Lyran Starseeds, their Traits, Appearance, and Mission

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  1. Hi Irina,
    Thank you for taking the time to post this beautiful article!
    I have been going through an intense but exceptionally beautiful starseed awakening recently and have remembered deep within my soul that I’m a Lyran starseed. I have read many articles on Lyran traits but I have to say, your article here resonates so deeply within me, much more so than many other articles I’ve read.
    While it wasn’t any online article that triggered my awakening (it was my DNA activating strongly), I am very thankful for the folks such as yourself that take the time to openly share their own wisdom and purpose. This is enormously encouraging for me.
    Thank you once again. You are a beautiful soul!

    1. Hi Danniielle,

      You are ever so welcome.
      I’m delighted you enjoyed my article.
      I love Starseeds, their Star Homes, and the Universe, and I put my heart and soul into these articles.

      Love and blessings to your beautiful soul too.

  2. Hi Irina,
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this article. I’ve been told many times again that i have cat like eyes. I resonate so much with the feline lyran characteristics and have always respected cats. Cats and children have always been drawn to me. House cats will especially come brush up on me but i’ve always kept my distance from them for some reason. I was sad the moment the article ended. I’ve learned so much more on the lyrans and anxious to learn even more i didn’t want it to end. Although i’m told i have these features, my soul feels more drawn with the pleiadians, very odd but i feel stuck between the two. I had a vision of being and living in the ocean. It reminded me of Atlantis. I can swim so fast and it seemed as if i lived in a cave of some sort, i love dolphins by the way! it was amazing because in this life i can’t swim for dear life lol. However, i’ve also had visions of pyramids and living in one of the temples. Your article on the lyrans is so informative. I’m having a hard time finding the origin that resonates most with me but i guess i’ll meditate on it and see what comes up. Thanks again for this information Irina. Gratitude to you.

    1. Hi Nyasia,

      I’m so happy you loved my article.

      About your origins…
      We, Starseeds, have rarely experienced life in one Star System only before our Earth incarnation.
      Maybe, your Soul remembers your Lyra’s experience.
      You feel sad because you know subconsciously that your beloved World of Lyra is gone.
      You incarnated later in the Pleiades.
      And you experienced a life as an ocean Being somewhere in the Universe.
      It is absolutely possible that you came here to build the Golden Era of Atlantis on Earth many many years ago.
      All those vague feelings are the clues to the Story of your Soul.

      Love from Irina

  3. I was wondering where I could find more credible, online information on Lyra, or if you have any other posts or social media accounts that talk about it. I am quite new to this, therefore making an extra effort to perceive things objectively. And every specific text I read seems to resonate. I’ve known about the Starseed mission for a while now. Ive recounted looking in the mirror multiple times, and seeing a clear face of a feline stare back, only she seemed much more relaxed than I was.
    I also understand that most of my clarity around this must come from within. I also know I was not put here to dwell about the past. I guess I just want to learn about experiences of other souls that have currently received more information than myself.
    Thank you. 🙂 Love n light

    1. Hi Shree,

      Unfortunately, I only have this blog post about the Lyrans.
      And I don’t know the book about Lyrans that I can recommend wholeheartedly.
      I guess, I have to write one!
      My daughter is the Lyran Starseed, and we have done two “Remember Your Intergalactic Lives” sessions.
      In the first session, she was the Feline Being on one of the Pleiadian Planets.
      You nailed the feeling, the energy of that life.
      It felt so relaxed, chilled, and unhurried.
      Interestingly, they take a completely different approach to work on that Planet.
      She only had to visit her workplace if something went wrong.
      For the rest of the time, she just kept an eye remotely on the area she was responsible for.
      We met her near the end of her life, which lasted for about 750 years in our Earth time.
      And it was her last job.
      But all her life, she was an artist creating Hologram 3D figures, for example, for Festivals.
      I caught her and her partner on the way to the Purple Light Return Festival that they celebrate every year.
      It is called so because their Planet experiences once a year unusual Light phenomenon in its skies.
      And I watched the whole Hologram show that she was used to producing when she was younger.
      The local artists use the venue as a chance to display proudly their creations…

      In the second session, we found ourselves on the Planet I didn’t have a clue about.
      My daughter, still Feline Being, lived as a part of a small colony of cat-people on this Planet.
      But the Souls of the main population of the Planet never incarnate on Earth.
      The Planet is very scientifically inclined, focusing on the whole picture of the Universe, the way different worlds are interlinked and influence each other…

      I had the idea to examine more of her Feline lives and write the book.

