Urmah Star Race

Urmah Star Race

‘The sole advantage of Power is that you can do more good.’ ~ Baltasar Gracian ~ Millions of years ago, just before their beloved Planet was destroyed (and they knew beforehand it would perish), Feline Beings of Lyra were faced with a dilemma:  😾 to stay with their World till the very end and die…

Andromedan Starseed

What is Andromedan Starseed?

There are not that many Andromedan Starseeds on Earth. Pleiadian and Sirian Starseeds dominate among our Star Brothers and Sisters. Andromedan Souls arrive from the Constellation of Andromeda at approximately 2.5 million light-years away. Constellation of Andromeda “Andromeda is most prominent during autumn evenings in the Northern Hemisphere… It is one of the largest constellations…

You know you are a Starseed. But which Star or a Planet can you call your Home? Can it be Sirius B?

Starseeds Types, Sirius B

Sirius Star System has two the best-known inhabitable Planets – the Planet A and the Planet B. I wrote about Sirius A and Starseeds from Sirius traits in another article. Sirius B is a wonderful blue Planet, completely covered by water, and a Home for 7-dimensional etheric and 5-dimensional physical Beings – the Merpeople, also…