.
Actually, anything “distant” and “in the distance” is the right thing for you.
As everyone from Sirius is a Portal, you can bring the Healing energy through you and direct it anywhere it is needed.
- You possess Psychic Abilities – Clairvoyance (clear seeing), Clairaudience (clear hearing), Clairsentience (clear feeling), Claircognizance (clear knowledge), and others.
- You are good at Astral Projection.
- You love and feel drawn to the horses, wolves/dogs, whales, and dolphins as they’ve been your buddies in your Home World
- Sirius C has a connection with air and water, so, you are probably born under one of the air or water signs.
You love the fresh air and the space around you, and you probably have your windows open at night because you can’t sleep in the stuffy room.
And you take your love for the sea or the ocean to the next level.
You FEEL the sea, it’s not just a lot of water for you, but the powerful and AWE-some live Being.
And often it feels like a Home for you – you and the sea.
- You are a big-picture person, your vision embraces the whole world and beyond.
You feel like a Citizen of the Universe.
- You embrace the adventure, not always physical, but wanderings of your mind when you read the book.
You can’t stand to be stuck in the routine – all the same, day after day, month after month
- Your ideas and outlook on life are fresh, unorthodox, bold, and revolutionary.
- You can’t tolerate the heavy negative energy.
Unfortunately, it is all around us on Earth.
And I’m not talking about the negativity that mass media throws on us daily from our TVs and newspapers.
The soaps on the telly where everything always goes so wrong…
It seems impossible to escape because often you are born into a family with at least one very negative close relative.
As you grow in your consciousness, you notice that your friends and your spouse don’t really fit anymore in the happy and blissful picture of your life.
- You are super sensitive to sounds, you don’t tolerate loud and especially distressing
You want to cover your ears with your hands!
Even the sound of TV irritates you.
And of course, you have a silent clock in your bedroom.
You’ve been used to the Angelic music on Sirius C.
And you have experienced the sound healing on Sirius B, maybe even you were one of the sound therapists in your previous incarnation.
Harsh and loud sounds on Earth shock your sensitive system.
Because of your unique perception of sounds, Guided Meditations work well for you.
Also, you have the talent to create Healing Meditations.
But remember that no one goes straight from Sirius C to Earth.
Even Jesus had the incarnation on Sirius B and Venus before entering the Earth Realms.
You accumulated the traits of Sirius B and possibly Sirius A in your in-between time as well.

My dear Sirius C Starseed,
First of all, set firm boundaries for yourself.
People will try to walk all over you.
Protect your time and space.
Have time for yourself, the “quality you time”.
Spend time in nature.
Remember to give love to the little child inside you.
Yes, you are a big girl or a big boy now, but still, marvel at the Earth’s wonders!
That big boat at the sea, that dragonfly or a tiny bug you stopped your eyes at.
Laugh and joke often.
And remember that Souls from the 9-dimensional World incarnate on Earth for a special reason.
The BIG reason!
Only your Soul knows what this reason is.
Look inside your heart, and it will reveal your special Mission on Earth.
Follow the little nudges and the quiet voice of your intuition.
Treasure your precious life and your special chance to make difference on Earth.
Know your Gift and give it away.
You have pure Gold to give to this Planet.
Earth needs your unique talents.
That’s what you volunteered to incarnate here for in these crucial for Earth times…
To turn around the history of Earth and bring it out of the darkness…
To the new Golden Future.
If you liked this article, you also might be interested to read:
- Can you be a Sirius Starseed (Sirius A)?
- Starseeds Types, Sirius B
- Starseeds and their Characteristics
- Can you be an Avian Starseed?
- Urmah Star Race and Urmah Starseeds
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Lots of Love and Brightest Blessings,
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Thank you for such a well-written and beautiful text.
I am recently told from my spirit guide that i am a starseed. After this i found out i was the sirian sort, and later even sirius C. I do not know much about this, or anything really, and im still not 100% sure its true. I heard my light and energy is extremely strong and rather rare, according to a few psychics and spiritual teachers. But is there any way for me to know for sure or to train myself to remember?
I will start my soulmission now, which is to guide and help the newly awakened people. Share my wisdom, so to speak, wherever it is. I feel more like a baby in the dark than a soul full of wisdom
I will try this meditation of yours, as i feel i could need even more spiritual help to find myself and my inner voice and wisdom.
If this doesnt work, do you make readings etc?
Thank you so much again ❤️
Best regards,
Hi Zoya,
When you work on yourself, following the best Spiritual practices like Meditation, for example, you will return to your Soul, and the information will become available to you again.
It will happen in its own time, you can’t hurry it.
Follow your Path as the gentle, quiet, and loving voice of Intuition leads you.
And no, I don’t offer readings anymore.
Love from Irina
This article is absolutely wonderful. I went into meditation recently to connect with sirius ( lakumay in particular) and every single word you mentioned here I saw in my own way. I had to go through a water planet first where i was given a blue pearl then I got to sirius c which is where I met I large guide a motherly figure who also looked like me and so much more, Incredible! Thank you so much
You are more than welcome!
Thank you for your beautiful comment.
Bless you!