Can you be an Avian Starseed?
Do you have a magical affinity with birds?
Do you stop to listen to a bird singing its heart out?
Do you wish to be free like the bird in the sky and experience the wonder of flight?
Do you feel a special moment when you hold the bird in your hand and set it free, watching it fly away?
Have you always been blessed with deep Wisdom and a bold and curious Mind?

If yes, the chance is you have been the Bird Being many aeons ago, living on another Planet.
You were the AVIAN.
Avians are a rare group of Starseeds.
About 1.6 million Avians walk the Earth at the current time, and about 30% of them are Blue Avians.
So, where did they come from?
Where is their mysterious Planet and what does the life on it look like?
Actually, there is not one, but two Planets – the homes for Avians – in two different constellations.
And accordingly, there are two species of Avians – Avians and Blue Avians.
The colour blue of the latter stands for the planet’s blue energies and its inhabitants’ physical colour.

The History of Avians
Avian Race is one of the most ancient and advanced Galactic Civilizations that originates from a different Universe, the blissful 11-dimensional World.
Avians arrived initially in our Universe in their etheric bodies with a burning desire to explore the World, and bring their Love and Knowledge here.
These higher dimensional Beings were especially interested in a physical experience as it wasn’t available in their Universe.
They slowed their vibration down and settled as 9-dimensional Etheric Beings on Sirius C first to acclimatise to our Universe.
And Avians helped to create the Kingdom of Birds on Sirius C as their gift to this World.
They lovingly made birds as an embodiment of their own Spirit, the celebration of Freedom.
Sirius C is bathed in Christ’s Golden Light and the birds were supposed to have a close connection with the Source and Angels.
From Sirius C, the birds started incarnating in denser bodies and spread throughout the Universe.
Avians have developed close ties with Sirius Star System since their first experience in our Universe.
And after an incarnation on Sirius C, they started to venture to other corners of our Universe.
They even were incarnated in a physical body on the Planet that later, unfortunately, became uninhabitable because of poisoning fumes, filling the atmosphere.
The last generation of Avians was literally choking and gasping for breath on that Planet, and their Souls had to find yet another place to experience physical life.
Now, for the sake of this article, we only will talk about the Avians’ physical incarnations.
There are a lot of places throughout the Universe where they incarnate in the etheric 6 to 9-dimensional bodies.
But the article then would quickly snowball and turn into the book if we cover the full story of Avians.
So, we will stick to the physical Planets and the Avians’ physical experience there…
After the first unsuccessful attempt, the Intergalactic Council of Light offered two more Planets as Avians’ potential Homes.
One of the Planets is located in the Constellation of Cygnus, and the other one is in the Constellation of Centaurus.
So, they divided into two groups and later developed into two different Races.
Avians picked the Cygnus, and the future Blue Avians – the Centaurus.
Both of the Planets enjoyed thriving life – plants and animals.
These first Souls had a task to start incarnating into physical bodies.
And of course, they were mesmerised by the birds of the Planets – their own creation from Sirius C.
Their free Spirit felt so in unison with the birds, and it was no brainer – they would incarnate in the similar body of the Bird.
Only with a slight difference – they had arms under the wings.
It wasn’t an easy task, the birds’ DNA was supposed to be altered.
The Intergalactic experts in manipulating DNA, led by Lyrans, jumped in to help.
Lyrans moved successfully their Souls inside the big cats’ bodies a long time ago.
So, funny enough, “cats” were assisting the “birds”.
The size of the birds was increased, and their bodily functions were changed.
They didn’t lay eggs, were carrying the growing babies inside and giving birth.
By the way, they didn’t have sexes, but two “birds” would still come together and make a couple for life.
They would decide if they wanted to have kids and who will carry the baby.
The family meant a lot to them…
Let’s see how they are getting on there…
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The Home Planet of Avians
The first group decided to call their Home the constellation of Cygnus.
Their Planet is one of two Planets, revolving around the Star called Aljanah.
Avians enjoy 5-dimensional life.
Initially, they started incarnating into the brown with light beige chest and belly birds.
But their bright and cheerful personalities were unhappy with everyone looking the same.
Too much brown!
And they adjusted their DNA to be born with a huge diversity of color.

