Archangel Muriel
I first met Archangel Muriel many years ago.
Every night, I could feel and see the blush pink with a touch of silver energy fill my home and envelop me.
The very gentle and loving energy.
And when I was falling asleep, I heard someone whispering into my ear ‘I’m Muriel…’.
Since, I got used to her energy and called on her every time I was in bed asking her to stay with me all night for the best sleep.
I was curious about her because for me she was just the Angel of the Night.
I wanted to know more, and I asked Muriel about her.
Oh boy firstly, Archangel Muriel is not the Archangel, but Power according to the Angelic Hierarchy.
If you don’t remember, the Angels are divided into Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels.
God created Powers to fight the Evil in this Universe and others.
They are normally the Warrior type of Angels keeping the Dark side under control.

But Muriel is different, she represents the Power of Love.
The Darkness is helpless in the presence of Muriel’s flowy Blush Pink energy of pure Divine Love.
The Darkness melts and turns into Love when Muriel is near…
Archangel Muriel is the enlightened 9-dimensional Angel, and working with her on Earth is a privilege.
She has to bring her Light down to connect with us.
Muriel is known as the Perfume of God, and her name Muriel derives from the Greek word ‘myrra’ for fragrance myrrh.
People blessed with Psychic Smell Ability (Clairalience) can smell the sweet flowery perfume when Muriel is around.
Muriel’s energy
Her energy feels gentle and loving, enveloping you in glistening blush pink mist, sweet like marshmallows, calming, nurturing, and protecting.
Muriel’s duties on Earth
Asked about her responsibilities on Earth, Muriel replied:
Help with heavy emotions like anxiety and worries,
Enlightenment, Ascension,
Muriel works with highly sensitive people, also known as Empaths, because their loving and beautiful nature attracts a lot of attention from the people harbouring the lower energies, whose Souls cry for help.
And the Empaths’ energy is like a nectar for them.
Empathic people are generous and give all of themselves to others, depleting their own energy.
Here Archangel Muriel steps in to protect those sensitive and gracious people.

You can feel her presence at night, but it doesn’t mean that she is with you only at nighttime.
It’s simply easier to notice the ethereal presence at night when the World slows down and it is quiet.
Also, our emotions are rawer, and we feel more vulnerable and anxious at night, needing Muriel more than ever.
Her gentle Pink energy is like a blessing for us at night.
That’s why Muriel is the Queen of the night.
Muriel protects you when your guards are down at night.
She protects you and your physical surroundings and protects your Spirit when you travel at night to see your Spiritual Guides.
Help with anxiety and worries
Muriel’s Sweet Magic of Love enters your energy fields dissolving the heavy and murky emotions and transmuting them into calm and hope.
Peace washes through your body.
You know that all is well, and everything will turn out OK.
Enlightenment, Ascension
Muriel is the high-vibrational 9-dimension Being.
Every time you encounter her, she infuses your energy fields with her blazing Blush Pink Light.
Her colours stand for:

🩷Pink – Divine Love,
🤍White – Source, Purity,
🩶Silver – Femininity, Nurturing.
In her presence, you can’t help to ascend.
Your DNA is changing.
The cells and atoms of your body are changing, configuring into a new structure – the crystalline one.
You can hold more high-vibrational energy as all your energetic bodies move into the 5th dimension.
You re-discover your abilities that you never knew you had.
You get a new taste for life which is Joy, Contentment, Fulfilment…
You won’t be able to reach the 9th dimension when you are in a physical form on Earth.
The highest ever dimension you will be able to touch slightly with your fingertips whilst in a physical body is the 6th dimension.
For anything higher, you have to be in the Disembodied Spirit form.
The beautiful Pink waves of Muriel’s energy wash through your system, dissolving any dense and dark spots and leaving you feeling light and purified.
The Power of Love fills your entire body.
You are loved, and you are Love.
Muriel reminds you about the Balance and the Divine Scales.
When you put too much on one side of the scales, the opposite force gets activated straight away according to the Universal Law of Balance, diminishing your efforts.
There are generally 4 areas of life: work, family, rest/leisure, and self-development.
They each should get roughly 25% of your time and energy.
When you cram everything on one plate, other areas start to suffer.
And actually, whatever you put all your efforts into, crumbles too.
Muriel helps you to organise your life in a more balanced way, whispering into your ear and nudging you in the right direction.
The World around you seems uncertain and frightening, but despite it, Muriel asks you to develop the attitude of ‘Sweet Harmony’ for your own World.
Whatever happens outside, you don’t have to bring it into your World.
Protect your World, the World of Sweet Harmony.
Trust and Believe that you live in the Harmonious World, and it will transform most spectacularly.
I know it’s hard, but focus on the sweet little moments: see the beauty of Nature, the smile and laugh of the child, the funny pets.
Do you remember the saying ‘Stop and smell the roses’?
Smell the roses, and for the moment, only the roses exist in your World.
Gradually, the manure will clear out of your life, leaving only the sweet smell of roses.
You need Archangel Muriel in your life if:
✅ You feel anxious, worried, depressed,
✅ You can’t go to sleep at night,
✅ You want your Home to feel cosy, sweet, and lovely,
✅ You need Protection,
✅ You want your Light to grow,
✅ Your life feels out of Balance and Harmony.
We live in a tumultuous World, we are ridden with anxiety and worries.
And we need like the sweet honey for our Souls this beautiful Blush Pink Angel.
Muriel and the Book of Souls
Apart from her signature Blush Pink colour, the Book of Souls is the other symbol of Archangel Muriel.
It is a book, containing information about every Soul created in this Universe and the Journey of this Soul from the moment of creation.

Ups and downs, soaring high and going lower exploring and learning from the lower-dimensional worlds.
Like this 3D World on Earth, for example.
Accumulating Wisdom, Skills, Love, Understanding, and Non-judgement…
There are pages dedicated to you.
Muriel as the Power Angel overlooks and watches directly over your Soul like your Guardian Angel watches over you in your current incarnation.
Visualisation to visit Muriel in her Retreat
Muriel is the Universal Angel, and her Retreat is not on Earth, but in the higher planes.
It looks like a series of gardens, each garden from a different place in the Universe, connected by the arched Entrances entwined in the blossoming climbing plants.
The Japanese-style (but filled with pink blossom) garden represents the Earth, it is the garden which the visitors from other Planets are invited to visit.
But you, the Being from Earth, Muriel will take to the garden from your childhood, the sweet nostalgic memories, or the garden of your dreams as you can imagine it, or your favourite place in Nature.
If Muriel can’t locate the memory or the dream, she will invite you to her Japanese garden…
We will go to the Japanese garden in this Visualisation.
Let’s start…
As always, close your eyes, see the Light falling on you from above, the Crystalline Rainbow Light.
The Light washes through your body, every cell, blood and bones, it flows in your veins.
You notice the other wave of Light, entering your energy fields from the Earth, the loving Silver Light, embracing your feet, your calves, moving up your legs into your hips and belly, grounding you safely into the Earth.
The Light of Archangel Sandalphon.
Spend some time tuning into these two Lights.
We invite now Archangel Michael to surround you in his Deep Blue Light of Protection.
See this Light flowing from above and all around you.
Archangel Metatron steps forward, filling the room you are in with his gorgeous Gold Orange Fire, sealing the walls, ceiling, and floor of your room.
Feel your energy rise higher and vibrate faster as if you are plugged into an electric socket.
And you call on Archangel Muriel ‘Come, be with me now.’
The colour of the room changes from Fiery Orange to Gentle Pink.
Archangel Metatron moves back, bowing his head and letting Muriel take the central place in the room.
She looks at you with so much Love and Compassion.
You can physically feel her Love envelop and caress you.
The glistening Blush Pink Mist dances in the air slowly, and you feel so good, so peaceful, so calm, so much loved, so much looked after.
Muriel takes your hand, you feel the pleasant electric current run through your body, and your energy turns Pink.
All you can see in front of your eyes is Pink.
When the Pink Mist clears, you are not in your room anymore, but sitting on the bench next to Muriel in the middle of the beautiful garden.
Take your time to look around and absorb the surroundings.
Sakuras, the Japanese Cherry Trees, in full bloom, completely covered in clouds of pink blossom.
You are sitting next to the pond, stocked with koi carp.