      Sending you lots of Love,


  4. So many synchronicities for me in this. Would love to “pick your brain” lol. But content just to have found and read this. ty

    1. Thank you so much, Janine,
      I’m delighted you loved my article.
      My daughter is a Lyran Starseed, and we looked recently at two of her previous Intergalactic lives.
      The first one on the Pleiades and the other one as a part of the small community of Cat-People on the Planet I never heard of before as the Beings of the Planet don’t incarnate on Earth.
      But Cat-People are adventurous, and they certainly do incarnate on Earth.
      It was amazing to learn about these lives!

  5. Thank you Irina for this amazing article on the Lyrans! This is the most comprehensive write up I have ever seen on this race and I found great satisfaction and happiness absorbing all this fantastic information. In fact, I was saddened when I came to the end of the article because I wanted more. Always searching for information and to understand our origins, I resonate deeply with the Lyran characteristics. I love cats and particularly seem more drawn to lions and tigers, but actually feel much more connected to dogs, so that is slightly confusing to me. I have been told I am from Lyra by a friend who channeled this information for me, but who also believes I might be a Lyran hybrid of some sort, and I wonder exactly what that means. I have a deep longing to gather as much information as possible to get the most out of my existence (perhaps finally tap into my akashic records), this lifetime and my specific purpose. Thank you for your incredible insight!

    1. Thank you Megan,

      I was touched reading your comment.
      So pleased you liked my article.
      I can guess where your love for dogs comes from.
      I think you’ve been used to living as a part of the Lyrans’ Community on Sirius.
      That’s where the dogs’ Souls originate from.
      Your friend, saying that you are some sort of Lyran hybrid, probably meant that you have incarnated not only on Lyra but elsewhere in the Universe as well.
      By the way, Starseeds never stick to one World only.
      They go through incarnations on at least two different Star Systems before they are off to Earth.
      You call yourself a Lyran because it is the place where you incarnated the most times, and Lyra’s unique qualities, energy, and flavour dominate in your aura.
      But after the destruction of your Home Planet, your Soul decided to take on the life of a Cat Being on Sirius.
      Probably, your old and wise Soul incarnated in the other Worlds as well to open yourself up to new experiences and enrich yourself.

      Lots of Love and Blessings,


  6. I had a vivid vision of flying with wings, holding the hand of a feline being. We were flying into a giant flower, lush forest, into a multi dimensional portal of sorts. I never knew about starseeds or alternate realities back then. Another time I went to a retreat and in meditation, I saw myself doing a ceremonial dance, the skies were carnelian colored and crystals and sacred geometry and sound healing, then drowning into opalescent waterfall, seeing all that I lost this lifetime, crying, despair. Then I ended up in a beautiful lush peacefulgarden with cats, bunnies, birds and flowers. I then saw my deceased parents smiling, telling me that they were ok. Another time I was in a real forest and another person saw an etheric big black cat with green eyes folllw us and disappear. I also used to volunteer feeding and caring for stray TNR cats. My house has 2 cats. People have often commented that I resemble a cat, and my big brown eyes look feline like. I am not sure if I am even a star seed or anything, but I do love cats, and I am artist by nature and known to be a little reckless in my youth.

    1. Hi,
      Thank you for the wonderful comment, I loved reading it.
      By the way, I’m not sure that you are the Lyran Starseed, your energy feels different.
      I would think that you had your last Intergalactic incarnation in Spica Star System.
      Spica is the brightest Star in the Virgo Constellation, and the local folks are felines.
      I haven’t written the article about Spica Starseeds yet, but you can google them.
      I have two cats myself, I never wanted to, but two feral cats decided that they would live with us, despite us having two dogs already.
      Now, they live a life of luxury and are extremely spoiled.
      I believe that they are my Lyran friends, incarnated as cats.
      I saw their true energy bodies: one is a very tall black cat-like Being with bright blue eyes, but here on Earth he looks like a white cat with black spots.
      The other one looks like a golden God with green eyes, in reality, he is a ginger cat.
      Take care and God bless you,

  7. the term Sheliak has me a bit suspicious….they are a lesser known race from the Star Trek universe. how do these names work, are they just approximations that make sense in our language for our convenience? I am very curious.

  8. Thank you Irina I read a lot about Lyrans, but your way to do that is pretty much trustful. So thank you to take your time to explain us our origins

  9. I have been told through channeling that I come from Lyra… buy right now my question is: where is this information coming from? And how to see it for myself

    1. Hi Sophie,
      As you said yourself, the person who channeled for you connected with the place of your origin, and it happened to be Lyra.
      If you want to see it yourself, you have to meditate and ask to be taken there in meditation.

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