Hi and welcome,
I’m Irina.
I was born in Latvia, but currently, I live in sunny Essex, the UK.
My home is just a stone’s throw from the sea.

And every morning, my doggy Lenny takes me for a long walk along the quay and seashore…
As a Starseed myself, I share Love for our Universe, its intricate design, and the Spiritual Knowledge on my website.
How did it all start?
From a very young age, I always knew there was something more than only our material world.
I had strange dreams when I was a child.
One of the dreams that visited me regularly about once a week was the same scene unfolding in front of my eyes:
Men in military uniform surround me.
When I look down at myself, I am dressed in military uniform myself.
And I am the man!
I’ve always used to wake up at this moment…
Then one night, I had a very intense dream that I still remember:
Someone was talking to me.
I couldn’t see who and only heard the voice.
I knew that the voice belonged to someone who was very wise and loved me endlessly.
The voice asked me: “Would you like to see how you died in your previous life?”
“Yes please”, – I replied.
Next, I was given the old photo album.
As I opened it, I stared at the very first big photo portrait.
My eyes scanned an old-fashioned photo of a young man in a military uniform.
The ordinary looks – short brown hair, grey-blue eyes.
You would pass this man in the crowd and won’t notice him.
But I was overwhelmed with that bitter-sweet feeling in my heart.
I knew instantly – This Was Me in my previous life…
I understood why I always distinguished men with a specific appearance – ordinary face, grey-blue eyes, straight brown hair, – when I was a child.
When we are kids, we are the closest to our previous life, and the information from it still “leaks” into our current life.
As we get older, the door between the two lives slammed shuts…
How many times have you seen your own face in the mirror during your life?
Thousands of times!
The image of your face is engraved into your brain.
It creates a strong emotional response – we like what we see or more often we feel self-conscious, examining the “flaws” that I bet no one notices apart from us.
Anyway, I kept flicking through the photo album…
The old photos depicted groups of people in military uniforms with white gowns over them.
I was the Doctor, working in a military hospital.
As I closed finally the photo album and put it aside, I noticed the big white envelope to the right of me.
I picked it up and wanted to check inside, but the voice stopped me: “Don’t open it! You can’t see it yet.”
Reluctantly, I put the envelope down…
It puzzled me for years what was in there.
Now I know…
Sometimes, it is too early to learn.
Our Higher Self and Guides decide when we are ready for it…
Next, I was presented with a big screen in front of me where the “movie” of my life was unfolding.
Someone made false accusations against me leading to my arrest and the court hearing.
The verdict was “not guilty”.
As I walked out of the court, I wanted to see this person who reported me for a crime I’d never done, who said a pack of lies about me, who ruined my reputation and my life.
I wanted to look into his eyes.
I don’t know how, but now I wasn’t watching the “movie” from the outside but found myself inside.
I ran along the dusty pathway to my enemy’s house on a hot and sunny summer day.
All I remember is as I pulled the door open, he turned toward me, and I saw the blazing light.
That was the end…
He shot me like a dog!
The bullets went into my belly…
I was born with two white scars and pigmentless skin around them on the belly as if I had white glasses in there.
They were more obvious in the summer when the skin around would turn tanned.
As I grew up, the scars and the” glasses” gradually disappeared…
Since that, I stopped dreaming of military life…
My friend’s Grandma was doing the card readings.
I felt enchanted watching her wrinkly hands pulling the cards for me and putting them down carefully.
The young and naive girl was waiting for her Destiny to be revealed!
I loved listening to her that everything will turn out wonderfully for me, and I will meet my Mr. Right.
We will get married and live happily ever after.
I suspect that she hasn’t been a very skilled card reader, but did it for fun.
But she got me hooked on the card readings.
I felt I could connect and “touch” the invisible Spiritual world through the cards.
I learned everything I could about the cards.
I bought every book possible to find about card reading and devoured them.
The Tarot cards fascinated me, and I enrolled in the Tarot cards courses.
Soon, I started offering readings.
And it became the day job that I did for many years.
But I wasn’t satisfied with just readings and created my own Tarot Teaching Program that I offered successfully…
At the same time, I took an interest in Healing and enrolled in the Untraditional Healing Academy.
As my Intuition developed, I was getting flashes of information and downloads in my brain.
I heard about Mediums – the people who are able to talk to the dead but was very skeptical if I could be any good at it.
One day sitting opposite the fire with my doggy on my lap, I felt so relaxed and at peace.
I gazed at the fire softly, and there was an emptiness in my head.
Then a thought appeared: “It only seems that I am on my own. In reality, this room is full of Spirits.”
And then I asked in my head jokingly: “Is anyone here?”
“Yes”, – the voice answered – “I am here”.
“Who… I…”, – I continued automatically – “Who are you?”
“Pyotr, your Father”.
“No, Pyotr”
“Aha! Caught you, my Father’s name is Ivan!”
“I’m your Father in your previous life”
I asked him when he was born and when he died.
He provided me with the dates immediately.
Eventually, it hit me that I am talking casually to someone who is dead for about 150 years!
It scared me to death, and I finished our conversation awkwardly: “Good Bye now”.
A nice thought ran through my brain: “I must book myself into the Dementia Clinic immediately”.
From that conversation with my Father from my previous life, I understood that I was the youngest child and his only son after 4 daughters.
My name, translated into English, meant “Gift of the Spring” because I was born in March in that life.
He loved me so much and lost me so early that now he watches over me from Heaven as the Soul Protector…

