Ursa Major (the Great Bear) Starseeds
If you are in the Northern Hemisphere, take a look at the starry sky on a clear night and you will see clearly the Big Dipper or the Plough or scientifically correctly the Ursa Major Constellation.

Now notice the small shiny Star in the bottom left corner of the Big Dipper.
See it? The Star is called Phecda.
If you could zoom into that tiny shiny dot, you would discover a Planet, revolving around
Carry on, zoom further into the Planet.
Oh, it’s a pink Planet! Get closer, and you will see bountiful Nature – forests, shining lakes, reflecting the pink light of their sun and… What is that? Or who is that?
The strange but definitely humanoid figures.
Yes, the Planet is inhabitable.
It is a Home for the ancient civilization who call themselves Liakishians.
Could you start your Soul journey on Liakish?
Could you be an Ursa Major Starseed?..
Let’s take a look at the Ursa Major Constellation and its Stars first.
Ursa Major Constellation
According to Wikipedia, “Ursa Major (also known as the Great Bear) is a constellation in the northern sky, it was one of the original 48 constellations listed by Ptolemy in the second century AD.
Today it is the third-largest (after Hydra and Virgo) of the original 88 largest constellations.
Ursa Major is primarily known for the asterism of its main seven stars, which has been called the “Big Dipper”, “The Wagon”, or “The Plough”, among other names.
Ursa Major is significant to numerous world cultures, often as a symbol of the north.
Its depiction on the flag of Alaska is a modern example of such symbolism.”

Ursa Major consists of 7 Stars:
# Merak,
# Dubhe (the second brightest Star of Ursa Major),
# Megrez,
# Phecda,
# Alioth (the brightest Star of Ursa Major),
# Mizar (the double Star with its companion Alcor),
# Alkaid (the third brightest Star of Ursa Major).
Only two Planets of Ursa Major are a Home for the life forms.
One of them is the World called Liakish in Phecda’s Star System, mentioned above.
And you can find the other one in the double Stars System – Mizar and Alcor.
The Planet Oyanti boasts stunning Nature – a cornucopia of plants and animals, but no humanoids.
Oyanti is a place for Souls to go for pleasure, fun, and retreat between lives.
The World of Oyanti
The incredible natural beauty of the place and absence of humanoids attracts the Souls to come and spend some time, reviving themselves, petting and playing with animals, watching mums and their youngsters’ adorable antics, walking through the woods, sitting by the lake or a waterfall.
The animals can feel the Souls, and they are not afraid.
Fear doesn’t exist in this World, there are no predators, a lot of fruits and greenery to eat, and the lovely temperature all year round – about 40 – 46 degrees of Celsium (would be a bit too hot for me).
The sky is pink with two suns, sometimes they can see only one sun and rarely the both their suns disappear behind the horizon, and the darkness falls about once in three months of our time, but their night lasts for about 72 hours.
They have no seas or oceans, the surface of the Planet is covered in forests, jungles, lakes, rivers, and brooks.
The strip of red sand frames the lakes.
Actually, the colours of red, pink, yellow, and orange dominate on Oyanti.

The trees are the natural Healers for animals.
In a rare case, if someone feels under the weather, they look for the tree that would help them.
Animals clime on the leafy brunch of this yellow, red, pink, or orange tree and rest there whilst the tree works its magic on them.
But we will focus our attention on the Home World for Ursa Major Starseeds – their beloved Liakish.
Liakish, the Home of Ursa Major Starseeds
Liakish is a Planet, designed for the Souls, experiencing their first incarnations.
When a new Soul is out of the Nursery after being looked after lovingly by the Souls – Mothers, it is assigned to the newly formed cluster of the young Souls, showing similar qualities.
The Souls spend time together and form relationships, one of the Souls will become the main Soul Mate, and the other one – the Soul Companion, which is very close, but not as close as the Soul Mate is.
And then at some point, the Souls will be ready for incarnations.
The Souls will incarnate together over thousands of lives, but sometimes skip the rule for mutual benefit.
For the very first incarnations, the Guide normally suggests a mild Planet, where the Soul only touches slightly the physical aspect of life.
Liakish is the Paradise Planet with breathtaking scenery, designed specifically for this purpose.

Looking very similar to Oyanti, with a bright pink sky and lush forests, lakes, and waterfalls, beautiful birds and animals, Liakish strikes the imagination of the newly arrived Soul, and the Love stays in their heart forever!
How do they arrive?
They are not getting born into the World.
There is a huge Welcome Temple on Liakish, and extremely experienced Souls – Creators (both in incarnation and discarnates) build the additional bodies for the Soul – emotional, mental, and physical.
It takes time, their work is complicated and precise.
The physical body doesn’t look as dense as the Earth’s one is.
Liakishians are transparent and have a human shape, surrounded by soft white light.
The Elders have the blue halo.
Imagine the clear water, taking the shape of a human.
Liakishians don’t talk, communicating telepathically.
Their World is filled with the sounds of Nature only.

