How to pass your driving test if you keep failing
I don’t know if it can console you, but studies show that clever people are more likely to fail their driving test.
You perhaps are a bright spark with a high IQ and an academic mind that unfortunately works against you when you are trying to pass your driving test.
“You were unsuccessful today, good luck for your next time”, the driving examiner said indifferently,
it was my third attempt to get the driving licence – the ticket to freedom, the culmination of months, months and months of sweating behind the steering wheel and probably a couple of thousands of pounds spent on driving instructor.
No way I was born to drive ( some people seem to be born with the steering wheel in their hands), my driving skills were the result of hours and hours practising on the British roads testing my instructor’s patience (and driving him mad sometimes, it probably what he was thinking: “Oh yes! She is a driver! She is driving me mad!”).
If I were him I would punch myself on the face on a couple of occasions for the mischiefs I’ve done.
After I spent a thousand of pounds on driving lessons, but still couldn’t get an elusive and stubborn driving licence, I felt that there was no way back,
I invested too much money and time into this my adventure to give up, I had to carry on till I pass the driving test – but I kept failing again and again.
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My despair grew, I read every bit of information available online, watched numerous “Mock Test” videos, but nothing could change the fact that I kept failing…
I developed my own theory about the best time for taking the driving test.
According to my theory not all driving examiners are the early birds , they can be grumpy in the morning because they wish they were still in bed, they can be grumpy at lunch time because they are hungry, they can be grumpy in the afternoon because they feel sleepy after lunch, and they can be grumpy by the end of their working day because all they want is to go home, also they can realize that they have passed too many people in the morning, so other candidates in the afternoon are destined to fail, which leaves only time frame 9-30 to 11-30 when the driving examiners are the happiest after they’ve drunk some mugs of coffee or tea and ready to face the day, this is ONLY THE TIME to book your test.
By the way I have followed the above rule and failed anyway.
I started to think that I had to change my approach. One day flicking through the news paper I spotted an article how the desperate lady summoned the hypnotherapist’s help in order to pass the driving test, there was the brief description of the process – and it sparked for me the memory of NLP technique that I was taught years ago during my studies, the technique used to achieve a GOAL.
I decided to give it a go, I had nothing to lose and perhaps a lot to gain. I had to change my tactic and break the vicious circle I was trapped in…
The whole process took about 40 minutes ( can’t tell exactly, I lost the track of time) just before I went to sleep.
The next morning after another 40 minutes spent in the driving examiner’s company whizzing about in the town, not better than in the previous cases, I heard at last the words I’d been waiting so long for: “THERE ARE THE GOOD NEWS! YOU’VE PASSED!” It still remains one of the happiest days of my life, February, the 11th, 2016.
If you struggle to pass your driving test, I want you to have this BIG DAY, to feel on cloud nine, pinch yourself and ring everyone to announce proudly that you are officially a driver from now!
The idea is based on the Law of Attraction when your Mindset manifests the same outcome in the outside world.
I’ll describe how I did it, I knew the points that I had to go through, but I didn’t set anything specific and allowed my imagination to run wild, but you can just follow my steps.
The night before your driving test allow yourself the quiet time on your own, make yourself comfortable, normally lie down, close your eyes, relax your body, relax your mind. Make your mind empty, stop all thoughts, chase them away.
Now imagine yourself driving a cabriolet. It’s an early morning, just before the sunrise. Make a note of the colour of your car, how fast and smooth it is.
There is no one else on the road, just you. Take a look around, you are driving through the forest. What sort of trees can you see the most? Are they birches, pinetrees or something you don’t know the name of, just very leafy and green. Absorb the lush, green, calm, fresh and relaxing energy of the forest. Can you hear the birds’ songs? Maybe some animal is coming out of the woods to greet you? Is it deer, bunny or fox? Watch, listen and feel, feel yourself one with the forest!
Then the road takes you on the open space, you are driving through the meadow that is looking red because of the poppies in full bloom. Can you smell the flowers? Probably not, you just feel the beautiful and cool breeze caressing your skin. The sky is lovely and blue with the occasional fluffy clouds.
Feel amazing freedom and enjoy the power and speed of the car that is totally in your control!
The journey is taking you now to the ocean’s coastline. Watch the waves playing with sand. Feel how powerful, calm and relaxing the ocean is. It takes all negative and dark energies out of you leaving you refreshed and opened for the new blissful energies.
The landscape is changing again, and the road starts going slightly up the hill. You are driving into the horizon, and it is lit up with the first beams of the rising Sun. Then the edge of the Sun appears, You are driving straight into the rising Sun! Out of nowhere you can hear the “Beatles” song:
“Here comes the sun,
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right…
Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter,
Little darling, it feels like years since I’ve been here,
Here comes the sun,
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right…”
The mighty picture of the rising Sun and the magical music fill every cell of your body that is vibrating in excitement and singing along.
