Ursa Minor (the Little Bear) Starseeds
– Are they made from flesh?
– No, they are woven from stars…
Look up the night sky, full of Stars, and locate the Big Dipper – Ursa Major Constellation.
Now, continue an imaginary line between its two Stars – Merak and Dubhe.
About five distances away you can see the bright Star – Polaris, or the North Star.
Polaris belongs to Ursa Minor or the Little Bear Constellation, which is a Home to Ursa Minor Starseeds.
“Ursa Minor, also known as the Little Bear, is a constellation in the Northern Sky. As with the Great Bear, the tail of the Little Bear may also be seen as the handle of the ladle, hence the North American name, Little Dipper… Ursa Minor has traditionally been important for navigation, particularly by mariners, because of Polaris being the North Pole Star.”, according to Wikipedia.
Despite the two Constellations being “next door” to each other, Ursa Minor Starseeds are absolutely different, compared to the Ursa Major Starseeds.
Let’s take a quick look at Ursa Minor Star System:
Ursa Minor Constellation
Ursa Minor Constellation consists of seven Stars, and its brightest Star is the North Pole Star – Polaris (actually a triple star system).
Kochab is the second brightest Star of Ursa Minor.
Other Stars include:

Urodelus (a binary Star),
Anwar al Farkadain,
Akhfa al Farkadain and,
Five Stars of Ursa Major Constellation are only interesting as the Cosmic objects.
But our attention will be focused on two of them – Anwar al Farkadain and Akhfa al Farkadain.
Anwar al Farkadain
Anwar al Farkadain is a yellow-hued Star, having 135% of our Sun’s mass.
A young Planet, orbiting around this Star, prepares to house life.

The Spirits – Creators, mastering their skills, keep coming there to create a wonderful environment, friendly for plants, animals, and possibly humanoids.
If you never heard about the Spirits – Creators, I’ll explain briefly.
In-between lives we as the Spirits are not idle, we learn and hone our talents.
According to the Soul’s gifts, the Spirits pick different paths.
They could be:
# Creator – The Spirit, creating non-physical and physical objects,
# Designer – The Spirit, designing the objects,
# Librarian – The Spirit, working with the past lives and past information,
# Time Master – the Spirit, working with the future,
# Guide – the Spirit, aspiring to become the future Guide,
# Teacher – the Spirit, chosen the Path of Teaching,
# Animal Master – The Spirit, loving Animals and dedicating themselves to them,
# Lost Souls Redeemer – The Spirit, working on Earth and watching over the Earth-bound Souls.
And many many others…

I won’t delve deeply into the matter because this article is actually about the Ursa Minor Starseeds…
So, the Spirits – Creators, accompanied by their Teacher and Elementals – the Earth Dragons, have arrived at this young and fresh Planet in order to build the landscape first.
They have created the stones, boulders, sand, built mountains and hills, valleys already.
It is what the Planet looks like at the moment.
Next, they will have to create the waters of the Planet and the air, again with the kind help of the Water and Air Dragons.
The work is in progress, and I know that these Souls – Creators are very fond and proud of what they do.
They are a part of the history of the Planet.
But obviously, it’s not the Planet where our Ursa Minor Starseeds originate from.
They come from the Planet, revolving around the Star Akhfa al Farkadain.
Akhfa al Farkadain
The Star is huge, around 340% of our Sun’s mass and around 227 times brighter.
Four Planets make their way around it, and one of them is incredible and special – the Home for Ursa Minor Starseeds.
The locals call their Planet unpronounceable for me, close to Mnegatomidi.
They downloaded it into my mind, but I will use the short version of the name – Mnegata.
The Home Planet of Ursa Minor Starseeds
Whilst approaching the Planet from space, you can see a changing its shape dark grey ball.
As you get closer, you realize that the Planet is surrounded by an atmosphere of grey gases, hence the irregular shape.
Life is impossible on the grey and hot surface of the Planet.
Standing on the ground, you can’t see a thing, your vision is clouded by the grey mist, and when you look up, all you can see is darkness, the miles, miles, and miles of the grey gas.
But inside the Planet the unique Nature conditions created huge Crystal voids.
So, the Crystal Cities of Mnegata were born.
People of Mnegata are physical, highly advanced, and enjoy 6th-dimensional living.
They have reached an unbelievable level of technology.
The cities are bright with the high “skies”, made of Crystals.
Highly advanced technology allows them to draw the controlled light of their Star.
So, they have natural light and a very comfortable temperature all year round.
There actually are no seasons and no day and night.
The “sky” appears to be white and shining.
The grounds are covered in Crystals as well.

