What is Andromedan Starseed?
There are not that many Andromedan Starseeds on Earth.
Pleiadian and Sirian Starseeds dominate among our Star Brothers and Sisters.
Andromedan Souls arrive from the Constellation of Andromeda at approximately 2.5 million light-years away.
Constellation of Andromeda
“Andromeda is most prominent during autumn evenings in the Northern Hemisphere…
It is one of the largest constellations and is named for Andromeda, daughter of Cassiopeia, in the Greek myth, who was chained to a rock to be eaten by the sea monster Cetus.”, according to Wikipedia.
Don’t worry, she was saved by Perseus, who marries her and takes her to Greece to reign as his Queen.
Her name means “ruler of men”.
Andro (man) + meda (rule over).
The Constellation is made up of several bright Stars:
# Alpheratz, the constellation’s brightest star, the blue subgiant is a binary star system in fact.
# Mirach, the second brightest star in the constellation is a red giant, around 50 times bigger than our sun.
# Almach, the constellation’s third brightest star is a multiply star system, an orange giant star.
But most of Andromeda is composed of many unnamed stars.
Of course, the most popular object in this constellation is the Andromeda Galaxy, which is a more massive galaxy than the Milky Way.
We will focus in this article on the binary star system, called Nu (or V) Andromedae.
One of its Planets hosts physical life, and it is the Home of Andromedan Starseeds.
There are three more Worlds in the Andromedan Constellation where life exists in etheric form, but they are not connected with the Earth.
Nu Andromedae
Nu Andromedae can be seen with the naked eye in the night sky.

It is the second star on the right and up from Mirach.
So, Nu Andromedae consists of two stars:
the first one is extremely luminous and blue, much bigger than our sun,
and the second one is the yellow-white star, about the size of the sun.
One of the Planets, revolving around, Zenetae as they call it, is blessed with ancient Civilization.
It is where Andromedan Starseeds come from.
Zenetae, the Home of Andromedan Starseeds
Zenetae is much bigger than our Earth, about the size of Jupiter.
It is interesting that the Planet has three Moons, revolving around it.
So, their night sky looks exciting, graced with the stars and three Moons.

