I’m offering 1:1 Soul Healing Sessions.
Each session runs for 75 minutes, and the price is £80 for the distant Soul Healing Session (you don’t have to be present).
What do I work in my Healing Practice with?
I work with Angels, Ascended Masters, Goddesses, and Intergalactic Masters.
But especially I love working with Dragons who are awesome for Healing!
Dragons are the only Angelic Force that doesn’t shy away from diving into the messiest, densest, and darkest energies with the brilliant result ALWAYS!
I stay in touch with your Guides and mine to direct the Healing.
I also use cards and a pendulum.
What can you expect during the Sessions?
I start with a brief chat with your Soul and confirm its permission to interfere with your energy.
You can’t act on somebody else’s behalf and order the Session for them.
I need the person’s permission…
I will check your energy field and proceed with basic cleansing and healing:
- closing any holes found where the energy leaks out;
- checking for and removing entities (if there are any),
I mean the Earth-bound Spirits that still need the energy to enable them to stay on the Earth plane;
- checking for the energy vampires’ cords and dissolving them;
- checking your aura for any lumps or thinning of energy and smoothing them out;
- checking and basic cleaning of Chakras,
But it takes more than one session to fully clean the Chakras:
- removing the negative energy implants;
- getting rid of Vows and all or a part of Karma;
- sending the Healing Light along your Ancestral lines and blocking the negative energy, splashing from them into your current life;
- tracking the cords, leading through space and time and draining your energy or injecting the dark and murky energy into your energy fields, and removing them;
- releasing the trauma, stored in your body;
- building the wall of Protection around you and filling it with Healing energies.
Please, note:
It is unrealistic to expect the miracle that you will fully heal just after one session.
Imagine, your Soul went through so many lives, times, and spaces.
Your Soul had traumatic experiences, made mistakes, and generally collected a lot of energetic rubbish through eternity, not just your own, but your family’s in the current life and all your previous lives.
During the first session (75 minutes), we only will have time for basic cleansing of your energy chakras, removing negative cords, entities, and building protection around you.
The Anatomy of the Soul Healing Sessions
I’m not any special and don’t possess superpowers.
I work with Angels, Ascended Masters, Galactic Masters, Spirit Guides, and my personal favourites and all-time love – Dragons!
These amazing Heavenly Helpers don’t come into the Healing Sessions only for me.
They are for everyone and open to every call for help!
You absolutely can ask them to heal you, and they will.
I believe in your own superpowers and the ability to heal yourself.
The only difference is that I have skilled for decades my ability of clear seeing and healing.
So, it is sort of a smoother sailing with me.
You don’t have to be present at your Session
The Soul Healing transcends time and space, and your physical presence is not needed at the Session.
I’ll send you an email with the report about what I saw and what had been done during the Session and my recommendations for later on.
What do you need for the Session?
As I perform the distant Soul Healing Session on you, there are no preparations on your behalf.
It will be done within a week, and you will receive an email after, describing what has been done and what I have seen, any messages I have heard, and my further recommendations.
I’m not a qualified Doctor and don’t provide physical treatment.
I work with the energy of your Soul.
If you feel unwell, please, seek your Doctor’s advice.
Soul Energy Healing is a gentle energy technique.
Energy practitioners do not diagnose conditions nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.
Energy healing does not take the place of medical care.
It is recommended that you see a licensed physician or licensed healthcare professional for any physical or phycological ailment you may have.
Energy healing can complement any medical or psychological care you may be receiving.
No information about the client will be discussed or shared with any third party without the written consent of the client.
Your bit to do.
The Healing Sessions are always a joint effort.
We work together and meet halfway.
You will have to do your bit every day to stay healthy, otherwise, the issues will return.
I’m talking about Spiritual Hygiene.
Imagine you don’t bath or shower for… let’s say 10 years.
How would you smell? Like the roses?
But the same applies to your Spiritual bodies.
If you don’t clean them, your poor etheric bodies stink badly!
They get clogged with dark and dense energies, their pores are blocked.
They hardly can function!
At least, clean them at the end of each day.
Here are two simple methods:
#1 You have your own Inner Sun, located in your solar plexus.
When you are in bed ready to go to sleep, say inside your head:
“I invoke my instant sun now”.
See with your inner eyes the sun in the middle of your belly lights up instantly.
Its bright golden-white rays are piercing your energy fields, spreading like a fire, creating a ball of fire around you, burning all dark and negative stuff.
Keep your instant sun on for some 10 seconds.
It will retrieve back to your solar plexus.
#2 Another straightforward way is to use the Wave of Metatron.
Again, close your eyes, and just before you go to sleep, think inside your head:
“I invoke the Wave of Metatron now”.
See the orange-golden vertical Wave of energy, spinning fast around your core (your spine) and encompassing all your body.
The centrifugal force pushes out of your body the clouds of negative energy that are getting transformed into the energy of Love and returned to you.
About 10 seconds later you are all cleaned nicely.
Drift off to sleep now. Sweet dreams!
If you don’t clean your aura, this dark and dense energy, collected over the day, moves deeper into your energy fields over the night to join already existing tons of etheric crap, stored inside your energy matrix.
And I don’t have to explain that it is not beneficial for you at all!
Book the Soul Healing Session with me.
If you’re still reading and wishing to have the Soul Healing Session with me, great!
Please, tap your finger on the button below and scroll down to Products & Services.
You will be taken to the payment processor, Stripe, after, and that’s it, you are all booked!
You will receive an email, confirming your booking.
It is as simple as that.
If you have any questions, just shoot me an email to admin@inspirationdivination.com
I look forward to the Soul Healing Session with you,
Love and Blessings,
Featured Image: Depositphotos