How to invoke Angels of Money, Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance in your life
Do Angels even bother with money?
There is no money in the Kingdom of God.
Do such Angels of Money, Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance exist?
Answering this question, yes, they do exist.
A large group of Angels assists people on Earth with their daily life.
And our daily life here on the planet revolves a lot around money, we like it or not.
To get an insight into your intimate relationship with money, you are welcome to read my article “Human Basic Instincts, or do you know yourself”.
You will see that not just one, but quite a few basic instincts are intertwined closely with money.
Money is a big and fat reality on Earth.
God in his ingenuity has included the subject of money in the learning schools of Earth.
Money and Power are the two biggest Stumbling Stones for people, the lessons we have to master.

And Angels would never leave us without support.
But it is not straightforward as praying to the Angel of Money who will dish out the money to you automatically.
The process of asking and receiving the money is more intricate and multifaceted.
And no, you don’t need to learn the prayer, and God forbid to muddle the words!
Even if you don’t know or can’t remember the name of the Angel, it doesn’t matter.
Ask, for example, the Angel of Abundance, and she will step forward to assist you.
Speak from the heart, in your own words, Angels know your situation, they know more than you think, and they pick on your intention.
And Angels always answer your prayer, they can’t otherwise.
That’s the way God designed them!..
Let’s take a look at your relationship with money first.

Imagine your river of Abundance.
We all wish to see it as a powerful and swift stream carrying tons of Money, Prosperity, and Abundance into our life.
But in reality, your river of Abundance is full of rubbish and big boulders, blocking it.
So, we will clear it and get rid of all that rubbish.
And Angels will roll their sleeves up and work side by side with you, but only if you ask them.
We will start with your past lives which you don’t remember.
Angels help deal with the money blocks from your previous lives
In one of your previous lives, you could take a vow of poverty.
Many years ago it was quite fashionable to take different sorts of vows – like mentioned above the wow of poverty, also celibacy, and obedience.
These vows don’t go anywhere and still are buried deep inside your energy fields, affecting your life today.
Apart from the vow of poverty, you perhaps have lived thousands of lives on Earth already, in each one going through the whole array of negative stuff around the money – anger, sadness, jealousy, desperation, shame.
Maybe, you even have done something not particularly nice for the sake of money.
If you ignore these negative thoughts, feelings, and actions, they still haunt you.
They reach out as the cords of negative attachment from beyond and poison your life today.
But the trouble is you have no clue about them.
The Veil of Amnesia hides well this knowledge from you.
So, what to do?
Loving and Powerful Angels offer their help to you.
Archangel Michael

First, ask Archangel Michael to cut all the cords of negative attachments, stretching out to you from your previous lives, with his sword of Truth:
“Beloved Archangel Michael, please, cut the cords still pumping up the gunk and dirt from my previous lives into this life.
The cords, leading to people, situations, and places in the previous lives and still affecting negatively my life.
Thank you, Archangel Michael.”
Archangel Zadkiel
Invoke Archangel Zadkiel, the mighty Angel of Forgiveness, Benevolence, and Mercy, to help you:
“Dear Archangel Zadkiel, I know I was less than perfect in my previous lives, I had done some stuff I was not proud of.
But now I want nothing but peace with my past.
Please, help me to forgive myself and forgive others.
Help me to release the past, let it go.
So, only Love remains.
Thank you.”
Finally, use the Hawaiian Ho’oponopono Forgiveness Prayer.
It’s simple, everything genius is simple:
“I’m sorry,
Please, forgive me,
Thank you,
I love you.”
Thinking of your past lives, covered for you by the mist of Amnesia, say this little Prayer.
It does wonders, releasing the ghosts of your past and bringing peace and calm into your heart.
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Next, let’s transport you to your pre-birth meeting with your Guides.
Your Pre-Life Contract and Money
When you were a Soul between two lives and before your re-birth, you attended a series of negotiation meetings with your Guides, Angels, and other Souls that would potentially play a role in your future life.
You picked with your Guides advice your future parents and the financial situation you would be born into.
Designing your adult life, you thought about what could best benefit your Growth, Wisdom, and Experience.
I have found that poverty is very seldom written in people’s Life Contracts.
Yes, sometimes the Guides suggest, and the Soul agrees that it is the best course for that life.
For example, someone in their previous one has been lending money with huge interest to poor people, pushing them deeper into poverty and despair and turning deaf ear to their cries.
This person might agree to a condition in his next Life Contract to be in the poor person’s shoes and develop kindness and understanding.
Or a highly advanced Soul wants to take their empathy to the next level and volunteers to live a materially disadvantaged life…
But usually, everyone gets free will and a full reign with the money over their lifetime.
You can do whatever you want to do.
Only people’s starting position in life differs.
Someone is born in a rich family and country, and someone – in the poor one…
The money is a wild horse, how to tame it?..
Fast forward, and you have been born and lived for quite a few years on Earth now.
Healing your financial past with Angels
You have developed a relationship with money in this life already which has seen lots of negative feelings and emotions already.
Upset, guilt, shame, anger, despair, jealousy…
Previous bad experience with money leaves energetic debris behind, and you keep carrying this energetic luggage.
Time to get rid of it.
And Archangel Jeremiel is the man for the job.
Archangel Jeremiel
Invoke Archangel Jeremiel and ask him to highlight to you every bad experience, every scar on your Soul left related to money.
This exercise is not for the faint-hearted, it will bring a tornado of painful memories and throw you back in time.
But the healing of the past is necessary!
Without it, you can’t move forward to a happy new Chapter of your romance with money.
Get your journal out and write down the list of every upset you have experienced in the past with money.