And of course, two suns in the daytime.
Zenetae is a watery Planet, with about 85% of it covered by the ocean.
It has three big and numerous small islands, sprinkled in the ocean.
So, life on Zenetae revolves naturally a lot around the ocean.
The locals are Amphibians, they are comfortable on the land and become one with the ocean.
Underwater they can spend about 3 hours without the need to come back to the surface to breathe.
Life on Zenetae
I visited Zenetae in the meditation…
And found myself in the middle of the colourful forest.
The trees looked slim and tall, with their crown lost high above.
The riot of colours around – orange, purple, red, blue…
Climbing plants ( like our lianas), wrapped around the trunks of the trees.
Very quiet, only the birds singing…
I was standing on the green living path, leading through the forest.
Someone embedded information into my head that they don’t have man-made roads there.
The path is planted with the short, strong, and very flexible plant.
It doesn’t break underfoot but bounces back after.
I felt encouraged to keep walking.
Soon I spotted the strange building on the left side of the path.
It looked like an egg, facing with one open end towards the road.
I stepped in as the Andromedan lady walked towards me from the inside of the building.
She was about 7 feet tall and slim, with light skin, dressed in a bright coral jumpsuit.
Something looking like a transparent pyramidal “hat” was sitting right above her head.
Later she explained that they control their clothes with the power of their thought – make them appear or disappear, change their colour.
She made her jumpsuit coral for me to show me her welcome.
The “hat” is not only protection from two hot suns but also infused with the energy she needed at any particular moment.
Her big and unusually shaped green eyes (bigger than human ones) exuded calm and friendliness.
Andromedans have this feeling of serenity around them.
They don’t have human emotions that are connected to our 3-dimensional carbon-based body.
Their physical bodies are crystalline and 6-dimensional.
Andromedans don’t talk and communicate telepathically.
I greeted her silently and asked if she worked here.
She introduced herself as something close to our Taleah, and I call her so.
She answered: “It’s not the work, it’s my life. We don’t work on Zenetae, we live our lives.”
The word “work” doesn’t actually exist in their vocabulary, but she got me.
Probably in our understanding, that’s her job.
She has explained that she works with the forest.
She understands the forest’s language, listens to its energy.
So, she is there to communicate with the forest and gather information.
The forest is an old, wise, and intelligent being.
She doesn’t really need to interfere.
They have single little buildings (like the lodges) in the forest for the people, feeling that they need to spend some time alone temporarily – just them and the forest.
Taleah offered to show me around.
Andromedans don’t have cars.
Something looking like a small boat appeared in front of me, suspended in the air.
Taleah jumped right in and gestured to follow her.
I took my seat behind her, a clever seat that embraced my lower body, holding it gently, but tight.
No engine, nothing, but we took off and started floating along the path first.
I asked Taleah what powered the “boat”, and she showed me a little crystal.
She said it was the combined power of her thought and the crystal.
We reached the clearance where I could see clearly the sky above us.
On Earth, I probably should be told: “Hold tight!”, because our “boat” shot to the sky where an amazing panoramic view opened to me.
I saw the forest, dressed in bright colours, the water surface reflecting the sun’s light (I could see only one sun at that moment) as we passed the forest’s lake.
Magnificent, breathtaking view and the wind!
No roar of the engine.
As we continued our journey, the view underneath changed.
The forest ended abruptly, giving the place to the flat area, used as it looked for farming.
Taleah confirmed that they were the fields where they grow their food – vegetables and fruits.
The fields embraced a small seaside village.
All the eyes could see further was the aquamarine sea, merging with the horizon.
We landed, and Taleah noted briefly that she lives in one of those small houses.
I expected to be invited to see the house, which surprised Taleah.
Not because Andromedans lack hospitality.
No, she didn’t invite me to see her house, because houses are not important for Andromedans.
She filled me in that they have no private property in there.
The houses belong to the Community.
And when you need one, you get one.
The inside of her house is very spartan, there is practically nothing.
You only need the house for privacy which is respected on Andromeda.
I asked about the bed and bedding.
Taleah said you materialize it by the power of your thought for the night and in the morning de-materialize it.
The land doesn’t belong to anyone either.
Taleah was taken aback when I asked to whom the land belonged.
She said it belonged to the Planet Zenetae.
Taleah continued that they are not roped to one place.
They have an exchange program.
She moved many times on the Planet already.
Taleah swapped with the previous “keeper” of the forest.
And as she moved, she got a new village and a new house.
Also, she loves exploring the area where she lives, using her “boat”.
But when she needs to cover a big distance, she teleports.
The “boat” can be used not just to fly, but on the sea as well.
The sea plays a massive role in Andromedans’ lives.
And next Taleah invited me to come with her to meet the sea!
I didn’t realise before that Andromedans were Amphibians.
So, they can stay under the water for an extended period of time.
But they need to come to the surface from time to time to get the air.
Suddenly Taleah’s jumpsuit disappeared, vanishing in the thin air and revealing her stunning figure.

When she started walking in the sea, I thought she looked like Goddess Aphrodite.
She walked as if she danced, all her body moving in one fluid motion.
And I understood why Andromedan ladies are considered to be the most beautiful women in the Universe.
“She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies…
From “She walks in beauty” by Lord Byron
Of course, Lord Byron’s lines are not dedicated to Andromedan women, but it seems he has captured precisely the Essence of their beauty.
Pleiadian women come close, but Pleiadian beauty is different – blossoming and sweet.
Andromedan ladies exude enigma.
Their beauty is wild and untamed, spellbinding, and the key to their heart is well hidden…
I hurried to keep up with Taleah…
The Underwater World of Zenetae is stunning!
Beautiful clear aquamarine water, colourful plants and fish.
Sea horses, passing you by and looking very important.
By the way, if you are lost, they can show you the direction.
Just ask them telepathically.
Also, the Andromedan sea is a Home for very special Beings – Golden Starfish and Silver Dolphins.
Golden Starfish spreads the liquid golden light in the water.
This golden light heals and calms down anyone in Starfish’s presence.
And the Silver Dolphins are the intelligent Beings, the Keepers of the Sea.
They are called Silver Dolphins because of the silver glow around their body.
Silver Dolphins hold in their aura all information about the Planet.
Their soft silver light feels enlightening, sweet and angelic…
But Taleah and I reached the vast Pyramids at the bottom of the sea.
Taleyah rested her hand on the stone wall of the Pyramid, and suddenly we were transported inside.
“The Pyramids are the Underwater Temples, the Art and Learning Centres”, – explained Taleyah.
Also, there is a Library, containing information about the Universe.
They have the most amazing Music Chambers in there, dedicated to healing, restoring vibrations, for practical purposes and for pure pleasure.
And there are Pyramids, each dedicated to the Star Nation, with full information about them, the Crystal, containing the energy of this Star Nation, and their Philosophy and Teachings.
They play quietly the Celestial music, attuning you to that World.
Each Pyramid has a big “screen” for the visual presentation of information as a holographic picture.
No Star Nation was left out of attention, even the Dark Ones in our understanding.
You still go through their shadow and learn from them.
And they have Gaia’s Temple with a big Emerald in there, representing the Earth.
Andromedans live about 400 Earth years.
And before they depart from their Planet, they start planning their next adventure.
If they want to expand their physical experience elsewhere in the Universe and feel drawn to our Planet, they visit the Gaia Temple often, absorbing as much information as they can.
When their Soul breaks free, they will carry on learning about our Planet in the Spiritual Realms before they incarnate here.
But of course, theoretical knowledge is not quite the same as reality on Earth.
But they are full of hopes that they will bring their love to the Planet that will be their Home in the next life and burning desire to make a difference for Earth and its inhabitants.
Andromedans of Zenetae
Andromedans have three sexes: Female, Male, and Androgenous.
Androgynous people are highly respected on Zenetae as everyone knows that they are very Old Souls that have mastered the equilibrium of Feminine and Masculine energies over their many experiences.
And they are normally Elders, Priests and Teachers.
Andromedans are more solitary Beings, focusing on themselves and working on turning themselves from a rough gem into a diamond.
From a very young age, they learn, learn and learn.
First, they study a wide range of subjects – science, history, technology, art, music.
As they grow, they pick the subject their Soul is drawn to and perfect themselves at it.

