What are Dark, or Fallen Angels
“Whether you call it a stone, a beast, a tree, a man, a demon or the Divine – everything is the same energy, manifesting itself in a million different ways”.
Everyone heard about the Dark, or Fallen Angels, their names are Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub amongst others. They are the figures of fear and hatred, evil that tempts and destroys us, until our life turns into chaos, spirals down out of control into the abyss of dark and desperation…
According to Wikipedia, “Fallen Angels are Angels who were cast out from heaven, or Angels who sinned. Such Angels often tempt humans to sin.”
Before I continue, let me tell you a story:
The story about a little soul
Two souls were inseparable in Heaven. The friends were so happy together chatting for hours about everything in the world, laughing and frolicking. They were the real soulmates designed for each other.
One day the little Soul noticed that her Friend was quiet and withdrawn. She asked: “What’s wrong? You look so sad”.
Her Soulmate sighed: “My Guides have spoken to me today. We both will reincarnate on Earth soon, and I’ve been asked to help you to learn a very important lesson. In order to teach it to you I will have to turn bad and nasty for you which breaks my heart! I will have to shut my light down and slow my vibration to darken myself. It’s really tough! I’ve got so much light and love for you!”
The little Soul clapped her hands in excitement and exclaimed: “A new life! A new adventure! A new experience! Oh… you are a real Angel! You will do it for me?! Only the best friend would sacrifice himself for me!”
The Soul continued with tears in his eyes: “Can you promise, when I get unfair and hard on you, that you will still recognise me – it’s me! – and remember how much I love you! Look through the Dark and see Love!“
The little Soul promised, and she kept the promise.
They both were reborn on Earth. The little Soul learned to see Love and Divine in every moment…
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Love and God are almighty.
All Angels – Light or Dark – with no exception serve God.
As I’ve been writing this, my eyes stopped at the Unicorn cards by Diana Cooper. I asked about the Dark Angels and pulled a card. Here it is, an Archangel Uriel card: “Become a peace ambassador”.
There is no war, no confrontation, but peace between the Light and Dark Angels for they all ultimately serve the Source.
So the popular legend about the Dark Angels is only a legend. You know the story of how the glorious Archangel Lucifer imagined that he was more powerful than God and challenged him for his throne. God threw the rebel into the abyss, and a lot of Angels followed him to become the Dark, or Fallen Angels to tempt people on Earth into evil. It’s only a myth, the Dark Angels didn’t fall from anywhere.
Dark Angels are NOT traitors.
There is no opposition – God and Devil. There is God only – Creator of Light and Dark.
The Source planned to run a unique experiment on Earth – a zone of free will and duality to allow the souls to evolve at much greater speed and bring back to the Source their enriched light and experience.
So because of duality God had to divide the energies into polarities: yin – yang, joy – misery, love – hatred, hope – fear, light – dark etc.
And he needed not only the Angels of Light attached to the positive energies, but the Dark Angels too – to support the negative matter.
I believe that God consulted his beloved mighty Archangel Lucifer and asked him to undertake the sensitive mission as a part of his service.
God needed someone really special and the most devoted to him to oversee such an ambitious project as the mission involved sacrificing everything and from the much loved and respected Archangel becoming a despicable, hated and fearsome figure.
The only wish Angels have is to serve God and Divine.
I don’t think he was over the moon, but he agreed, formed a team of Angels for the mission, and God shut their Light off, engulfing them in darkness.
Archangel Lucifer spread his enormous black wings and propelled himself to Earth followed by the army of Dark Angels.
Ever since they are extremely busy here growing in power absorbing the dark thoughts, feelings and emotions, radiated by humans. If you look at Earth from space with the psychic vision, our planet is surrounded by the dark grey mist which is humanity’s emanation. Luckily now more and more people open their heart and turn their light on. So the grey fog is pierced by lights stretching far high into the cosmos. Some lights are as little as candles lit up on Earth, and some are strong like the powerful torches.
The difference between the Light and Dark Angels is that the Angels of Dark have got the free will like humans. If they have enough of people’s negativity and can’t take it anymore, they are allowed to come back to Light at any time. But normally they are very serious and meticulous about their task, strong, loyal and too devoted to God to abandon their mission.
So Dark Angels are not bad and not good. They are the Angels on a Mission.
The life on Earth for the spirits can be compared with the TV show “I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!”
A group of contestants arrives in the jungle where they are faced with the endless challenges and trials.