Start with your childhood.
When did you first realize you were poor?
Maybe, you asked your parents to buy you a bike, because all your mates had bikes, but they said no.
Your Mum forgot about your school lunch, and you were so hungry!
Write it all down.
Then your teens, adolescence, adulthood experience.
Someone borrowed the money from you and never returned.
You didn’t have any money left till your payday.
You felt jealous of someone winning the lottery.
Your partner let you down with money.
It must be a huge list!
Now go through every point on that list, get right in, feel the turmoil of emotions, torturing you, again and repeat the Ho’oponopono Mantra:

“I’m sorry,
Please, forgive me,
Thank you,
I love you.”
You know you are done when you read through your list and stay calm and detached.
It doesn’t bother you anymore, it’s all water under the bridge.
The idea to make a list of all your money upsets and work through it is not mine.
I adapted it from this book.
And here is the other book I really loved about money.
The titles of the books are a bit cheeky, but the very books are so good and helpful!
Next, Archangels Haniel and Raphael are stepping forward to help you to heal your past.
Archangel Haniel
The amazing and less talked about Archangel Haniel can help you cleanse your energy, get rid of dark emotions, depression, anxiety, and fear.
She is not afraid to dive down the murkiest and darkest layers of your psyche and get the job done.
“Dear Archangel Haniel, I know I’m an eternal and magnificent Soul, but I am a Human as well.
And living on Earth, I often can’t help to fall into a trap of negative emotions and feelings.
Please, help me to deal with fear, worries, and anxiety, clouding my aura and my vision.
Wash every cell of my body with your calming, cool, sky blue waves of energy.
Restore peace in my Soul.
Thank you.”
Archangel Raphael
Ask Archangel Raphael to heal all your bodies – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual – and bring Abundance into your life: “Beloved Archangel Raphael, please surround me with your healing emerald green and golden flame, let this flame penetrate all my being, dissolving old, stagnant and dense energy blocks, bathing, nurturing, healing and restoring me. So I emerge the new Me, and I’m ready for the new happy and abundant life. Amen”
Now we can move onto the juicy stuff and deal directly with the Angels of Money, Prosperity, and Abundance.
Angels of Money, Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance
The first Angel to turn to is of course the very Angel of Money, Archangel Sachiel.
Ask him to bless every day with his presence.
Archangel Sachiel
This beautiful Angel of Money, Wealth, Charity, and Water is one of the less known Archangels.
His element is Water, the day of the week – Thursday, and the planet is Jupiter, the planet of expansion.
But Archangel Sachiel doesn’t participate in the “get rich quick” schemes.
He works on dissolving the dark energy, obstructing your ways to Abundance, showing you the right path where you can acquire Wealth, expanding your Light and the Waterfall of Prosperity coming your way.
You don’t need special prayer for him, just say:
“Archangel Sachiel, I invoke your mighty presence in my life now. Thank you.”
Feel something huge and transparent, entering your room now.