But they can see and hear physically and experience a physical touch.
As the new bodies grow and get stronger, the new Liakishian only ventures out in the circular inner yard, full of plants, flowers, and water features.
The very Temple is round (like a ring), embracing the inner yard.
When she (I call her “she” because the Feminine energy dominates on Liakish, but they are actually sexless) is ready to face the World, the Temple’s Priest introduces her to the Elders.
And they announce the big and exciting news – the new Liakishian is “born”!
The Community throws a massive Celebration to welcome the new person to join them.
Everyone comes forward in turn, puts one hand on their chest and the other hand on the middle of the newcomer’s chest (where the heart chakra is), and translates the thought telepathically: “All the Love of my Heart…”.
There is a lot of dancing, they hear the same music in their heads.
Liakishians don’t play musical instruments, preferring to listen to the sounds of Nature – the whisper of the breeze, the rustling of the leaves and grasses, babbling of the water, the birds’ songs.
The little house is built already for the new Liakishian from the thin branches, looking like the Indian Vigvam, adorned with flowers.
She feels so much loved, welcome, and looked after by the Community already.
Life on Liakish
The purpose of incarnation on Liakish is to introduce gently the physical reality to a young Soul, to give the first impressions of the physical World.
They don’t come there to learn, just to live for the moment and experience life.
On arrival to Liakish, the Amnesia Veil is not placed on their memory.
They remember it all and savour every minute of their life on Liakish.
The World of Liakish is amazing, colourful and reminds of the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve lived happily and innocently until the damn snake ruined it all, tempting them to taste a forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Liakishians live in blissful ignorance, not knowing anything about Good and Evil.
All they know is Love of their Father – God, this perfect sweet Love they bring with them to Liakish…
The new Souls get used to living in a physical Community.
Time seems to stop on Liakish.
The people explore the Planet, seeing Magic and beautiful Surprises everywhere and in every moment.
They look at the World with the wide-open eyes of a child, full of awe and wonder.
Liakishians live in a perpetual state of Love, loving every sunset and sunrise, every plant and flower, every animal they come across, every stream and waterfall.

And moreover, they love other people, they exchange Love, the Love flows in the pink air of Liakish.
And they love that special person in their life – their Soul Mate, their bond becomes stronger and stronger.
They learn a new aspect of Love – to love them as a physical person.
To touch their warm skin, to hug them…
The memories of Liakish will stay in their hearts forever, and they always will be longing to re-experience the same pure sweet Love which is so hard to find on Earth.
History of Ursa Major Starseeds
After about three initial lives on Liakish, The Souls are offered to move forward and start learning.
They don’t want to say Good-Bye to Liakish, but their Guides nudges work.
And they understand that in order to grow and develop they have to incarnate elsewhere.
Earth has the reputation of a very harsh Planet and isn’t normally the first choice for the former Liakishian.
Only very brave (often foolishly brave), adventurous and daring young Souls volunteer to go straight away here.
Also, they are stubborn, ignoring the warning of their Guides, that Earth is a difficult place for the gentle Soul to be.
Liakishians choose normally a more peaceful Planet for their next incarnation, often in the Pleiades Star System.
And only after, having more experience under their belt, they feel ready for the Earth.
Also, if Ursa Major Starseeds have incarnated elsewhere between Earth and Liakish, their previous incarnation can send strong signals, interfering with memories of Liakish.
And they believe that they are, for example, Pleiadian Starseeds.
But in reality, they are Liakish-Pleiadian Starseeds.
Pure Ursa Major Starseeds are quite rare on the Earth.
Anyway, here come the main Signs and Traits of Ursa Major Starseeds:
Ursa Major Starseeds Traits
#1 Sweet and tender gentleness
Ursa Major Starseeds have pure and innocent Souls and an atmosphere of gentleness around them
#2 Naiveness and Trustiness
Lies don’t exist on Liakish and also in the World of Spirits.
Ursa Major Starseeds seem so gullible to the others and get a shock of their life coming across someone’s hypocrisy, deceit, and lies.
#3 Romantics
Ursa Major Starseeds are the hopeless romantics, enjoying all the sweet stuff, so meaningful for them.
St Valentine’s day is not for one day, but for life!

#4 They thrive on Love
They exude Love, they live and breeze Love.
No Starseed needs to feel sweet Love as much as Ursa Major one does.
It’s an eternal search for that perfect unconditional Love they have known once but can’t find it on Earth.
The nostalgia, leaving a void in their heart that they can’t fill.
Pleiadian Starseeds are weaved of Love too, but their Love is more mature and healing.
Ursa Major Starseeds Love is the core of their essence, very innocent and pure.
#5 Love for Animals
They consider Animals as equal to humans and believe that every Animal has the right to live a happy life in a safe and enjoyable environment.
Ursa Major Starseeds often become the advocates for Animals’ rights.
#6 Vegans or Vegetarians
And of course, they won’t eat those they love!
#7 Feminine
Liakish is a very Feminine place with the energy of Love, Nurturing, Caring, and Gentleness dominating.
And Ursa Major Starseed, even born in a man’s body, will demonstrate these qualities.
#8 Anxiety and Depression
Finding themselves in the Earth’s harsh environment, lacking in Love, and coming across aggression, betrayal, cruelty, and other “nice” stuff we face here, Ursa Major Starseeds often develop anxiety and depression.
#9 Intuitive and Spiritual
Highly Intuitive and seeing the World with their Hearts, Ursa Major Starseeds are drawn to the Angels, Natural Healing, Shamanism, Elementals, and Crystals.

