Ears Ringing and the Spiritual Meaning behind it.
Do you get from time to time strange noise in your ear?
Apart from the obvious medical reason (Tinnitus), perfectly healthy people still can get this irritating sound in their ears.
And there is the deep Spiritual Meaning behind it.
Hearing this noise means you skip the normal human auditory range and enter the “beyond” territory.
Why does Ears Ringing happen?
Ears Ringing is the physical Manifestation of something happening on the subtle invisible level.
Normally, it means that your Third Eye starts opening.
You unleash your Psychic Abilities, the Clear Hearing or Clairaudience to be exact!
Another reason, related to it, is you step on the Path of Spiritual Awakening.
You receive downloads of information, energies, codes.
So, every time you hear that little noise, relax, let it be, and let your Guides input the flow of information inside your energy system.
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How do you know that they are your Guides and Angels, accessing your energy?
Your Guides and Angels vibrate very fast, creating the high-pitched sound in your ear.
Also, their usual route is your right ear.
As your Psychic Abilities develop, and you start hearing your Guides (inside your head), they might use both of your ears, but only to attract your attention.
You can have a little arrangement with your Guides.
For example, you are really close to Archangel Michael and St. Germain.
When Archangel Michael needs to pass urgent information on you, he gives you the ringing noise in your right ear.
So, you can stop whatever you are doing and pay attention, concentrate and listen!
But when you hear the high-pitched sound in your left ear, you know that St. Germain is getting in touch with you.
It’s like your mobile phone ringing, prompting you to answer.
And you can distinguish straight away who calls you.
Ringing in the right ear
A general rule of thumb – Beings that have never incarnated in a physical body, i.e. Angels, Dragons, Unicorns, tend to use your right ear.
The only exception here are the Ascended Masters that have incarnated on Earth before, like Jesus Christ, for example.
They still use your right ear.
Ringing in your right ear means that Spiritual Realms support you.
They offer you their Spiritual Counseling services.
Also, ringing in your right ear can indicate you are receiving a download of the important information, new energy, new codes, affecting you on the DNA level and even deeper.
Your chakras system gets updated and upgraded to the higher version.
Exactly like with your computer – there is the next version of Windows available, update your Windows now!
But the Beings that have ever touched Earth or incarnated here currently prefer the left ear.
So, your right ear is associated with Spirituality and Higher Spiritual Beings, but the left one – with the Earthly plane.
By the way, no one talks directly into your right or left ear.
You receive the information through your Third Eye.
And it triggers your left rational or right subconscious brain.
When your left brain gets activated, you hear ringing in your right ear.
And vice versa, your right brain gets a nudge – your left ear rings.
I actually asked Angels why they prefer to use the right ear?
They replied that the right ear is connected to the left brain – rational, analytical, orderly – our conscious mind.
Angels aim that information they download into you gets straight into your consciousness.
So, get thoughts and ideas that prompt you to change and look differently at the world.
If they input the information into your right subconscious brain, the information might stay there forever, because of the thick wall, the barrier between your conscious and subconscious minds.
It’s like a border between two countries, and the Customs Regulations don’t allow everyone in.
The Border Force officers check the passports and visas and decide to let through or not.
Your rational mind filters the information.
It lets through what it thinks is OK by its rules.
Anything irrational (and the Angels are irrational for the conscious mind because they can’t be detected by your physical senses) is considered to be rubbish and won’t be allowed to the conscious level.
So, triggering the left brain is a straight talk to your conscious mind, not asking for its opinion!
Angels and Guides choose your left brain for a reason to affect you and your life right now!
Ringing in the left ear
Sometimes ringing in your left ear has nothing to do with any Spiritual activities.
Every day we are bombarded with electrons – WiFi, electricity – from our phones, laptops, tablets, and other devices.
They interfere with our own energy system.
When it gets too much for your poor body, it lets you know.
You can hear the streams of electrons around you as ringing in your left ear.
Take a break!
But most commonly the other route – your left ear and the subconscious right brain – is normally used by Beings who have incarnated before or live currently on Earth.
Tapping into your right subconscious brain is generally a sneakier way to get under your skin undetected, skipping your left brain’s control.
The noise is normally not such a high-pitched, produced by the High Hierarchy Spiritual Being, but lower or a soft humming sound.
Have you ever heard people saying that ringing or burning, hot and red ears are the sign that someone talks about you?
There is the truth in it.
When someone talks or thinks intensely about you, they reach through space and connect the energy cord to you.
