Archangel Sabriel, the Mighty Angel of Miracles
Archangel Sabriel is often unacknowledged and works humbly behind the scenes.
Despite being the Angel with the most Potent and Unique energy.
His name means ‘Hero of God’.
And he deserves this name!
He storms in like a Superhero to save or turn around someone’s life.
Imagine someone hitting rock bottom, with no hope, and no way out.
And suddenly, a Miracle happens.
Something unexpected and impossible to comprehend comes out of the blue, pushing them up out of the black pit of despair, and back to the Light!
But do you realise that there is the Angel, responsible for this miracle?
Archangel SABRIEL or his other name Archangel SABRAEL.
What does Archangel Sabriel look like?
Archangel Sabriel’s main colours are Emerald Green and Light Blue.

Together, they create an impression of the Turquoise Angel.
Emerald Green colour stands for Healing and the Light Blue one – for calming anxieties and worries.
When the Blue colour darkens and intensifies, his Powers turn into the energy of Protection.
Archangel Sabriel’s element is Water.
When Archangel Sabriel is challenging the Darkness, you can see Blue Sword in his hand.
And when he channels his Divine Alchemy to perform the Miracles, he uses the transparent crystal magic wand.
The crystal to connect with Archangel Sabriel’s energy is Peridot.
What does Archangel Sabriel do?
As it was mentioned before, his specialty is Miracles which can be applied to any area of life:
✅ He is fantastic at Cleansing, tackling the most stubborn energetic debris, negative implants, imprints, and other not-nice stuff in human aura.
Call on Archangel Sabriel to perform the powerful Cleansing.
He is even more effective than Dragons who often invite Archangel Sabriel in difficult cases for support.
✅ Archangel Sabriel is called the Angel of Impossible Healing as well, bringing the Miracle into the most hopeless situation.
His Emerald Green Light is the Light of Divine Healing.
✅ He works with relationships, dissolving blocks and helping to move forward.
Also, he would love for you to meet your Soulmate if you are single and think that it is a Mission Impossible to meet your half.
Archangel Sabriel works hand in hand with his Twin Flame Archangel Alkira, whom you will meet later.
✅ Archangel Sabriel loves coming to people and showing them the light at the end of the tunnel in the most desperate situation.
He is the Hope Bringer and Light Shower.
✅ He enjoys the role of the Magician, pulling out of the hat a bunny suddenly for you, surprising you, and putting a smile on your face.
Beautiful little surprises go a long way.
✅ Archangel Sabriel gives people that little push to do acts of kindness.
You never know what that kind gesture might mean to someone.
Maybe, another person has been on the verge of a breakdown, but someone, simply being kind to them, has saved them.
Sometimes, it is enough to smile, and the other person smiles shyly back at you.
Faith in humanity is restored.
✅ He orchestrates the signs from the Angels, stopping us in our tracks, when we see the beautiful butterfly or dragonfly, a stunning flower, the rainbow, and the rays of sunshine piercing the dark clouds.
And you get this warm and fuzzy feeling in your heart that All Is Well.
To put it simply, Archangel Sabriel demonstrates to you that the Impossible is Possible when you have Hope, Trust, and Faith inside your Soul.
The Miracles become your Way of Life…
A prayer to invoke Archangel Sabriel
Dear Archangel Sabriel,
I humbly ask you for nothing but the Miracle.
I tried so hard, I exhausted all options, but nothing worked.
And now only the Miracle can save me.
Please, help me, I feel I’m pushed to the corner with no way out.
I ask for your Divine Intervention and put my Hope and my Life into your loving and strong hands.
Thank you.
Archangel Alkira, the Protector of Abused, Grieving, Disadvantaged, Deprived, and Underprivileged
Let’s meet Archangel Sabriel’s Twin Flame, beautiful Archangel Alkira.

She is a feminine part of their union.
Her colours are gentle Pink and delicate Silver with dashes of Gold.
Her energies are Love, the Moon, and the Sun.
Archangel Alkira is connected with Venus as well, the Planet of Love and the Universal Heart Chakra.
What does Archangel Alkira do?
✅ Archangel Alkira supports people in Grief who have lost their Loved Ones.
She wraps her comforting Pink and Silver energy around them.
When they are ready to move on, she restores their Strength and Joy by injecting Gold into their aura.
✅ Archangel Alkira works with people, going through Abuse and Cruelty.
She keeps them in her loving wings and whispers into their subconscious that they are precious, they are loved, they are worthy.
They will get through it with her help.
Her Golden sparkles trigger the long-lost sense of Power inside of them.
So, they can stand up to their Abusers and fight for themselves.
✅ She spreads her Pink-and-Silver wings over people, experiencing devastation and catastrophes, in the middle of natural disasters and wars.
Millions of her Angels work tirelessly in such places on our Planet.
✅ Archangel Alkira is there for disadvantaged people, the disabled, or those living in poverty.
She wraps her wings around them, comforts them, and nudges them onto the way where the solution to their problems awaits.
She sees a lot of pain and grief.
And her job is never done…