#10 Inquisitive
Ursa Major Starseeds have inquisitive minds and a desire to learn and experience.
#11 Loving Fun and time to play
“Girls just wanna have fun!”, – it’s about them, Ursa Major Starseeds.
#12 Impatient, don’t like stagnation
They strive to develop and progress, to become the best version of themselves, and can’t stand being stuck in a “quiet bog” when everything stands still.
They long positive changes, achievement, and moving forward.
#13 Stubborn
They call it “determined” though, but Ursa Major Starseed can be as stubborn as a herd of donkeys!
# 14 Inner Strength
Remember that Ursa Major means the Great Bear, and these Starseeds can look like flushing roses, but inside they have the Power and Spirit of the Bear.

You can’t bring them down.
They might go through Anxiety and Depression, but they WILL bounce back.
# 15 Perfectionists and Love for an organized life
They want to see the World in perfect order and often suffer from perfectionism.
# 16 Have no “thick skin” and don’t take criticism lightly
Ursa Major Starseeds’ confidence suffers major blows on the Earth.
They start feeling disorientated and don’t know what to believe in.
Criticism (even the constructive one) hits hard and disheartens them.
# 17 Soft and delicate manners
They treat others with kindness and gentleness.
Discreet, sensitive, thoughtful and delicate…
Remember? “All the Love of my Heart…”
Ursa Major Starseeds role on Earth
If the Earth is their next destination after Liakish, they are here to learn and grow, to discover their special talents and gifts, and start accumulating Wisdom, dealing with challenges.
Ursa Major Starseeds spread the Love wherever they go and contribute to the World to be a better place.
It’s not necessarily their first life on Earth, they could have a string of lives here already, continuing to learn, polishing the facets of their uniqueness and turning from a rough gem into a Diamond.
Having the greater experience after many lives elsewhere in the Universe, they normally share the role and energy of the Star System/s they’ve been used to live with the special talents and offerings of their Soul.
And collectively, Ursa Major Starseeds alongside other Lightworkers build a new happy future for our Planet.

Advice for Ursa Major Starseeds
Don’t get disheartened when life doesn’t turn out as you want it to be.
There is a lot of bad, but a lot of good too.
There always will be kind people when you need them.
Apart from the visible and tangible World, there is the invisible one.
You are not supposed to see your Guides, Angels and other tireless Divine helpers, it’s a part of the game, but they are real.
And they love and bless, guide and support you.
The elusive sweet Love that you are desperately seeking, does exist.
If you can’t find it anywhere, become it, embody it, radiate it.
Let your Love spread, embrace your home, your town, your country, and the whole World!
You are the best Gift to this Planet, remember it.
If you liked my article about Ursa Major Starseeds, you also might be interested to read more about Starseeds:
Starseeds and their Characteristics
Can you be a Sirius Starseed (Sirius A)?
Pleiadian Starseeds… Can you be One?
Lyran Starseeds, their Traits, Purpose, and Mission
Ursa Minor (the Little Bear) Starseeds
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All my Love and Blessings,
Featured image: Depositphotos
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Hi Dear Irina
When I was a child whenever I looked at the sky I thought I was there. I was looking for Ursa Major . I didn’t know why? I thought lost here and my home was there. I am 57 years now so I have same feelings yet.
I read about other starseed . Cirrus starseed is too close to me. I wanna go to cirrus after life. I don’t wanna come back to the earth again. Thank you for all For all your knowledge and guidance. ♥️
Dear Forough, you have come from the Stars and of course, you keep looking nostalgically at the night sky missing your Planet.
But you are here for a reason.
Imagine that some country has been devastated by some force, such as an earthquake.
And you volunteer nobly to help that country and the people to overcome the disaster and bring peace and happiness back to that land.
You and other volunteers fly over, roll up your sleeves, and work tirelessly and selflessly to restore the unfortunate country.
You came to Earth to light this Planet up, set this World on fire, and also, get an interesting experience for your Soul, sort of an excursion into the Snakes Reserve.
Hope, it helps.
Thank you so much for this Irina, from the bottom of my heart ❤️ thank you so much it has brought lots of clarity to rediscovering my soul origin. Feeling the connection to Liakish and Ursa Major in general. Love you so much THANK YOU!!
Awww thank you, Keren, for your beautiful message!
Lots of Love to you too.
Hi Irina, you have a great blog. My soul originates from Mizar and Alcor. Do they resonate with Liakish? I hope so, I do have a lot of the above traits. Thanks.
Hi Gary,
Look for the answer in your heart.
If your beautiful Soul resonates with the World of Liakish and you recognise a lot of traits as your own, then yes, Liakish has been your Home for your first-ever physical incarnation.
Love from Irina