In the middle of writing this post I went to see what my hubby was up to, and he was exactly glued to “I’m A Celebrity…” on telly. The soaked celebrities were busy in the long and narrow containers half full of water whilst the snakes and crocodiles kept them company.
In real life someone perhaps lives with a snake, someone kisses a frog, works with crocodiles and has to deal with monkeys, tigers, scorpions and tarantulas.
So the celebrities knew that they would have to deal with difficult and generally not nice things in the jungle, but nevertheless they signed up for the show. They also were aware of the rewards: I guess they were paid a couple of quid, and their career would get a boost even if they don’t get the title of King or Queen of the Jungle in the end.
The life on Earth for the newly incarnated souls is really tough and challenging, and even the brightest and the lightest spirits find it hard to withstand the negativity and darkness of our planet. And they are ready sometimes like the celebrities to shout: “Get Me Out of Here!” But despite that the souls from all over the Universe keep applying for the show “The Life on Earth” to experience a life in a physical body for the rewards can be tremendous, and the Souls can progress spiritually at a much higher rate.
Every day, every minute of our life we’ve got liberty and choice.
Choose the good thoughts, words and deeds – you will invite Angels of Love and Joy, and your blessings will be multiplied! Or you choose the negativity – Dark Angels will be your guests welcoming you to the world of fear, desperation and misery.
There is an Angel for everything on our planet: Angels of Light for the kind and loving energies and Angels of Dark for the negative, murky and gloomy ones.
Angels recommended me to stop using the traditional Tarot cards deck and purchase the Angels Tarot cards instead. As they explained, the very Tarot cards don’t carry any negativity (they are only the pieces of paper with images, numbers and words printed on them).
But there is a vast and powerful Dark Angel connected to them.
For aeons people overwhelmed by pain from their past and fear of their future were listening to the Tarot readers’ predictions, feeding the negative emotions to the Dark Angel.
The Angels of Light suggested, and I got Archangel Power Tarot cards.
Each card in the deck is dedicated and overlit by the specific Archangel. So they are out of reach for the Dark Angels (where there is light, there is no dark).
Think of money…
The beautiful Golden Angel of Money connects with you every time you receive money with love, gratitude and appreciation for everything money can give you (I think the most precious things money can buy you are your freedom and time).
And the enormous, huge Dark Angel of Money will be in touch straight away with someone feeling greedy, envious, angry because of money. The waves of dark energy will be circulating between the person and the Dark Angel destroying their financial situation in the end.
Attracted to someone’s aura, the Dark Angel will tempt, challenge a person, draw them deeper into the darkness, bring destruction into their life.
But we can’t appreciate light being in the light. Only in the dark we start to notice the stars and see the light at the end of the tunnel.
The old and not serving us anymore is supposed to be destroyed and go, letting the fresh energies to take its place.
Before my husband and I sorted and planted the garden of our dreams, we had to knock down and get rid of two ancient, dilapidated garages on the back of our house.
Or my acquaintance was utterly heartbroken when his girlfriend dumped him years ago. Now he thinks that actually she’s done him a favour, and it has been in reality a massive stroke of luck and blessing for him when she left him. Because otherwise he wouldn’t be able to meet his wonderful wife whom he is so happy together, and his lovely children would never be born.
The Dark Angels will come when it is time for something dark, heavy, dense to be destroyed and swept away from our life. Attributed to the human professions they are Cleaners, Sewage workers, Infection Control and Hygienists. Their task is to fiddle with the dark human energies and emanations.
Dark Angels point at, highlight negativity inside ourselves and take us on a journey through the Darkness.
Someone will get lost there without the Light and eventually will start to cry out for help. Then the Light Angel will approach and bring them back to Love and God.
Someone will go deeper and deeper down until they reach the rock bottom, and there only one way will be – UP. I like J.K. Rowling’s quotation: “Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life”.
Someone will spot the light in the end of the tunnel, come out on another side, quietly shut the door behind themselves, breathe in the fresh air feeling Stronger and Taller – NEVER THE SAME AGAIN!
I read about a man who’s been through hell abusing drugs. But he found the strength to quit and start a new life free of drugs. His personal hell changed him, and he dedicated the rest of his life to helping people with drug addiction.
We always have a choice – to “reach out, touch” Light and Love or… make ourselves familiar with the dark side of life.
I think I’m pretty good with deeds, and I really think before a word leaves my mouth. It’s harder with the thoughts. Because no one can see or hear them, we think that it’s our personal business, and our thoughts belong only to us.