It will become their Life’s Mission.
They carry on learning all their life.
Andromedans love solitude, but they do bond over mutual interests and make friends for life.
There are three things the most important for every Andromedan:
# Personal Freedom,
# Concentrating and working on their own Uniqueness, Magnificence, and Talents to become a most precious Gift to their Community, Planet and the Universe,
# Love and Respect for their Planet, exploring and enjoying its wonderful Nature.
Lyrans of Zenetae
Zenetae provided a Home for Lyrans, fleeing the Intergalactic Wars.
The local Cat-people infused their own DNA with the fragments of Andromedan DNA to help their physical body to adjust to the local climate.
But it affected their looks too – the hair is gone, and they look like the Sphynx Cats now.
Their skin paled, and also they gained Amphibian ability.
So, they enjoy the ocean to their heart’s content!
Lyrans contribute invaluably to the Science and Technology of the Planet.
Zenetae doesn’t know separation.
Andromedans and Lyrans live next door to each other and share the Planet.
They all are Zenetaenians.
Andromedan Starseeds Traits and Signs
You can watch the video or carry on reading:
#1 Love of Freedom
They value Freedom above all.
They refuse to be controlled by any means.
#2 Protective of their boundaries
Andromedan Starseeds are kind and emphatic, and people are drawn to them.
But they don’t let the drama of others enter and influence their World.
They keep the toxic behaviours of others at bay.
#3 Prefer to be self-employed rather than work for someone
They consider being an employee as a personal prison.
#4 Nomadic way of life
They don’t like to be tied to a certain place.
Andromedan Starseeds get “itchy feet” when they stay too long.
Beautiful “somewhere” is always calling to them.
They choose professions, sustaining this way of life, e.g. Digital Nomad, Freelancer.
#5 Adventurous
Can’t stand the “normal” life, their Soul craves adventures!
“Normal” is so boring and depressing for them!
#6 Love visiting special places on Earth
Andromedan Starseed is always on a Mission to visit energetically charged places on the Earth, like Glastonbury, Stonehenge, Machu Pichu, Egipet Pyramids, etc.
#7 Strong interest in the Golden Civilizations on Earth
The Stories of Lemuria, Atlantis, Avalon enchant them.
By the way, Andromedans set their foot on Earth in Atlantean times, but only for discovery and research purposes.
They started incarnating on our Planet only relatively recently and in small numbers.
#8 Rebellious
Andromedan Starseeds are challenging archaic views, blowing up the old paradigms, dispelling stagnant ideas.
They always come as a breath of fresh air.
#9 Outsiders
They feel so different to humanity.
And they are.
#10 Not competitive
They are not interested in what others are up to and don’t compare themselves to others.
They are beyond any compare.
#11 Don’t like commitments
Commitments mean a trap for them.
Including the relationship commitment.
#12 Hard to adjust to the Earth’s conditions
It takes time for them to adjust mentally and physically to the Earth.
Their highly advanced Soul doesn’t integrate easily into the Earth’s body.
They fight through illnesses and fatigue.
They experience emotions, unknown to them previously.
And they are generally shocked by what they got themselves into!
They struggle with low self-esteem, confidence, and self-love until they heal themselves.
#13 Fantastic with technology
Andromedan Starseeds are very clever with technology and computer.
They often choose a career as a web developer or a web designer.
#14 Wonderful Designers