If the cord is attached to your Third Eye area, you get physically alerted about it, like the physical ringing in your ears.
Now, not all cords are bad…
Maybe this someone has talked high about you, using loving words.
And you receive the wave of Love running along that cord from the person…
Maybe your Loved One who has passed over thinks of you…
Maybe your Guide who has been used to be a physical person on Earth is talking to you.
You will hear the soft buzzing or humming noise in your left ear in these cases.
Actually, we all are interconnected through many cords with each other, Animals, Plants, the Planet, the Universe.
In our daily language, we call them “bonds”, not cords.
We build bonds, we get bonded, etc.
Some bonds are beautiful – you see them as golden, silver, pink, aquamarine… with shining light pulsating along.
Some are ugly, and they are really just the cords of negative attachment.
The lower audio frequency range in your left ear can indicate such a cord in the area of your Third Eye.
The cord can lead to another person or the situation in this life or one of your previous lives, to family or ancestral karma.
When you move along that cord, you can uncover something that is still attached to you and mess up with your life.
You can call on Archangel Michael to cut this cord with his sword of Truth.
But the trouble is these cords tend to reattach if you don’t do the inner work.
You still have the energy inside identical to the energy on the other side of the cord, and it invites the cord back.
I suggest a simple ritual to get rid of ANY negative cord, but I don’t say once and forever.
It’s best to repeat it from time to time.
Don’t worry, your beautiful and shining cords of Love won’t be touched as Love is the strongest Force in the Universe, Love is God.
Get rid of negative cords of attachment
Close your eyes and see yourself in the bubble of your energy.
Now notice the grey and thick cords attached to your aura.
They reach out far away from you and disappear into space.
If you are a Psychic, you can follow the cord all the way down and find our what or who is on the other end.
Some of them keep pumping up and injecting the dark substance inside your energy fields.
And some cords are sucking the energy from you.
An example of the first sort of cords could be the negative experience that shook you to the core in the past.
You thought you left it behind.
But it is buried deep inside.
It is still there, you never really let it go.
And it still hurts or makes you angry when you think about it.
This phantom still spreads an invisible poison in your life…
The second type of cords, pulling the energy away from you, are of course the cords attached by the Energy Vampires.
And these cords are more widespread than you think.
We won’t talk at length about the cords of the negative energy attachment.
But all of them are unhealthy.
As I said before, if you simply ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords, he will do it for you.
He will chop them off, but they will come back and reattach if you still have similar energy inside.
Talking about “similar”, it could be another side of the coin.
For instance, “abuser” and “victim” are two sides of the same coin.
If you don’t learn to love and respect yourself, to feel that you are worthy absolutely the best in this world, the “abusive” energy will come back to haunt you.
It only teaches you to stand tall, to stand for yourself.
When the lesson is learned, the abuser will never come back.
Where you see through the situation, there is no place for hatred.
Don’t judge the Energy Vampires either!
They don’t know what they do.
No one of them thinks: “Oh… I feel sluggish today. Let attach my “tentacle” to Jim and suck a little of his yummy energy”.
It happens on the subconscious level.
Act from the place of Love and Neutrality!
So how do you get rid of those pesky cords?
I believe the best Spiritual Tool for clearing your aura is the Instant Sun I have learned from this amazing book.
I use it myself in my daily life.
Atlantean Priest Thoth who took particular interest in the energetic tools received the Instant Sun as a gift from the Great Atlantean Master Voosloo.
The Instant Sun is the energy application to your own energy system, designed to burn away any frequencies that you find undesirable.
Negative energy cords and attachments, karma, energetic implants…
You have to install the Instant Sun when you use it for the first time and after it always will be with you!
Make sure your environment is quiet, and you won’t be disturbed.
Feel yourself grounded, visualising roots going down from your feet deep into the Earth.
Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing, inhaling the light and exhaling it into your aura.
See your aura expanding and lighting up.
Ask Archangel Michael to place his Blue Cloak of Protection around you.
Your aura glows white and gold now and stretches up to the Sun and down to the centre of the Earth.
Invite the Great Priest Thoth and the Great Master Voosloo to join you.
See them standing in front of you.
Lord Voosloo places a shining golden ball into your Solar Plexus chakra, which is located in your stomach area.
Feel how hot and high vibrational it is.
Say now: “I gratefully accept my gift of the Instant Sun”.
It is yours forever.
To activate it, simply say: “I invoke my Instant Sun”.
Let it shine brighter and brighter until it fills all the space around you, dazzling and powerful.
Or if you wish, you can expand it even further to include your house, the local area.