They don’t have smooth roads as they respect Crystals and wouldn’t knock them off.
Also, the gravitation is quite strong on their Planet, so they wear special clothes that make them lighter, so they can walk not touching the ground.
Mnegatians’ homes are built from stones as the Crystal house can feel overwhelming to live in.
But they have mastered the art of working with stones and Crystals.
Their stones are infused with the energies of love, calm, joy, peace, and rejuvenation.
When it is needed, they attune a special stone to the energy field, for instance, of acquiring new information (charge a special stone for instance with the energy of acquiring new information) to help them in process of learning.
They keep that stone at home to amplify their natural abilities.
Then they can re-charge the stone with different sorts of energy.
All public buildings on Mnegata are made from Crystals or a combination of Crystals and stones, depending on the energy required in that particular building.
Mnegatians or Ursa Minor Starseeds
They love and have a special connection with Crystals, Minerals, and Stones.
By the way, the Stones are not considered to be “underdogs” compared to Crystals.
They are simply different.
The vast Crystal takes its proud place in the City, surrounded by the walls of the maze.
The Crystal
It is interesting that the Crystal decides whether you really need close contact with it.
You enter the maze.

But if the Crystal “feels” it’s not the time, you will wander forever in the maze and never find the Crystal.
Only when there is a real bond with the Crystal for that moment, you will discover the right way to the Crystal.
The Crystal is an intelligent Being and scans your energy as you walk towards it in the labyrinth.
It changes its colour depending on the sort of energy you need.
Standing next to the Crystal activates the exchange of energy between you and the Crystal.
The Crystal pulls out the energy you no longer need and transmutes it, replacing it with the fresh surge of strictly dosed energy, exactly as much as you can hold.
Communicating with the Crystal is considered to be a very special experience.
There is no Temple, nothing, only you and the Crystal.
You might receive downloads of Codes, Symbols, and information.
People also bring with them a little Crystal to charge it from the main One and prolong the experience.
Another special place for every Mnegatian is the Cave of Darkness.
Cave of Darkness
The Cave of Darkness is a natural phenomenon and connected directly (energetically) with the core of their Planet.
Mnegatians are being embraced and lovingly held in streams of energy from their Mother Planet.
When they need advice and clarity, are at the crossroads, they turn to the Cave of Darkness.
Entering it, they keep walking until the light at the entrance dims gradually and turns into pitch-black darkness.
They lie down. Don’t worry, the Crystals underneath won’t hurt their back.
You remember they wear special clothes that leave a little air cushion between them and the ground.
They clear the head of their thoughts and lie in the darkness and silence of the Cave.

Finally, they fall asleep.
When they wake up, it’s time to come back.
Their sixth sense leads them unmistakably to the entrance.
Whilst they were asleep, the Planet worked its magic on them.
They will carry on with their life, knowing intuitively what to do.
They got the answers they were looking for.
And no, they don’t stumble over the others, lying about in the darkness.
The Cave takes everyone in their own direction, they feel that they are on their own.
What does their World look like?
Imagine a cave full of stalactites and stalagmites, but only on a much grander scale.
And the stalactites (their sky) are positioned very very high.
The cave is full of bright light as the crystals shine, dazzle, and shimmer.
Their Planet contains a lot of metals as well.
The metal looks grey like silver.
The particles of metal are blended with the Crystals, providing extra shine.
The landscape is not flat, you can see mountains, hills, and valleys.
But they have no natural water bodies.
Being highly advanced, the locals produce the water themselves and have the water features around the Cities to delight their hearts.
But they don’t want to interfere artificially, creating the big water bodies (like a lake, for instance) and enjoy their Planet as it is.
They only have some plants, that they provide the water for, and have introduced the animals.
You won’t see the trees (the Crystals are ancient Information Keepers), only the climbing plants.
I saw one with the round yellow leaves, hugging a big Crystal.
And the others with the blue and purple leaves.
All plants have a subtle silver sheen, and they flower beautifully.
What about the Animals?
I spotted the light-blue birds up the sky.
They can’t fly for long because of the strong gravitation, but their little wings are apparently very powerful.
The birds feed on the strange plant, looking like the dark brown jelly.
But it is apparently very nutritious and contains water.
Also, I know that the locals keep one Animal as a pet.
Imagine the koala bear, with the little round ears, but the long and flexible nose that they poke their owner gently with.
The Animal has very unusual for this Planet dark magenta colour.
They haven’t got the red hues in there at all otherwise.
The adorable thing is covered in short and soft fur and is very cuddly.
They are blessed with a loving and playful personality, and everyone adores them!
They are like the local dogs.
What do Mnegatians look like?
They are tall, about 1.5 times taller than us, dark blue smooth skin with silver shine and sapphire-blue eyes without the whites.
Their bodies are different and contain no bones, very flexible and strong.
They have no fingers and toes, but very flexible and sensitive flat palms and feet.
The head has a big bulging forehead.
No nose, only the eyes and mouth on their face.
Mnegatians diet consists of vegetation.
They have little ears and a hole underneath each ear to breathe.
No reproduction organs either.
Mnegatians don’t talk and communicate telepathically.
Everyone can see your thoughts, and lies don’t exist on Mnegata.
Anyway, they wouldn’t lie, they are highly developed Beings.
But they can block their thoughts sometimes, it is considered for privacy and respected by everyone.
Mnegatians are an incredibly advanced 6th-dimensional civilization.
Their technology is beyond comprehension for us at the moment.
But their motto has become “Let Intelligence and Heart walk hand in hand together”.
They practice a healthy balance between Mind, Heart, and Body.
Many Mnegatians incarnated before on the Planets where they abused sometimes the Power of Mind and worshipped Technology.
Mnega teaches the Power of Love combined with unbelievable Technology, serving people and making their life more comfortable and enjoyable.
So, their Mantra is: “Glowing Heart + Sharp Mind + Beautiful Body”.
You probably wouldn’t find them beautiful when you see them for the first time.
But later Mnegatians would win you over by the love and charisma, oozing from them.
Life on Mnega
Mnegatians houses remind a big “Crystal”, standing on its sharp corner.