Capture this moment! Happiness, excitement! You are on the top of the world! “Here comes the Sun, little darling”, you and your car have done it!
And now go to sleep still hearing the song in your head.
You wake up in the morning, but the song “Here comes the Sun” and the feeling happy and elated are still there.
The song and happiness will be with you all the way to the driving centre, and when you start your driving test, then concentration on the test will take over.
I hope after you finish you will hear the words you were longing for: “Congratulations! You’ve passed!”, that will take you on the top of the world in reality, exactly as it happened to me!
Now I’ll explain how it works.
It’s sort of a meditation. I’m used to them, you’re probably not, but anyway give it a go. The hardest parts are not to fall asleep and to keep your mind empty. If some odd thought sneaks in your mind in the middle of the process, just chaise it away.
It’s important to go through all your senses to get the full picture:
✨ vision – What can you see? What colours? Try to see as many details as possible – what are the seats in your car, animals and trees in the forest, waves in the ocean;
✨ hearing – make sure you listen carefully;
✨ tactile feeling – air temperature (cool or warm), fresh breeze on your skin;
✨ smell – in the forest, smell of ocean, smell of flowers.
We didn’t touch the taste only.
As more detailed your picture is as more mental energy you are putting into it making it powerful, tangible and real.
Don’t forget about the power of music. Even scientists can’t explain why music affects us in such a magical way. Let the song be your affirmation, your keywords for the day, “Here comes the Sun” that will light up and change your life forever – it’s the new dawn, it’s the new life for you – and you’re feeling good! Let the music do its magic for you!
Also sunrise and sunset are the magical times in reality: sunrise – for the new beginnings, new and fresh energies, and sunset – to get rid of old and negative, to let it go.
It’s important that you are driving slightly up the hill in the end of your journey (it hasn’t been a mountain in my imagination, it’s hard to drive up the mountain, and I don’t want the task to be hard for you), you are entering a completely new level compering to where you were before. The top of the world is where you are heading, straight into the Sun.
There hasn’t been a clear top that you are reaching, getting the driving licence is only a half way through, you will still carry on learning to drive, the difference is without a driving instructor in the car (and without paying him money).
Engage your whole body into the process, feel the joy overflowing every cell, then the body memory will kick in for you in the real driving test.
Another extremely important point is creating not only Mindset but the Heartset as well. What do I mean? Connect it to your heart, feel happy, joyful, excited and elated – that the key to manifest your wish into reality.
✨ You create inside yourself the situation where you are driving on your own (without the nagging driving instructor). Don’t forget your car is a cabriolet to feel one with the world, you shouldn’t drive in the capsule. Details! God is in details! Going through all of your senses, giving pictures as much mental energy as possible, feeling it gaining weight, power and tangibility.
✨ Enjoying every minute of it. Feel the power and freedom, every cell of your body is singing in joy and excitement – the body memory!
✨ Engaging your heart, feeling happy and on the cloud nine – Heartset!
✨ Using the energy of the forest to take the toxic emotions away replacing them with fresh and relaxing feelings.
✨ Using the energy of the ocean to absorb all worries and negativity – power of water – and give way to the energy of the Sun to fulfil your dream!
✨ You are one with your car that listens and obeys your every movement. You are in full control, and you love it!
✨ The road goes up in the end to take you to the next level – where you’ve got your driving licence.
✨ It’s a Sunrise time, the new happy day is born for you!
✨ Remember about the magic of music with the relevant words to use as an affirmation.
✨ The reality you create inside yourself according to the Law of Attraction will attract the same reality in the outside world. As simple as that!
And lastly but not leastly, ask Angels to help you! They won’t interfere unless you ask.
If you haven’t got any particular Angel on your mind, then ask Archangel Michael for his protection and support, he is pretty much the Universal Angel, multitasker and all rounder (I’m telling “he”, but strictly speaking Angels have no gender, just his energy feels masculine, but it’s a topic for another post).
You can ask another high spiritual being who you feel is close to you, for example all my life I feel a strong connection with Saint Nicolas, he would be my other choice to ask for help.
Also don’t overlook your own Spiritual Guides and Guardian Angels. The loving and powerful Angels are always there for you, you just need to ask!
Well, I hope your driving test will turn out triumphant, and you will feel epic tomorrow!
Let me know if this has been helpful for you. What could you see in your meditation and how did your driving test go?
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Love and Light, Irina
Featured image: Unsplash
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