However it’s not the case, our thoughts and emotions affect the world around us profoundly. It’s really hard to control them. We’ve got the thoughts and emotions as the parts of our human energetic structure (the four bodies structure: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies) and the emotions sometimes take over.
In the past humankind created so much darkness hurting and damaging each other and our planet.
Nowadays there is HOPE. More and more people are waking up to Love and shining their amazing Light to the world.
Thousands of new Angels are assigned to work with Earth both in the ethereal and physical bodies helping humanity.
Unicorns and lately Dragons returned to our planet to assist those who are ready for changes.
As negativity emitted by people reduces, the Dark Angels will start getting redundant. Their mission will be fulfilled, and they will return to Light and their previous glory.
P.S. I normally try to structure my posts logically. But in this case I felt myself immersed in chaos. Despite my best attempts to fill the post with Love between the lines, the Dark Angels obviously kept interfering.
If you think you were touched by Dark Angels, I can offer to use the Violet Flame of Transmutation brought to us by Saint Germain.
I particularly like to use its variation called the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame (Archangel Gabriel merged his Diamond White Light with the Violet Flame of Saint Germain) which was introduced to me by Diana Cooper. To invoke the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame, just say:
I AM Joy,
I AM Love,
I AM Archangel Gabriel,
I AM Saint Germain,
I AM Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame.
Saying “I am Archangel Gabriel, I am Saint Germain” doesn’t automatically turn you into an Archangel and a Saint. It means you embody their Divine qualities.
Now imagine that you are showered in the beautiful, shimmering diamond violet light. Every cell in your body is bathed, squeaky clean, soothed, nurtured and re-energised.
The Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame works its wonderful magic cleansing and lighting up your aura and goes deep into the earth under your feet. So you can be proud that you are doing your bit for the planet helping to clean and heal it!
Even if you don’t imagine anything, invoked Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame instantly surrounds you, transmutes any negativity and protects you.
If you enjoyed reading about Dark Angels, you also might be interested to read other articles:
How to invoke Angels of Money, Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance in your life
How do Angels communicate with us
Archangel Chamuel, the Angel of Love
Who is the Angel of Knowledge?
Love and Light from Irina
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Ha Irina, I’m proud of you. You hv opened a new dimension to my Christian beliefs. You mean the Church invented the story of war in. heaven in an attempt to control human minds! so nothing like that happened! I feel this yr theory is rather Buddhist. Please give me enough instances to toe into yr concept.
Hi John,
I’m not a religious person, but I respect the Church.
These stories were made as I said CENTURIES AGO when a lot of bad stuff happened “in the name of God”, like torturing and crucifying Jesus and killing innocent people in Medieval times by the Holy Inquisition…
I’m not here to prove anything to you.
Look for answers inside your heart.
What do you believe in?
I believe in Omnipresent and Almighty God, his children – Angels of Light.
And his other children – us, humans.
Whatever you believe in is up to you.
You are free.
Dear Irina.Thank you for yr reply. I am still confused. Does it mean that the WAR in heaven which the rebellious angels were thrown out was a make up story???. Who actually engineered this story !
Hello, John, once again,
Yes, the war in Heaven is nothing but an old wives’ tale.
Wars are a reality on Earth, but not in Heaven.
Angels of God are the Light, and where is Light, there is no Darkness.
The story of the Fallen Angels was made up by the Church many centuries ago, striving to instill fear in people in order to control them.
Dark Angels do exist, but they are a product of humans’ negative thoughts and emotions.
They hadn’t fallen from Heaven but were born here on Earth from the negative emanations of human minds.
Hope it helps,
Blessings from Irina
Leave a comment…Irina, I stumbled on yr article. about light and dark Angels.if I understand u clearly, you said there v was nothing like war. in heaven that brought. about fallen angels but rather they volunteer to act the bad way. And that with time they will return back to heaven to revert to good.i am confused so feel free to enlighten me.
John Elogy.
Hi John,
Yes, God never created the Dark Angels.
They exist only on Earth as a part of the plan for duality here.
Humans create the Dark Angels, exuding the negative energy.
Everything on Earth has its counterpart: hot-cold, joyful-sad, light-heavy.
And the Angels of Light have their opposite – the Angels of Dark – here in our Earth conditions.
When the role of the Dark Angel is over, it dissipates, and its energy gets directed to the Higher Spheres where it is transformed into the energy of Light.
This way Dark Angels come back to God.
I wanted to accent in my article the idea that no one should be scared of Dark Angels.
Being fearful only attracts their attention.
They are the reality of life on Earth.
We come to Earth to learn the lessons that can’t be otherwise attained in the Spiritual World.