They have mastered the Gravitation on their Planet, and they don’t need the solid base for their house.
And they don’t disturb the Crystals underneath.
The houses are built from stones, as I said before, they find the Crystal buildings too overwhelming for a personal home.
Normally, one person with a pet occupies a single home.
Being androgynous, Mnegatians don’t make couples.
But they have a very special friend whom they bond at the heart level with.
Also, they are tight-knit Community people.
A young Mnegatian’s life starts at the “Beginning of all Beginnings” Temple.
We call it “the Laboratory” on Earth.
But in reality, it is the Temple where the tiny Mnegatian receives so much Love from the people caring for him.
When he is big enough, he moves to live with a specially appointed person who loves babies, and their Life Purpose is to nurture the baby, give him as much Love as possible to prepare for the next stage of life.
He spends time with other Community members as well, literally moving from one lap to the other.
So, our child learns first to love.
When our toddler is about 3, he moves again to the person who starts introducing him gently to the world, his first Teacher, still bathing him in Love and watching the toddler’s gifts and talents unfold.
At the age of 7, the child continues learning, moving in with someone, specializing in the area of the child’s interest, his next Teacher.
By the way, before the child was born, there was communication with his Soul and his Guides.
So, Mnegatian Elders knew what a sort of Soul was coming and what talents it was blessed with.
Six more years on, at the age of 13, the teen went to live with someone else, to hone and father develop his talents and knowledge.
And about 19 years old, the young Mnegatian was ready for his independent life in the house, granted to him by the Community.
But still learning and working on himself – in his own best interests, in the best interests of the Community.
As 6th-dimensional Beings, Mnegatians always feel their Unity with everyone around, including Animals, Plants, Stones and Crystals, their Planet, and the whole World.
“I am You, You are Me”.
Death doesn’t exist on Mnega, it’s someone’s decision to move on to the new pastures.
It is announced and respected by everyone.
They hold a special Celebration for that person before he makes his way into the “Universe” Temple.
“We come from the Universe, and we return when the Universe calls us”.
And he sets his Soul free…
Ursa Minor Starseeds and the Earth
Mnegatians started coming to Earth only comparatively recently, in the ’80s and on.
Before it didn’t make any sense for them to incarnate on a 3-dimensional Planet.
And they didn’t incarnate here during the reign of other highly advanced Civilizations – Lemuria, Atlantis, Avalon.
They are a relatively new addition to their Starseed Brothers and Sisters on Earth.
It’s their first life here, and its purpose is to teach humanity ethical ways to deal with technology.
But their memories about the highly advanced technology are dormant.
When the right time comes and the Earth moves into the 5th dimension, Mnegatians and other technologically inclined Intergalactic nations will become pioneers of the new science and new technology.
And Mnegatians will offer their special Gift, the Philosophy they live and breathe – the Balance and Unity between Heart, Mind, and Body as the foundation for a happy, peaceful, and fulfilling life.
Now, how to recognize if you could be a Mnegatian in your previous life?
Can you be an Ursa Minor Starseed?
Ursa Minor Starseeds Traits and Signs
You can watch the video or carry on reading:
1. You are under 42 years old
2. The reality of life on Earth is shocking for you because it is your very first life on this Planet
3. You have a high and distinguished forehead
4. You are highly intellectual, practically genius, your ideas are bold and unconventional, sometimes too revolutionary for those around you
5. You take a great interest in science and technology
6. You are great with the computer and interested in AI
7. You devour ski-fi fiction books and films
8. You are Spiritual and always work on your own improvement and development and improvement of your life
9. You are interested in how the World is designed, what are the Spiritual Laws of the Universe
10. You are a Thinker and a Doer, but not very interested in physical activity and sport
11. But you do look after yourself, walking, watching your diet, and generally loving and respecting your body – the Temple of your Soul
12. You are Vegetarian or Vegan, no one would even imagine eating Animals on Mnegata
13. You feel Oneness with the World
14. You are drawn to Koalas, Pandas, anything looking like a small bear because they remind you cuddles with your own pet on Mnegata
15. You respect a balance in everything and can be born under the Libra sign
Libra’s element is the air – the element of intellect and strength
16. The other popular signs to be born under for Ursa Minor Starseeds are Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn, their element is the Earth
17. You can be indecisive at times
18. You love Crystals and Stones and intuitively understand them
19. You are not that interested in water. The water is just… wet for you.
And you use it to sustain your body.
But no interest in swimming, surfing, scuba diving, etc.
Maybe, only to satisfy your curiosity, you’ve never done that before!
Also, Ursa Minor Starseeds are not very sporty.
#20 You have trouble understanding the opposite sex.
Never mind the opposite sex, you struggle to accept yourself as a man or a woman!
All people have been the same on your Planet.
21. You tend to be a loner.
Your heart is a national treasure and belongs to all humanity, not to just one person.
22. You are big-hearted and really just a big softy inside
23. You are a very wise, non-judgemental, and forgiving person.
When the whole World labels someone as “cruel and horrendous”, you still don’t judge and hold the Love for them in your heart, believing that they need LOVE as no one else does.
Deep down, unconsciously, you remember how the absence of Love, blind Technology without Love destroyed whole Planets.
Indeed, “all they need is Love”.