Archangels Sabriel and Alkira’s Retreats
To rest, both Archangels enjoy their Spiritual Retreats in Guatemala, South America.
The Retreats are located in Parque National Laguna Lachua.
Visualisation to visit Archangels Sabriel and Alkira in their Retreats in Guatemala
Listen to the Visualisation on YouTube.
Or carry on reading.
Make sure you won’t be disturbed.
Sit down or lie down in a comfortable position.
Close your eyes.
Take some deep breaths.
Inhaling the light…
Exhaling worries, anxiety, any negative energy…
Inhale the Light and see it moving down along your body, your legs, and your feet into the ground where Archangel Sandalphon anchors it for you.
The Earth responds with a stream of Light, coming up into your body.
So, the energy circulates between you and our loving Planet…
Inhale the Light again and send it this time up through your head into the Universe where Archangel Metatron accepts it and returns his Light to you.
So, the Light circulates between you and Heaven.
Feel yourself held gently but strongly between the Earth and Heaven.
You are safe, overlooked by Archangels Sandalphon and Metaron.
Relaxing deeper and deeper…
See yourself in a bubble of Light taking off and floating high in the sky…
Out of your town, out of your country…
Perhaps, moving the oceans…
Until you find yourself above Guatemala in South America.
Head to the Parque National Laguna Lachua.
Land your bubble on the sand next to Laguna Lachua Lake.

The bubble dissolves.
You sit down at the beautiful lake with crystal-clear water.
No one around, you have it all for yourself…
Then someone joins you.
You look up and see the man in a long turquoise robe.
Archangel Sabriel himself.
He reaches out to you, and you take his hand.
You both stand now and look at the lake.
Suddenly, you notice the white staircase in the water.
The steps lead down to the bottom of the lake.
Archangel Sabriel touches you, and you realise that you have the transparent protective suit on you, repeating the contours of your body and containing the air inside.
Archangel Sabriel doesn’t need any suits, water is his element.
You both get in the water and start descending deeper and deeper into the lake along the staircase.
You can see the water and sunlight right above your head.
The staircase ends at the simply built silver building.
The next thing you know you are inside the building.
The protective suit is gone as you breathe the air inside.
The first thing you notice is that the three walls of the building in front of you are transparent, and you can watch the life of the lake, which is fascinating!

Fish swims unhurriedly on their own business past the huge glass walls of the building.
There are two white armchairs, looking very comfortable, in the middle of the room.
Archangel Sabriel takes a seat in one of them, gesturing you to the other.
You take the seat too.
You feel the crystals, embedded into the armrests, under the palms of your hands and take a look at them.
There are three big crystals – blue, green, and golden yellow, – on both sides of your chair.
You sense them sending the currents of energy into your hands, along your arms into your body.
Archangel Sabriel encourages you to share with him what brought you to him.
Of course, he knows already, but still tell him about struggles in your life and ask him for help.
Archangel Sabriel nods that from now on he will be on your case by your side, sprinkling his magic into your life.
Spend as much time as needed with Archangel Sabriel in his Underwater Retreat, relaxing and watching all sorts of fish on another side of the glass.
But it is time to leave.
Archangel Sabriel makes the protective suit magically appear on you, and off you go.
All the way back, along the white staircase, to the shore of the lake Lachua.
But that’s not all!
Next, you see the Golden and White Staircase right in front of you, leading somewhere up in the air.
Archangel Sabriel invites you to follow him.
After climbing up it seems for ages, you reach the Golden and intricately detailed round building, suspended in the air.
Its Golden ornate decorations gleam under the Sun.
You enter the building and the stunningly beautiful woman, dressed in the long flowing Pink and Silver dress, with shiny Silver hair despite her young and radiant looks, greets you warmly and gives you a big hug.
You feel at ease and very comfortable straight away.
You look around – the interior is simple and feminine.
The big white super squishy and fluffy sofa, the soft long pile carpet, and the golden walls that are not static.
The Golden energy seems to move in the perpetual flow from the top of the walls down.
So, the Golden Retreat shines like the second Sun onto the Earth.
You sit down on the sofa between two Archangels and feel so good!
Before you know it, you confide in the Archangel Alkira about all the pain and fear you endured on Earth.
She listens to you and enfolds you in her Silver wings.
You feel her tear drop down on your cheek and roll slowly.
But this tear brings a sudden solace to you.
The heavy destructive energies, tearing you inside, leave your body now.
You feel her liquid Pink and Silver Light enter you and mix with your energy, offering you comfort, hope, faith, and self-belief.
The influx of Golden energy follows, and you know that you are protected, you are safe.
You stay in gentle, but strong Archangel’s Alkira hug for a while…
When you are ready, thank both Archangels and come back to the shore of the lake Lachua.
You haven’t noticed that you spent all day with them.
It’s the evening, the Sun goes down.
Watch the most amazing sunset.
Leave all your trouble in today.
Let the Sun, disappearing slowly under the horizon, take the trouble with it.
The new day will be born tomorrow, and you will be reborn with it…
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Love from Irina and Archangels Sabriel and Alkira💖✨😇
Thank you Irina
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This is what I won’t follow to lead for Good life I need to follow you to meet Angeles