They make the talented designers, being used to living in a bright and colourful World of Zenetae.
Andromedan Starseeds love the colours and express themselves through them.
Their happy life is the bright and colourful one!
#15 Love beautiful classical music and spiritual music like the sounds of the ocean meditations
Spiritual music plays a big part in the life on Zenetae.
#16 Learning all their life
Andromedans have this unsatiated thirst for knowledge.
They are eternal students.
#17 Don’t have power struggles
Their Ego is very modest, and they don’t take themselves too seriously.
#18 Very sensitive
They perceive the World through their feelings and sensations in their body.
Highly intuitive, they don’t need a rational explanation but feel the answer inside themselves.
#19 See people through
Andromedans don’t buy into other people’s 🐂💩 and are fair.
#20 Close to Animals and Nature
Andromedans are the Keepers of their Planet and take this attitude with them to Earth.

#21 Love simple life
They are not lured by the riches, money is not their God.
As long as they are free and the Universe has provided for their needs, they are happy.
They feel rich as long as they have (the most precious) themselves and the beautiful World at their feet.
But it doesn’t mean that they can’t be very wealthy.
They absolutely can, but they just don’t idolise money.
They respect the money, for money buys them the Freedom they enjoy.
#22 Special connection with the sea
Andromedans are not exactly merpeople, but with 85% of their Home Planet covered in the ocean, they can’t imagine their life without the sea or the ocean.
#23 Well balanced people
Andromedan Starseeds strive instinctively to achieve balance in their lives: Mind and Heart, Feminine and Masculine, Spiritual and Physical, Creativity and Logic, etc.
#24 Natural Healers
Used to the energy work on their Home Planet, Andromedan Starseeds apply this intuitive knowledge on the Earth.
#25 Gifted Teachers
Andromedan Starseeds make the best Teachers able to tap into the Wisdom and Knowledge within.
#26 Bright and light
They are perceived as bright and light people, refusing to burden themselves with the usual rubbish everyone carries on their shoulders on Earth.
They know some innate Truth and are able to distinguish between important and unimportant stuff.
#27 Pure and innocent childlike energy
Andromedan Starseeds approach things with wonder, excitement, and trust.
Life is a game! Let’s make it fun!
#28 Introverts
Andromedan Starseeds’ eyes are turned towards the World inside them.
They prefer to live understated life, far away from spotlights and trumpets, on their own terms.
They don’t like to draw attention to themselves, they keep in the shadow.
People drain them, and they much prefer solitude.
Andromedan Starseeds on Earth
Andromedan Starseeds are rare on Earth.
They started incarnating here only relatively recently, answering Gaia’s call for enlightened Souls in preparation for the new Golden Earth.
Andromedans bring with them to Earth only a tiny part of their blazing Soul’s light, it is more than enough for being here.
As all Starseeds do, they have a hard time, adjusting to this Planet.
They struggle not only mentally, but physically as well.
Their Souls find it extremely difficult to integrate with the local physical bodies.
It seems that the Earthly physical body rejects a highly advanced alien Soul.
They can be riddled with illnesses for years, but then surprise everyone with a miraculous recovery!
Andromedan Starseeds are prone to spine injuries and often suffer from backaches.
The illness often serves as a wake-up call for them.
Upon Awakening, Andromedan Starseeds live their lives as living and breathing examples for others.
They encourage others to be themselves: be yourself, everyone else is already taken.
Don’t choose a well-beaten path, but walk your own one.
Don’t be a dull copy, but a bright original!
Discover your talent and gift your genius to the World!
Andromedan Starseeds Appearance
Starseeds incarnate in all sorts of physical bodies, but Andromedan Starseeds tend to be slim and tall.
The Andromedan ladies have beautiful, slender and fluid figures.
Andromedans often struggle to put the weight on.
Andromedan Starseeds can be dressed extravagantly to express their personality.

Andromedan Starseeds’ role on Earth
Andromedans come to Earth to teach humanity true FREEDOM, SOVEREIGNTY.
We are often so engrossed in other people, that we forget about ourselves.
“Mind your own business”, – Andromedans remind us.
Break free, tear apart the shackles you imposed on yourself.
You are magnificent.
You are beautiful.
You are free!
To touch the Essence of Andromedans and feel their Soul, listen to this music.
Feel it with every fibre of your Body and your Soul…
Feel the waves of vibrations, passing through your Body…
“El Condor Pasa” (The Condor Passes) is written initially by the Peruvian composer Daniel Alomia Robles and declared to be a part of Peru’s national cultural heritage.

