Spiritual Cleansing and Protection Meditation
This Meditation is designed to wash your energy bodies with the mighty waves of Divine Light:
- cleansing,
- purifying,
- transmuting all the dark, stagnant, and unwanted stuff inside your energy fields,
- illuminating you from the inside,
- re-balancing,
- re-calibrating,
- waking up dormant information and power in the cells of your body and DNA.
After cleansing and purifying your energy bodies, Archangels Michael and Metatron build the Seal of Protection around you.
So, you can go along with your day, feeling blissful and safe.
Listen to the Meditation:
Or you can read the script.
Spiritual Cleansing and Protection Meditation
Close your eyes.
Take a couple of deep breaths.
In… and out…
In… and out…
You are surrounded by one thousand Angels, watching and protecting you.
We invite now Golden Christed Dragons to come into your space.
See the glorious Golden Dragons, carrying the Light of Jesus Christ, approach you.
Think of anything you want to get rid of.
Anything… Or anyone…
The Dragons swirl around you, puffing out the Golden Fire, burning all the dark and dense stuff in your aura.
They grant your wish, kicking whatever you wanted to get rid of out of your energy fields…
Feel yourself surrounded by the Golden Flame.
Golden Fire rushes through your body, blood and bones, every cell, every atom, cleansing and replenishing your energy…
The Dragons step aside now.
They look pleased like a punch.
Feel how squeaky clean you are after their services!
And we call on Mighty Archangel Metatron to bring down the Light of the Great Central Sun.
The blazing Golden-White Light moves down from above, and its wide stream enters your Stellar Gateway Chakra, bathing and cleansing it, restoring the lost connection with the Universe, the Stars, the Planets you’ve been used to living on, and your Intergalactic Family.
Your Stellar Gateway lights up glorious golden-orange, and you can see the golden threads running from it to other Stars.
And the Golden-Pink waves of Light run back to you along these threads – the Love from your Galactic Brothers and Sisters and the Keepers of Wisdom of your Stars.
Now, the powerful stream of the Light of the Great Central Sun moves down into your Soul Star Chakra, about 12 inches above your Crown, embracing it lovingly and caressing it.
An amazing transformation takes place in front of your eyes: your Soul Star shines brightly and shimmers in the most stunning magenta and violet colours!
The door to your Soul, your real Self is wide open, restoring access to your gifts, talents, achievements, and sacred information.
Stay for a moment in your Soul Star – the swirling magenta and violet ball of energy.
Touch your Soul.
Maybe, it whispers something back to you?
Maybe, you see the symbol?
Maybe, some information is downloaded into you?
And the Light of the Great Central Sun travels down into your Causal Chakra, your personal Moon, just behind the back of your head – your connection with the Realms of Angels, Unicorns, and Dragons.
Your Causal Chakra looks like the full Moon – big and pearlescent white.
Which Angelic Realm is closest to your Soul?
The Angels, Unicorns, Dragons, maybe Uniwhales?
Stay still in your Causal Chakra and let the Angelic Being come to you.
Look into each other’s eyes and feel their Love for you…
The vast flow of the Light of the Great Central Sun takes you down, working its Magic on the Crown Chakra, cleansing and energising it.
You see the purple Light of your Crown expand and turn golden.
And the Golden Path of Wisdom and Mastery unfolds in front of you.
Make the first step on your own Golden Path of Mastery, and many many more steps will reveal themselves to you gradually.
And the Light of the Great Central Sun moves down into your Third Eye.
The Golden-White Flow of Light circles the Emerald of your Third Eye, polishing the facets, removing the layers of illusions and mental fog, and laser-focusing your Spiritual Vision.
You see the Golden-Green Flame, dancing and swirling around the pure Crystal of your Third Eye now.
And the Light of the Great Central Sun carries on down into your Throat Chakra, cleansing and expanding your Throat.
The Blue Light of the Chakra changes into Diamond Electric Blue.
You are not afraid anymore, to tell the Truth of your Heart and your Soul.
You speak from Love, you speak from Wisdom, you speak from Truth.
Down, more down, the vast waterfall of the Light of the Great Central Sun moves, right into your Heart.
Feel this warm Golden-White Wave, cleansing your Heart Centre, restoring peace, and bringing comfort.
Feel how much Love you’ve got in your Heart.