See yourself right at the centre of the Sun with ethereal fire, burning the dark vibes away.
Keep the energy extremely high for a few seconds before allowing your Instant Sun to withdraw.
When you feel it is enough, your Sun shrinks into a little golden ball, snuggled up in your Solar Plexus chakra until next time.
As it shrinks, ask to bring with it the fresh energies you need.
What do you need in your life right now? Positive changes, vibrant health? Be specific.
Congratulations, you have cleared your aura and burned off dark and dense energy.
The negative cords, burned on the ends, bounced back, and are waiting, looking for a chance to return.
Now it’s time for the inner work.
See yourself inside a giant column of Golden Light that holds your energy high and protected.
Say in your head:
“I Am Love. I Am Forgiveness.
Whatever happened, I love you and forgive you.
Please, forgive me too.
Dear God, I ask for your Grace, Love, and Forgiveness for myself and everyone involved”.
Don’t just say it to tick the box, really mean it!
Feel that you are Pure Love, Grace, and Forgiveness.
This dissolves any remnants of the thick blob of dark energy buried deep inside your aura.
Also, you help the situation on the other end of the cord, sending Love and Forgiveness to it.
And you ask God to resolve it under the Spiritual Law of Grace.
There is no need for the cord to come back ever!
And to sum it up:
So, the reasons for Ears Ringing are:
- Spiritual Awakening
You realise that you are a Being of Light, living in a physical body here on Earth with a Purpose and Mission.
The Spiritual Realm is talking to you, holding your hand, as you venture onto the unknown territory.
Your late Loved Ones and the Guides that have been used to live on Earth talk to you as the soft humming noise in your left ear.
- Downloads of information and codes, upgrades for your chakras system
The Angels and Ascended Masters download the information into you that you hear as the high-pitched noise in your right ear.
- Psychic Abilities Development
As your Psychic Senses opening up or being heightened, you start hearing outside the normal human auditory range.
- Your electronic devices, bombarding you with electrons
Your mobile phone, computer, laptop, tablet, iPad, etc., emit an unbelievable amount of electrons, messing up with your own energy system.
Your body warns you to take a break from technology!
- Warning of the cords, good and not so good.
You can simply pick on the thoughts of physical Beings.
Or someone talking about you.
The cords can be between you and your past, stretching far into your previous lives.
And the notorious Energy Vampires expose themselves (unwillingly), creating a low noise in your left ear.
What to do when your ear rings?
Pay attention to which ear (right or left) you hear the noise in, the frequency of the sound, and the situation you are in.
If it is your right ear, rejoice, because a Being of the High Spiritual Realm is supporting and consulting you.
Relax and let them download the information, codes, and light into your system.
Ringing in your left ear?
Be careful.
It’s OK if it is a quite high and soft humming sound.
Your deceased Loved One or your Guide who has been used to live on the Earth are talking to you.
But the low buzzing indicates the cords you don’t want.
Or if you are stuck behind your computer or scrolling for hours on your mobile phone, it’s time to get off Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!
Take a break, baby!
That’s all to it, my Spiritual friends.
If you liked reading about the Spiritual Meaning of Ears Ringing, you also might be interested to read:
- Waking up at 3 am Spiritual Meaning
- Angel Number 1111 Meaning and Significance
- Angel Numbers 222 and 2222 Spiritual Meaning
- How do you know if you’ve got Psychic Abilities
- How to invoke Angels for help
- How do Angels communicate with us
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Love and Light,
Wishing you only Golden Threads of Love and Gentle Conversations with your Guides, Angels, and Loved Ones,
Featured image: Depositphotos
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I’ve always had ringing in my ears (head). It has been there my whole life and constant (24/7). It’s about the same pitch as the emergency broadcast that used to come across our TV’s. I do get ringing in my ears at times and that pitch is higher than the one that’s always there. I was wondering if there is any insight on what that possibly could mean? I’ve been looking for answers everywhere and no body seems to know. Nor put in a direction to any answers. Thank you in advance.
Hi Nikki,
You say you always have had the ringing noise in your ears.
Maybe, you have to speak to the Doctor as I am not qualified to give you medical advice.
Maybe, it is Tinnitus? But of course, I don’t know…
About the additional high pitch sound that you get in your ears at times – my whole article is dedicated to it.
A very basic idea is when your right ear rings, your Guides and Angels talk to you.
Ringing in the left ear means your deceased Loved One tries to get in touch.
But again, it’s very basic.
I would advise you to re-read my article.
Love from Irina