You remember he is an Angel of Expansion.
Find yourself in the middle of Divine Waterfall.
Crystal clear gentle water runs through your energy fields and cleanses them.
It feels so loving and nourishing, you want to stay under that Waterfall forever.
Archangel Sachiel has brought his Magic into your life now.
Archangel Ariel
Archangel Ariel is a wonderful Angel of Joy, Nature, and Abundance.
You might ask: “Why do I need the Angel of Nature if I want money?”
But look at the Abundance and Beauty Archangel Ariel creates and maintains in Nature – plants, flowers, forests, mountains, rivers, oceans…
Would you like the same level of Abundance in your life – unlimited, diverse, exciting, and unapologetic?
Ask Archangel Ariel for her assistance.
I love her so much that I ask her every morning (if I don’t forget) to be with me all day.
We don’t need money for the sake of money.
Imagine you are on the desert island, and a million dollars fall off the sky on you.
Would you be ecstatic?
No, you probably would use the banknotes for fire at night.
We need money to get the freedom, lifestyle, and abundance that we crave!
And Archangel Ariel can help you to create that thriving life of Wealth and Abundance for yourself.
Archangel Raziel
Archangel Raziel is the Angel of Magic, Mystery, and Miracles.
Invoke this magnificent Archangel to help you turn your life around in a mysterious way, to experience a miracle, for things to unfold for you like magic.
Oh, we all could do with a miracle in our life sometimes!
Ask Archangel Raziel:
“Dear Archangel Raziel, you see that I am stuck and losing hope.
Please, bless my life with your Divine touch.
I believe in and welcome Miracles in my life now.
Thank you.”
Archangel Samritiel
Of course, Archangel Samritiel, intense and deep purple Angel of Manifestation, answers your call to teach you Manifesting and reminds you that you ARE the Master of Creation as a Child of God.
“Dear Archangel Samritiel, hold my hand and enroll me into your school of Manifestation.
Let me be closer to God and remember my Power and my Birthright as a Creator.
Help me to build the World of Happiness, Joy, and Abundance for myself and others on the Earth.
Thank you.”
Archangel Barachiel
Archangel Barachiel is the Angel of Blessings and Good Luck that you need so much right now.
Invoke Archangel Barachiel for help:
“Beloved Archangel Barachiel, grace my life with your presence and let me feel your Blessings and Good Luck every day.
Thank you.”
Archangel Barachiel is the Chief of the Guardian Angels as well and encourages you to talk to your own Guardian Angel.
Guardian Angel
Your Protector, your Guardian Angel knows everything about you.

And he knows the way you should take to find that treasure, that pot of gold at the end.
Speak to your Guardian Angel, ask him or her to show you the way to Prosperity and Abundance in this life, and promise to follow the guidance.
Also, the Guardian Angels don’t work on their own.
They invoke the help of other Divine Forces as and when needed like the Angels, Dragons, Ascended Masters.
But as always, you have to ask.
Read more about the Guardian Angel in my article “How to know your Guardian Angel”.
Next comes the list of Archangels, working on the background and helping you to clean, maintain, and magnetize the vibrant aura of Abundance, attracting Wealth and Money from the outside world.
Angels directing you onto the Path of Money, Wealth, and Abundance
Archangel Gabriel
When you feel lost, ask Archangel Gabriel to fire up in front of you the shimmering Diamond Path of your Purpose on Earth.
Walking this Path and sharing generously your brilliant gifts and talents with the World, you receive the energy back in a form of Money.
Archangel Chamuel
Ask Archangel Chamuel, the beautiful shiny pink Angel of Love, to fill every minute of your life with Love to keep your vibrations high.
Read more about Archangel Chamuel in this article.
You can’t attract anything good into your life if you are surrounded by a grey cloud of feeling low…
Another role of Archangel Chamuel is finding lost objects.
If your Money is lost somewhere in the Universe and can’t find the way to you, ask Archangel Chamuel to unite you with your Money.
He will do everything in his Force to do that.
Archangel Jophiel
Archangel Jophiel is the Angel of Beauty.
She helps you to see and appreciate the beauty around you and create the exquisitely beautiful world of Abundance for yourself.
Archangel Jophiel is in charge of the Crown Chakra as well and connects you with Wisdom and Knowledge of the Universe, unfolding your Personal Path in front of you.
Archangel Leeanna
Call on beautiful white and light blue Archangel Leeanna, the Angel of Gratitude, every day to keep your heart thankful.