Suddenly, you see your Heart as a beautiful white and pink tinted Rose enveloped in the luminous white Light, the huge halo that looks like a pair of fluffy white wings!
Yes, you are the Angel here on Earth!
Let the Light of the Great Central Sun rest in your Heart Centre…
And now we call on Archangel Sandalphon to bring his Silver Light up from the Earth into your Earth Star Chakra, located roughly 12 inches below the soles of your feet in the Earth, cleansing, and amplifying the energies.
Your Earth Star Chakra turns Silver and spins fast.
You feel loved and welcome on Planet Earth.
The sense of Beauty and Wonder of Earth comes over you that has so much to offer to humanity and only asks for Love and Respect in return.
Silver Energy moves up into your Base Chakra, swirling, penetrating, transmuting, cleansing, and nurturing.
And your Base Chakra responds, spinning faster and blazing Diamond Platinum Light.
You are safe on Earth, and all your needs will always be met.
Silver Fire travels up into your Sacral Chakra, cleansing, caressing, and restoring.
And your Sacral Chakra changes the colour from Orange to Luminous Soft Pink.
So, you start attracting relationships based on Love, Understanding, and Mutual Respect.
And your creative juices are flowing.
You are a fountain of new genius ideas!
Up Silver Fire arrives into your Naval Chakra, cleansing and purifying.
The Naval Chakra sits snuggly just above your belly button.
And your Naval Chakra shines bright like the Gold-Orange Sun.
You feel Oneness with everyone on this Planet, every animal and plant, every non-sentient Being like stones or the river.
Your Consciousness expands embracing the Universe and the whole World!
The next stop for the Silver Fire is your Solar Plexus Chakra.
And again, the Silver Cloud envelopes your Solar Plexus, dancing around faster and faster, transforming the Chakra to glowing bright Golden now.
You feel calm and confident.
You are the Powerful Being of Light.
Remember your Magnificence!
Archangel Sandalphon moves his Silver Fire up into your Heart Centre where it merges with the Golden-White Fire of the Great Central Sun.
Feel for a moment these two incredible Divine Lights, embraced in Bliss in your Heart.
Now, you are positioned firmly between Earth and Heaven.
Your feet are anchored in Earth.
Your head belongs to the Wisdom and Love of the Universe.
And your Heart is with God.
Your Heart is a place where God resides.
Put your hands on the Heart and feel yourself complete.
You are precisely the way you are supposed to be at the moment.
You are the best creation of God.
You are incredible, fabulous, and magical.
You are so much loved!..
Archangel Metatron places the Golden Sacred Geometry Shape around you.
What is it?
Are you in the middle of the Golden Pyramid?
The Golden Sphere?
Anything else?
As you stand or sit inside your personal Sacred Geometry Shape, notice the vast Golden and tinged with Orange Rose under your feet.
Metatron smiles that it is his present to you…
Now, it’s time for Protection.
We ask Archangels Michael and Metatron to surround you in a Blue and Golden-Orange Seal of Protection.
See the Seals descending from above.
Archangels are arranging two layers of Energy around you: inner Golden-Orange and outer Royal Blue.
Wait a bit for the Energy to solidify.
The hollow column of Blue, Golden, and Orange energies runs deep into the Earth and high into Heaven, protecting you.
No low energy can trespass the Seal, it’s impossible.
Next, you have to pick one or a few of the Ascended Flames to fill the vacuum inside the Seal of Protection around you and do their Magic for you.
What do you fancy?
It could be the Golden Ray of Christ – the most potent energy of Protection, Purification, and Bliss.
Or you could pick the Mahatma Energy from the Pool where the most incredible Ascended Masters and Angels poured and combined their Light.
Or maybe the Emerald Light of Archangel Raphael for Healing and Abundance also.
Diamond Violet Flame? The Tool of Cleansing, Purification, and Transmutation, offered to humanity by Archangels Zadkiel and Gabriel?
The Royal Blue Fire of Protection of Archangel Michael?
The Pink Light of Love of Archangel Chamuel?
Pick one, two or three Energies and fill the space inside your Seal.
So, you are basked in these Energies, and they work with your Energy Fields.
It’s time to thank the fabulous Golden Christed Dragons, Archangels Michael, Metatron, and Sandalphon and all the Angels, holding the Sacred Space for you.
Return to your physical body slowly, and feel your feet planted on the ground.
Open your eyes…
Lots of Love and Brightest Blessings,