And the Dark Angels are in a way our teachers, showing us tough love.
They are not capable of love really, they are indifferent and cold to us.
For example, someone is possessive and controlling, and he quickly gets noticed by the Dark Angel who creates the situations where problems in his relationship escalate.
His partner suffers, perceiving the relationship as a prison for her.
He tightens his grip, fearing to lose her.
They both radiate a lot of energy forth that the Dark Angel absorbs in glee.
As the Dark Angel absorbs the energy, he grows and becomes more powerful.
In the end, she can’t stand it anymore and leaves him.
She has learned the lesson to be free and stand in her power.
No one has the right to own and possess you.
He has learned (hopefully) the lesson that he can’t keep the person captive.
You really keep someone by your side by setting them free.
What about our Dark Angel?
He’s gone, not interested in them anymore…
Trust God.
God sees and knows everything.
The way things are on Earth is designed by God.
I know it’s hard, especially with the shocking stuff, like the war.
But still, believe that it is a part of God’s plan that we can’t comprehend being in the human body with the limitations of our human brain.
And the Dark Angels are put on Earth on purpose, so we learn how to live in Light, avoiding their attention.
One wrong step – and they will teach you a tough lesson.
So, understand their role, accept their presence and grow in Light and God.
They will never take any interest in you.
Best Wishes, Love and Brightest Blessings,
Hi Irina
You said that Dark Angels only exists on earth.
But what about the dark spirits in other universes and planets. You mentioned in different articles about dark energies and universe war… What about this kind of darkness?
Hi Sam,
They are not Angels, but the Beings who possess the Soul like you and me.
Angels do not possess the Soul, they are the Soul if you like it.
They are the Energy.
So I dont even know if this is possible, but could a dark angel incarnate as a human? I sense that could exain why we have empaths. They exist to absorb the negativity when it is released. I feel my spirit may be a dark angel who is at the end of their task given by source and needs to learn how to transition back into the light.
Hi Riri,
No, they don’t incarnate as humans.
If you feel the darkness inside you – that’s true.
We are all composed of light and dark, and during our life, we increase the amount of light in our aura.
This longing for light is normal, you are ascending.
Also, the darkness inside is normal.
Sit down together with your darkness, and let it talk to you.
You will discover a lot of truths about yourself.
And do something about it.
Lots of Love,
Irina and Angels
Hi Irian
And what about the dark Replitilan starseeds and Draconians who are incarnated in Earth as humans?
Hi Sam,
They are not Angels.
We all come from God, but there are two lines: the Angelic one and the Human one.
The Angelic line originates from God’s Heart and includes Angels, Unicorns, Dragons, Uniwhales, and Elementals.
The Human line originates from God’s Mind and includes humanoids and other Intergalactic Beings with the Soul.
I’m in a dark time right now. I am glad I found this article. It makes me feel like this dark time happened for me with a reason. Hope I can grow stronger in the future.
Hi, Amy,
Maybe, it has nothing to do with Dark Angels?
Maybe, you are going through the Dark Night of the Soul?
When your Soul awakens, unfortunately, the first thing you are thrown into is The Dark Night of the Soul.
You feel your whole world crashes around you.
But either way, you are right – everything happens for a reason.
Trust and Believe – the Dark Night soon will be over, and the Sun will rise for you again!
And you will come up stronger, wiser, and more compassionate.
Wishing you all Love, Wisdom, and Strength in the World,
Thinking of you,
I am at a cross road in my life & trying to understand my place// a person told me recently that my soul was damaged. they wanted money I do not have to fix my soul. I then started on a journey to figure out to heal my soul. That is what led me to your article about our angels. I realize it was a con. That night when I went to bed after I shut out the light ,I was in the dark & I saw bright light in the dark room. I had not asked for my angel but it was there. Around that time I also found a small white feather there other day I found a dime on the ground by my jeep
I saw the light before but did not understand it. Now I do I have no money at this time but I want to read books to help me understand how our angels can help me
Hi Denice,
I’m glad you haven’t fallen for that scam.
There is always someone about to find out that you are cursed, your Soul is damaged, and offer to remove the curse or as it is in your case to fix your Soul for a very hefty price.
No one can fix your Soul for you!
It’s YOUR Soul, and only YOU can do it!
Someone can only guide you gently…
Your Angels let you know that they are with you.
You are not alone, the Angels walk your path with you every step and hold your hand.
Talk to the Angels, whatever you need – ask.
For Healing, for help with your financial situation, etc.