Look around and appreciate how much you’ve got.
How blessed and loved you are!
You are the luckiest and richest person on the planet!
Write down 5 things to be grateful for today every night in your journal.
And every time you receive money, no matter how small it is, write it down in your journal as well, feeling excited, elated, grateful, and knowing that more money is on the way!
Archangel Metatron
Mighty Archangel Metatron, the golden orange Angel, oversees your Life Mission on Earth.
Ask him to guide you and give his feedback on your progress on Earth.
Again, give the Planet your gifts and talents, send out your beautiful vibes and receive back the energy in a form of money.
Archangel Metatron has been incarnated on Earth a long time ago.
Ever since he has ascended, and now he is a very high hierarchy Angel.
But because of his past life on Earth, he can relate to and understand you so well.
Archangel Mariel
The other very high hierarchy Angel, his energy is magenta-colored, consisting of bright pink and electric blue.
Pink is the color of Love and Heart, and Electric Blue stands for Manifestation.
Archangel Mariel works with people whose Soul Star Chakra is activated to bring forward their gifts to help humanity.
Invoke Archangel Mariel and feel his Divine presence when you suddenly start liking and notice the magenta color.
Follow his nudges because he puts you firmly on the Road to your Abundance…

Apart from Angels, helping you to lead a happy and rich life, I want to mention two Prayers for Money and Wealth.
Huna Prayer for Abundance
The Prayer from Djwhal Khul, channeled by Joshua David Stone in 1995, helps his fellow Lightworkers to receive the Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance they so much deserve.
“Beloved Presence of God,
I humbly ask and pray with all my heart and soul and mind and might, for divine abundance made manifest through personal fortune and success.
I am willing to move beyond fear in order to fulfill God’s plan on Earth and beyond.
I personally pledge myself to financial wealth in order to fulfill my group and individual service commitments.
In God’s name, I accept my Divine Heritage right now and thank thee for the timely answer to this prayer. God’s will be done. Amen.
(Aloud three times)
My beloved subconscious mind, I hereby ask and lovingly command that you take this thought form prayer to God, along with all the mana and vital force needed and necessary to manifest and demonstrate this prayer. Amen.
(Breathe a prayer to God.
Take three deep breaths and breathe the golden energy out of your Crown Chakra up to the Source.)
Lord, let the rain of blessings fall. Amen