The best known English version of it is the song “El Condor Pasa (If I Could)” by Simon&Garfunkel.
This majestic bird, soaring high in the sky above the mountains, is a symbol of every Andromedan.
By the way, Freedom is the Spiritual Theme of the 2022 Year.
And the Earth needs Andromedan Spirit exactly now like never before!

If you liked reading about Andromedan Starseeds you also might be interested to read:
- Starseeds and their Characteristics
- Can you be a Sirian Starseed (plus Sirius A)?
- Starseeds Types, Sirius B
- Sirius C Starseeds
- Pleiadian Starseeds… Can you be One?
- Lyran Starseeds, their Traits, Purpose, and Mission
- Ursa Major (the Great Bear) Starseeds
- Ursa Minor (the Little Bear) Starseeds
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I absolutely loved reading about your experience! I visit a place like you describe in most of my meditations, including the meditation where I connected with my starseed origins! My experience was rather vague though and it felt like it was more imagined by my conscious brain. I’ve been told by several people I am an Andromedan starseed and one person said I belonged to The Aurelians blue humanoid group, more specifically a subgroup of elite warriors called The Castrofus. I cannot seem to get a confirmation or find any information about them! Do you know if this group lives on this planet?
Hi Katy,
No, they are not from this Planet, the person must be described your other life elsewhere in the Universe.
Thank you so much for this!
I literally cried when I was reading the part about home of Andromedans and their forests.
I learnt that im Lyran from Andromeda but wasn’t sure how’s that possible.
But now I know.
Thank you so much for describing my home in such beatuful way!
Love and Freedom!
Dear Nana,
I’m so so pleased my article helped you to return to yourself and touch your Soul.
Love and Freedom!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful article. This is the most beautiful article I have ever read about andromeda.Nice to meet you, More love and joy. ️️☺️✨
Thank you for your lovely comment.
Love and Joy to you too.
Best wishes to you,
I haven’t written a message in a foreign language for a long time,so funny.
I look for article about Andromeda for a long time!
One day in 2019,I pray to know where I come from,next day I receive the answer from a book,would you know the planet Hautuon?it’s also from Andromeda Galaxy.May have ethereal spiritual world,domed temples for practice and initiation,also keep Akashic Records ,colourful sky and air full of energy.In my dream,I overlooked the temple,built on top around that area,with columns and ladder.We study inside,and saw bright beam come with teachers,color like yellow and brown.
My description may be wrong,just for reference.I tried to know more about Hautuon.
I agree characters describ in this article. Thank you for your patience and enthusiasm to write them,fairy lady.
No, I didn’t come across the Planet called Hautuon.
But Andromeda Galaxy is so vast!
I suppose the Planet houses the etheric Educational Centre for the Souls in-between lives.
But no one incarnates on there for life in the etheric body.
I believe these studies were huge and enjoyable for you, and your Soul has fond and the most recent memories of them.
The link between your Soul and that Planet is so strong.
That’s why when you prayed to find your real Home, the name of the Planet Hautuon popped up.
Lots of Love from Irina
This is by far the most beautiful article that I’ve read about andromedans ❤️ I was told in a dream that I am andromedan and that was before I had ever heard of them. I started reading everything I could about them and discovered that it’s true. Everything I’ve read has described me 100%. It felt amazing to read your article describing my true home, I could see it and feel it in my heart and mind and it brought me so much happiness so thank you
Oh, thank you so much, dear Melissa, delighted you loved my article.
I’m Sirian Starseed myself, but the Worlds of Andromeda have touched some strings of my Soul.
And I am fascinated by their Philosophy and Wisdom.
Lots of Love and Blessings,
Hi Melissa & THANK YOU, Irina from Essex / UK, SOOO MUCH !!
KEPT RUNNING DOWN MY CHEEKS, WHILE READING about ZENETAE ******* (“85 % covered by the OCEAN; aquamarine sea; The sea plays a massive role in Andromedan’s lives; ….unusual shaped GREEN EYES (!); Andromedan ladies .. (t)heir beauty is wild and untamed … the key to their heart .. well hidden; No roar of the engine; .. Pyramides (underwater temples, Art and Learning Centers; Gaia’s Temple with a big EMERALD in there; 3 sexes; ELDERS, PRIESTS (!!) and Teachers (!); ART (and music) !!! … they pick the subject their Soul is drawn to ->
.. their LIFE’s MISSION .. their own Uniqueness, Magnificence …”
Thank you, Susanne,
I loved every minute of writing about Andromeda.
So pleased I could help you to reconnect with your Home World.
Much Love and Hugs,