The colourful curious fish swim toward you, and you can’t help leaning forward and stroking their wet noses.
The sound of the water gently cascading and running through the rocks into the pond fills your ears.
And perhaps you notice the sweet perfume in the air from the pink climbing Roses, Honeysuckle, and Jasmin, covering the stone walls.
Muriel draws your attention to the Gold-and-Pink Carp approaching you.
‘It’s not an ordinary Carp, but the Wishing One.’
‘Whisper your Wish to him, and the Wish will come true.’
Think carefully about your heartfelt Wish, lean forward, and whisper to the Magical Carp.
The Carp closes his eyes and opens them again, looking like inside your Soul.
It is done.
You thank the Carp and stroke his head and back.
One swift movement – and the Carp dives deep down the pond, disappearing from the view.
You turn your eyes to Muriel who has the Pink Jasmin’s flowers in her hands, looking like the little pink stars and smelling heavenly.
Muriel places one of these glowing stars into each of your Chakras.
‘That’s my present to you’ Muriel says gently, ‘From now on, I’m always with you.’
And she plants a kiss on your forehead.
Muriel breathes her Light into your Third Eye, so you can see clearly the Truth of your Soul.
You can discern between the Lies and Truth on Earth, see the hidden agenda, and the marvellous Plan of God and the Universe for the Earth’s Golden Future.
You thank Muriel, and she takes both your hands into hers, the pleasant electric currents run through your body again from her hands.
The shiny Pink Mist thickens, and when it clears, you are back in your room.
Thank other Archangels too: Michael, Sandalhon, and Metatron.
Feel your physical body, wriggle your fingers, feel your feet on the floor.
Open your eyes.
Prayer to Archangel Muriel
I always mention that the best Prayer comes from your Heart and is made with your own words.
Just say what you feel.
Or say it silently in your head.
Archangel Muriel is listening and ready to help.
Your own Prayer, even if you think it’s clumsy and chaotic, works much better than the generic Prayer.
Don’t worry that you haven’t expressed yourself properly and might confuse Muriel.
Your energy speaks louder than your words.
Muriel knows what you need…
Here is an example of the general Prayer to Muriel:
‘Archangel Muriel,
Radiant Being of Compassion and Understanding,
Guardian of Divine Peace and Harmony.
I call upon your loving presence.
Surround me with your Light and guide me to a place of Inner Serenity.
Help me trust my Intuition and hear the whispers of my Soul.
Fill my heart with Compassion and Grace, so I may bring Comfort to those in need.
Bless me with the Courage to release fear and worry and replace them with Faith and Joy.
Assist me in seeing Beauty and Love in every moment of my life.
Thank you, Archangel Muriel, for your gentle Guidance and Care.
I trust in your Wisdom and walk with you, embracing the Peace that flows from your Divine Light.
Channeling from Archangel Muriel
I am Muriel, the Love of your Soul, the sweetness of your Soul, the quiet Power of your Soul.
I came to you today to take your hand.
Come, follow me to meet your Soul, the Divine Essence of Yourself.

We are right in the middle of your Divine Heart.
Merge yourself with your True You, feel how beautiful, peaceful, and joyful your Soul is, How much Strength and Love it possesses.
Tune into your Soul.
Is it playful or serious?
Is it the Wanderer Soul, forever exploring the Universe or does it like the quiet contemplation and reflection?
Is your Soul an avid student enrolled in the Divine Universities or does it prefer to learn through practice?
Talk to your Soul and ask it to infuse you with extra Light of qualities you need in your life and ignite the Fire inside you.
What do you need?
Courage, Protection, Self-belief, Self-love, Clarity?
Your Soul can illuminate the areas requiring extra support.
Believe in yourself, your Soul, and all the Divine help available to you, including the Angels and Truly Yours Muriel.
Call on me, and I will be there instantly, filling your World with sweet Love, the Healing Power of Love, the gentle Protection of Love.
Love indeed is the strongest Force in the Universe.
Loving you endlessly,
May Archangel Muriel’s Light guide and comfort you and her Love is always with you.
Love and Blessings,

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