Ursa Minor Starseeds Role on Earth
Ursa Minor Starseeds started coming to our Planet recently in preparation for the Golden Earth.
They hold a strong vision of the Balance between the Heart, the Mind, and the Body – the physical vessel for this life.
Ursa Minor Starseeds are the Bringers of new Technology that serves humanity.
Many of them still don’t recognize their Galactic inheritance and special Gifts, they are still asleep.
But it all is a part of the plan.
When the time is right, they will wake up.
In the meantime, they learn and observe, watch and wonder, experience and overcome challenges.
Nothing can bring them down.
They have seen and mastered it all already – the Dark Path and the Path of Light.
And they have built 6th-dimensional life on their Home Planet.
Ursa Minor Starseeds are right here on this Planet ready for the new 5th-dimensional World to come.
And they will shine bright as the North Stars, showing humanity the way to the new future.

If you liked my article about Ursa Minor Starseeds, you also might be interested to read:
- Starseeds and their Characteristics
- Pleiadian Starseed… Can you be One?
- Can you be a Sirius Starseed (plus Sirius A)?
- Starseeds Types, Sirius B
- Lyran Starseeds, their Traits, Purpose, and Mission
- Ursa Major (the Great Bear) Starseeds
- What is Andromedan Starseed?
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Good day,
I have moles that connects into Ursa Minor on my face so I was curious about which Starseed it represented. Interesting story of Mnegations!
I love Metaphysics because it is the combination of Science, Physics, Technology, Spirituality, and Religion. I love most sports and swimming.
When I was 3-4 years old living in a haunted apartment number 13, with 8 siblings, 4 cats, and a single mother, I already saw or dreamed of infant reptilians my age , and fairies, that I did not remember as a Starseed. But my siblings and I, always hear loud stomps on the stairs around 1-2 midnight. I moved into apartment 14, I was 7-11 years old when I dreamed of the same rectangular metal spaceship 3 times, floating above the road of the apartment I lived in. Currently, I am 31 Earth years old, but I did not know what they were until my elder sister introduced me to a YouTube Channel- The Truth Can Change Your Life which was about Extraterrestrials and who was behind the corrupted martrix.
Last year, around December 2021, I think I saw Ursa Minor’s Beautiful Shining Metal Spaceship slowly fading, and rotating counterclockwise in the cloudy sky when I was in my upstairs bedroom. Ursa Minors spaceship did not look like the ship I dreamed of in childhood. But Ursa Minor spaceship was kind of slow moving, so intricate, and too glistening to even looking like a space rocket. It was something that I cannot remember imagining from my past life. I asked to see them. I still cannot believe what I saw though.
My ethnicity is Cambodian but I am Asian American, and was born, and raised in California.
I have been meditating for about 6 years now, to obtain my light body, to reactivate my Levitation and Teleportation powers.
We are All the Sacred Flower of Life, “I am You, You are Me, somewhere Multidimensionally in many forms”.
Thanks for sharing. Stay Healthy and Perfectly Blessed Bee.
Thank you, Cress, for such a heartfelt message.
Lots of Love and Blessings,