(Raise your arms up and open them, feeling the waterfall of blessings.)
This should be repeated every day for thirty days.
The Prayer had been channeled in 1995 when the Earth was purely 3-dimensional.
So, it required at least 30 days for Manifestation.
Nowadays, it takes quicker to get the ball rolling.
The second one is not really a Prayer, but the Decree I read in this book and I loved it.
The book is meant for religious people and bursting with quotes from Bible.
And the author concludes his book with:
The Decree for Money, Prosperity and Wealth
“Declare and decree the following Prosperity and Wealth Promises of God thirty times a day (30 minutes) and watch Angels move:
I have been given the Power to get Wealth.
I am extremely rich in Silver and Gold.
I lay up Gold as dust and the Gold of Ophir as the stones of the brooks.
I have plenty of Silver.
God has pleasure in my Prosperity.
The Lord is my shepherd, I do not want.
I have been brought into my Wealthy place.
Wealth and Riches are in my house, and my righteousness endures forever.
Riches and Honor are with me, durable Riches and righteousness.
Wisdom has caused me to inherit substance and fill my treasures.
The blessing of the Lord has made me rich.
My crown is Wealth and Riches.
Houses and Riches are mine.
With me are Riches, Honor, and long life.
Money is a defense, and Money answers all things.
God has given me Wealth and Riches and the Power to eat thereof.
Where my word is, there is Power.
God teaches me to profit and leads me in the way I should go.
Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law, and Jesus became poor that I through his poverty am now rich.
The blessing of Abraham is upon me.
Whatever I do, and wherever I go, I prosper!
God’s favor surrounds me like a shield.
Thus decree has been established unto me, and the light has shined upon my ways!”
Maybe, the Prayer or the Decree resonate with you? Or both of them?
Give them a go…
If you want to learn more about Archangels, I recommend you read the book “The Archangel Guide to Ascension“.
If you liked reading my article about the Angels of Money, Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance, you also might be interested to read:
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Don’t expect a quick fix with money.
It’s not like you walk into MacDonalds and order the Big Mac.
And in 5 minutes your order is on the tray in front of you.
You can’t place the order with Angels and receive it in 5 minutes.
Invite Angels into your life and follow their guidance.
The process is gradual.
Money and abundance will start to bless your life in ever-increasing quantities.
Remember that money is of the water element, and water always looks for the easiest way to enter your life.
So maybe you notice that not yours, but your partner’s money goes up.
Because you are on the fixed-wage, but your partner’s money is more flexible.
Even your friends and colleagues with whom you spend time together might get extra money.
All because you are the money magnet now and radiate your energy forth.
And everyone around you, basking in your energy, becomes the money magnet too.
But your big money is on the way!
Money has been wooed by you.
Money has fallen in love with you.
Trust Angels and let them help you to become Rich, Wealthy, and Prosperous You!
Love Always,
Irina and Angels
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hi my name is Veronica Medina I was so fortunate to come across your post i believe in Archangels I need to find my Archangels for healing my body ialso always have fear when ever I’m alone at home work shopping especially when I am driving i always have to have someone with me please which Archangels I need to ask help with this Thank You I Greatly appreciate it
You are more than welcome.
So pleased you liked my article.
I believe the angels have answered my prayers I can feel the presence of them hoping for a great change in my life things are very difficult right now even to feed home but I believe the lord will answer me Nigeria
Thank you so much Sir for this article.
God bless you
You are ever so welcome!
God bless you too.
I absolutely loved all these prayers to the angels. I am in desperate need of fast money for me and my family to just make it through our lives. After I read these prayers as I held on to my rosaries ( that were given to me by my late aunt whom I love and miss dearly) I felt a calm come over me a sense of ease and content that everything is going to okay, that we will make it through this money down fall! So I thank you for sharing these wonderful prayers with me God bless you
Hi Christina,
I’m delighted you connected with Angels and felt their Love.
God bless you too with all the Abundance, Joy, and Happiness in the World.
Please I need the help of Angles in my life My name is Harold Calvin Mnokote from Malawi -Central Africa I want them to bless me with wealth Joy Good Luck and Blessing thank you.Amen
So inspiring and mind blowing. Thanks for this additional knowledge I’ ve gained. God bless you.
Thank you so much, Gerri.
This is very inspiring and mind blowing. I think this is what I need. Thank you
You are ever so welcome.
Please I need the help of Angles in my life My name is Bockarie koroma from Ghana I want them to bless me with wealth Joy Good Luck and Blessing thank you
what is the method, to be given money by the guardian angel, please help me, thank you
Simply ask your Guardian Angel to help you financially and be receptive to his nudges what to do next. He will put ideas into your head and present you with the information. Guardian Angel is always by your side and ready to help.
Am so happy now… My life has changed…
I’m so happy for you too, Nwaiwu!
please help me, how can i meet my guardian angel, because i am having financial difficulties, thank you.
You can read about Guardian Angel in this article. Hope it helps.
Read the article
Very powerful
I enjoyed ,will exercise my faith too and keep declaring.
Thank you, Sangan,
I’m so pleased you enjoyed my article.
Thanks a million for this light you have brought in my life. Love and blessings to you!
You are ever so welcome.
Love and Blessings to you too!
It is very useful for me I enjoyed a lot to read this thank you thank you thank you so much
You are more than welcome.
I’m so happy you loved my article!
I really enjoy reading your article am from Ghana. My name is Samuel Appiah. I will try it when it goes well with you let you know. Thank you.
Thank you, Samuel,
I wish you the very best of luck.
Fingers crossed for you,
IRINA, just came upon your site by pure chance.
Just yesterday l asked the Infinite spirit a guide to a long standing challenge and pop here is irina wonderful writing-up that seem to give the answers.
Please accept my warm regards and love for such a profound work. I will tackle the challenges with some of your suggestions and will give a feedback. God blessings be upon you. David.
Thank you so much, David.
I wish you every blessing of Abundance, Wealth, and Prosperity.
May God and Angels be with you every step you take.