Next, Angels made their Grand Entrance into my life…
I realised that I had channeling abilities, at least some.
And I was practicing to talk to the Angels.
I thought it was safer to talk to the Angels, not the Spirits.
The first Angel ever to connect with me was Metatron.
I found it out later that it was recommended to start with Archangel Michael because his voice is so clear and loud…
And I fell in Love with the Angels.
They started nudging me to spread the word about them.
The information about blogging kept appearing in front of my eyes.
But I was resisting.
“How can I run the website if I am only a very basic user of the Internet?”, – I argued with the Angels.
I didn’t even know at that time what “copy and paste” meant, never mind starting the blog!
I thought it was the killer argument, but literally, two hours later the post came through my front door.
And the leaflet read – the Computer course in the local college, and the price was only £10.
I was impressed and threw my arms in the air: “OK, OK, I’ll phone the college and enroll now”.
My other argument has been that I am not a native English speaker.
Who wants to hear my accent?
And I don’t know a lot of sophisticated English words.
“It’s actually your advantage, – Angels replied, – “No one wants the “sophisticated” language”.
“People want things to be explained in simple terms.
Did Jesus use complex language?
No, his conversations were simple and powerful”.
And literally the very next day I “happened” to stumble across a short Psychological video on the Internet which actually said: “Your disadvantages are your biggest Super Powers”.
Your disadvantages, as you call them, make you different and help to stand out and be seen.

The Angels can be very persuasive.
Of course, they respect your free will but still try to talk sense into your ear.
And yes, they send you signs.
When I asked to give me a sign on my walk of what I had to concentrate on, look what I saw in 5 minutes literally:
The Angels couldn’t be any more clear, could they?
So, I completed two Computer courses – for Beginners and Intermediate -, and threw myself into the World of Websites.
The learning curve has been unbelievably steep, and I am still learning.
I expectedly started writing about the Angels.
And I am still in awe of them and so grateful for everything they have done and do for me!
They keep downloading more and more Spiritual information into me.
I discovered for myself other Angelic Realms – the Dragons, Unicorns, and Uniwales.
And one day, I saw the new for me term – Starseeds.
Amazing Doreen Virtue introduced the concept of Starseeds in one of her books.
That day opened a whole new World for me.
The fragments of reality started falling into a big picture.
I was getting flashes of information and felt inspired.
And I found my Mission – support and empower Starseeds.
I believe that the Lightworkers of Earth are divided into two big groups – Starseeds and the Wise Ones.
Starseeds’ origin lies outside the Earth in the Star Systems of the Universe.
But the Wise Ones started their journey on Earth aeons ago, a long time before Atlantis, Lemuria, and other great Civilizations.
Their young and gentle Soul incarnated first in Africa during the Golden Age of Petranium.
And they kept coming back to Earth, holding a vast Love for our Planet in their hearts.
They have truly been through thick and thin on Earth, shining their beautiful Light brighter and brighter.
The Wise Ones are called so simply because they are the Old and Wise Souls, the Sages.
You might ask: “But where are Earth Angels, Incarnated Elementals, Incarnated Dragons, etc.?”
The answer is they incarnate with the Starseed’s or the Wise One’s Soul as a part of the pre-Birth Agreement.
Or they join later on in life if the Life Contract is changed.
Two or more energies get mixed together.
As incredible Irish Mystic Lorna Byrne says: “The Angel dwells in their Soul”.
The concept of Separation is popular on Earth.
I am here, and you are there.
But the Spiritual World is a place of Unity.
When my Spiritual Guides talk to me, they address themselves as a Team.
They present themselves as the Unity of Energies, existing as individual and unique Beings at the same time.
What I perceive as “Me” is, in reality, Starseed’s Soul, infused by the Light of the Angel (Archangel Metatron to be exact) + the Elemental Energy (the Fairy).
This way, the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms can get the real experience of physical living, looking at the World through my eyes.
Otherwise, they would only know about life in a physical body on Earth theoretically, which is not the same as practice.
So, when we look deeper into the Earth Angel, we often discover Starseed at the core of their Soul…
On my website Inspiration Divination, I offer articles and a wealth of Spiritual information to support you in your journey.
Thank you for being here,
Lots of Love and Many Blessings from your Sister Starseed

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