They always listen and do whatever they can to help you.
And the Heavenly Forces are much more powerful than we, humans, are.
Lots of Love and Blessings,
Irina and Angels
Dark angels are different than demons and satan and lucifer you are mixing everything together. God told everyone that he asked angels to show their respect to the first human in the world but some of them said that they were higher than humans so god punished them.
Such a beautiful resonation, I met a dark angel recently and you hit the nail on the head with your description of them.
They’re doing what is necessary. Sometimes that’s an ugly truth but it’s needed to bring balance.
Thankyou for your words of inspiration.
Thank you so much, Ash,
I wanted everyone to look at Dark Angels through the eyes of God and Love.
All Angels regardless of colour are His Creation.
And Dark Angels are counterparts of the Angels of Light here on Earth, whether we like it or not, as a shadow following the Sun. That’s a reality!
Sending you Love and Blessings,
Irina ✨
Lots of thanksies for this! I’m so so so happy! ♡ I just saw a pin on Pinterest that said “sometimes you gotta fall before you fly” I love everyone! I love them all! I always knew and felt that the truth about ‘dark’ angels was something like this!
Also, I wanted to be clear on the part where you said that humans created negativity in the past. Was it all created by humans? Because sometimes we are influenced by different spiritual beings (both beneficial for our acsesion and not) through our thoughts (that we often perceive as being our own) This is something I read on another site tho…I would like some clarity on that…(I’m sorry,I just feel lost when it comes to things like “people wanting to harm/trick others for their own good” or things like “there are certain spiritual beings who go to lengths to avoid love and light” and stuff like that..) is it really true?
I’m very Sorry again if I sound confused or silly..
But anyways,
Hi Babypink,
Glad you liked my article.
When I was talking about negativity, created by people in the past, I meant the darkness engulfing Earth after the last and final fall of Atlantis.
This negativity was created single-handedly by humans.
We have no one to blame.
God never meant it for his children.
No one’s influencing us – we have free will here and do what we want.
We have to take responsibility for our actions…
Earth and every living Being on it are going through clearance and transformation at the moment.
I’m sure you can feel how much pain and fear has been released lately, trapped inside Earth and our collective consciousness.
But… we will get there, concentrating on the light, shining through the darkness.
Focus on your bright Light!
No one can bring you down or influence you negatively unless you give them permission to do so.
Dark Beings still respect the Universal Laws and can’t do anything against your will.
Ask Archangel Michael to protect you if you feel vulnerable.
Sending you lots of Love and Brightest Light,
May Angels, Unicorns and Dragons be with you for guidance and support,
It’s quite funny that this is the second article i am commenting. About one year ago i was walking in one of our naturalistic parks and i took a “selfie” to show the place to my foreign friends. It was a surprise to notice that, behind me, not so far in the sky, there was a black flying figure that resembled one of those flying humanoids that have been filmed around the world. I guess i am quite haunted by supernatural events. 🙂
Hi, Peter, again,
Yes, Dark Angels are out and about…
They are the reality of our life on Earth.
Interesting that the Dark Angel let you know about his presence.
He could stay invisible…
It was about a year ago, and you probably can’t remember what you’d been thinking of and what sort of energies had been swirling inside you before you took the photo.
It’s so easy to attract unwanted attention from Dark Angels…
When a negative thought or an emotion visit me or the environment feels dark,, I do the quick cleansing and protection on the go.
I ask the Fire Dragons to burn any negative energy inside my aura and to surround me with a Fire Wall of protection.
I can also ask them to fly in front of me to puff fire and burn the obstacles, especially if I drive the car, to make sure my journey is smooth and without the traffic jams.
Anyway seeing the Beings from the invisible Realms means that you are ascending.
Your Light shines brighter, and you are not just a human on Earth, but a citizen of the Universe.
Love, Best Wishes and Blessings,
Irina ✨
Thank you interesting article fits perfectly well presented
Thank you very much, Phillip! So glad you liked my article! I think there are a lot of misconceptions and fears around the Dark Angels. Just wanted to bring some clarity.
So appreciate and understand the sacrifice they made – to become the least popular, hated and feared Beings, working with the mess humans spread around! Send them Love!
And Love you radiate will keep The Dark Angels at bay.
Stick with Light and work with the Angels of Light!
Many Blessings, Irina ✨
Great article! Thank you for sharing that! I feel it is very uplifting and empowering, even you had been through hard times in your life. So, once again, thanks, it is very inspiring.
Thank you very much, Louis, for your kind words of appreciation!