Spiritual Rainbow Dragon
Everyone needs Rainbow Dragon in their life.
This Dragon waltzes elegantly into your life.
The shimmering change of colours.
The twinkle in his eyes.
The mysterious smile on his lips.
The promise of the golden pot at the end of the rainbow.
He is the Brazilian Carnival and a Gentleman of Fortune in one irresistible package.
A born Showman and a Smooth Operator…
As Diana Cooper writes, ‘When you connect with the Rainbow Dragon, magic is in the air. Look out for and expect miracles.’
Rainbow Dragon is huge and plummy but moves amazingly gracefully.
You can’t help falling for his charms.
Your big Rainbow friend has bags of charisma and enthusiasm.
He is pushy, even brazen, and always gets what he wants!
As this cheeky chappy says himself, ‘I don’t know what the word ‘No’ means.’
Funny, witty, and always ready for a joke and laugh that sounds rather like the roar of thunder, the Rainbow Dragon opens any door, charms any person, and makes Impossible seem so easy.
But if we are serious for a minute, the Rainbow Dragon is an awesome 7-dimensional Angelic Being.
His energy represents Joy, Freedom, Courage, Charisma, Novelty, Open Doors, and Opportunities.
And his vibes are light and playful.
Where does Rainbow Dragon originate from?
Rainbow Dragon is an analogue of Seraphim in the Dragon’s body.
The incredibly high-vibrational Seraphim energy slows down into the 7th dimension.
So, the Dragon can work directly with Earth.
And of course, the Dragons Kingdom put its spin on the character of Rainbow Dragon, adding intensity, fun, good luck (and good looks as he thinks himself!), and abundance to his traits.
What does Rainbow Dragon look like?
The Rainbow Dragon is a huge, round fellow, exuding an array of pearlescent colours.
Depending on your needs, one colour will be dominant.
If you don’t feel brave, the Dragon turns more reddish to share with you his exuberant energy.
If you feel sad, he sports the yellow, looking like an enormous yellow Easter chick.
If you feel anxious, he exudes the cool blue to calm you down, and he is like a big fish swimming in the shimmering blue ocean with you.
Rainbow Dragon is associated with fiery dancing like Flamenco.
You can hear him clicking castanets!
The other dance he particularly enjoys is Lambada.
This Dragon is always up to singing and dancing.

He delights himself in joining the Carol singers at Christmas and has a blast singing Christmas songs with whoever does them.
What does Rainbow Dragon do?
The Rainbow Dragons returned to Earth after the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, when an exceptional alignment of Planets and the world’s first synchronized global peace meditation took place.
Unfortunately, not so many people recognise the Rainbow Dragon and ask him intentionally for help.
Your Soul can negotiate with this Jolly and Magical Being when the Soul feels your life turns lacklustre and loses the sparkle.
Or maybe, you go through challenging times and might benefit from a sort of ‘flying carpet’ under your feet to get you quickly to the end of your troubles.
So, what to call on Rainbow Dragon for:
🐲1 Rainbow Dragon is fantastic with the big structures, like banks, companies, councils, etc.
Imagine, you have to send an email or an application, asking for some permission.
And you are worried that your application will be declined.
It’s hard to be on your own against the big system.
Don’t be!
Ask Rainbow Dragon for help.
He is an experienced negotiator and as you know he doesn’t take ‘No’ for the answer.
🐲2 When you face problems in your relationships, at work, or communicating with people.
Let this Master Psychologist do the work!
You will find out that people soften towards you, and tensions dissolve.
They can’t help but like you, and you will be popular again.
🐲3 When your World turns gloomy, and you start slipping into depression, ask Rainbow Dragon to join you.
He will paint the sunshine and the rainbow for you in the sky!
The colours and joy will return to your life.
You will breathe fresh air into your lungs and feel happy for no reason.
And your big colourful friend will smile lovingly at you.
🐲4 Take him with you travelling.
You know that airports, customs, hotels and other parts of the holiday can be stressful.
Your Rainbow companion will make sure that your journey is smooth and enjoyable.
And your holiday will be one unforgettable (for good reasons) experience that you wouldn’t want to come back from.
🐲5 It’s party time!
This Dragon is the Soul of every party.
He will bring his colourful vibes to your special occasion and can suggest interesting ideas for the party that come as a sudden burst of inspiration to you.
Your party will be sparkly and warm, bringing people together.
Rainbow Dragon’s Channeling

Hello, hello,
I am the friend you never knew you needed,
I am your powerful ally you can always rely on,
I am your wise teacher who knows the myriad ways to remove any obstacle from your way.
I am the Dragon of many faces and powers who can adapt to any situation and solve any problem.
You called on me, and here I Am.
I can’t wait to share with you my Magic.
Surrender your burdens to me and I’ll show you how to deal with them in style!
The way we, Dragons, the Masters of Divine Transformation, the Alchemists, do it.
I share with you my vibe – playful, light, and magnificent.
So, you don’t walk but dance along the Rainbow Path.
Let me give you a magic kick up your backside to propel you to your Destiny, which is Joy and Freedom!
Before I go, I give you the biggest hug, and you know that I am always one thought away from you.
May the Rainbow Force be with you!

Visualisation to meet Rainbow Dragon
Close your eyes.
Let go of all thoughts, relax, and ask mentally for the Rainbow Dragon to join you.
Hear the quick swoosh, and here he is.
The Rainbow Dragon standing right in front of you, his head touching the ceiling.
He tilts his head to one side, watching you.
His golden eyes sparkle with mischief and laughter.
And the huge body shimmers as the waves of different colours run from the top of it.
He is quite a picture!
The Rainbow Dragon knows it and gives you a chance to appreciate his beauty.
He slowly moves to the left and moves to the right, basking in your adoration!
Then he turns serious and asks how he can help you.
Tell Rainbow Dragon about the setbacks you are facing in your life.
‘No problem’ – he is grinning from ear to ear and disappears in one swoosh.
But he leaves the screen behind where you can see how he sorts the issues for you.
You can see on the screen that he appears magically in the room with people.
He smiles, bows, gives compliments, tells jokes, and presents the ladies with flowers and chocolates.
Everyone is mesmerised and spellbound by him!
He asks for a little favour – to sort the stuff for you.
Of course, everyone is more than happy to help.
How to say ‘No’ to such a charmer, and as you know, Rainbow Dragon doesn’t take ‘No’ for an answer!
Triumphant, Rainbow Dragon returns to you, pleased as punch.
Thank Rainbow Dragon and hug him, absorbing his energy of Vitality, Luck, Charisma, and Abundance.
Poof – and he is gone, leaving the colourful confetti flying in the room.
Rainbow Dragon loves Dramatic Entrances and Dramatic Exits alike!
Open your eyes, still smiling.
If you liked reading about the Rainbow Dragon, you also might enjoy reading:
- Spiritual Dragons, their Wisdom, Love, and Power
- Meet your Personal Dragon
- Invoke Spiritual Dragons for help
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