Viva the colourful life!
Avians are the experts in Healing through colours.
Not just physical Healing, but mental and emotional too.
They build Stone Caves, lit up with different colours, emanating from the Crystals, and housing the pools, where the coloured light is diffused in the water.
Avians feel the energy of the stones.
Each stone is picked and positioned thoughtfully, so together they sort of sing in chorus, creating a beautiful balance.
Avians live a peaceful, joyful and simple life.
Every morning they wake up feeling uplifted and blessed.
Joy flows in their veins.
Give them a grey sky, and they will paint the rainbow!
The students from all over the Universe paved the path to their Planet to learn “A life through the colours”…
Blue Avian is a whole different animal though.
The Home Planet of Blue Avians
The second group of Avians settled on one of the Planets in Alpha Centauri triple Star System.
They gradually started walking a bit different way.
They are advanced Masters of Healing and unbelievable Technology, reaching the 6-dimensional level whilst being in a physical body.

Blue Avians are famous throughout the Universe for their research, discoveries and achievements in the Science and Technology field, and also for the Blue Energy Pool, the powerful tool of Healing, that they have created and maintained since.
The information about the pool came to me when I’d been asking my Soul a question what Gifts did I bring into this incarnation, that I planned to use before I was born?
I brought two Gifts with me, and the second one was unexpectedly for me Healing.
I was shown life when I was the dark blue colour Bird.
I lived together with my partner whose speciality was Engineering and Science.
But I myself was a Healer.
And what do you think was my main task? If you think to heal, you are wrong.
My main task was supporting and maintaining the Blue Pool of Healing Energy, not on my own of course, but together with other Healers.
The Blue Pool looks like a giant sphere, a huge ball of swirling energy in the space, dark blue at the core and getting lighter and silvery moving away from the centre.
The ball is pulsating, “breathing”.
The Blue Pool is an intelligent being and decides on the way of Healing.
So, when someone expressed the wish to be healed, all I needed to do was to take an energetic copy of the patient and connect it to the Pool.
The Pool decided then how ready the patient was for its energies.
The patient shouldn’t be overwhelmed with too strong energy, rushing like a storm through their body.
Very often the Pool would start the Healing by placing the energetic copy just outside, where the waves of transparent light blue energy were gently stroking the patient’s energy fields.
Imagine the waves of the ocean, crashing at the shore and licking your feet.
When the patient’s energy fields had adjusted, they were moved deeper, but not always all way to the core, depending on how much light the patient could hold.
It was solely Pool’s decision.
The Blue Pool heals on the Soul level, and it takes time for the patient to go through the procedure.
It is interesting that it works on the physical level in a unique way too.
The Pool taps into every cell of the body and DNA, awakening their inner intelligence and reminding them that they have the power to heal and rejuvenate themselves.
We often underestimate our bodies, but they are amazing!
We neglect our bodies’ natural needs, deprive them of sleep and rest or on contrary don’t move them enough, being stuck on the sofa in front of the telly.
We bombard them with rubbish information and feed them junk food.
But nevertheless, our bodies somehow fight through, and we are still alive.
The Blue Pool’s touch wakes up the dormant magic and blueprint of perfect health inside the cells, so they rejuvenate themselves and turn the ageing process back.
Every Being’s aura on their Planet emanates a beautiful rich blue colour, and their feathers are blue.
So, they formed Blue Avian Race…
How do you know if you are a part of Avian Race?
Avians and Blue Avina have their own traits, but all of them have something in common.
Traits Avians and Blue Avians share
#1 Freedom of utmost importance
Free and untamed spirit.
Avians can’t survive in a cage, even if it is the golden one.
They put their personal freedom above all.
Their relationship must be based on mutual respect, friendship, trust, and freedom.
#2 Inner Wisdom
Looking into the eyes of Avian feels like travelling through time and space to the beginning of the Universe.
#3 High Intelligence
Avians are blessed with sharp and unorthodox minds, amazing to others.
#4 Love and Fascination with birds
They obviously feel a special connection with the birds, not so much keeping the bird as a pet in the cage, but enjoying the birds in nature.
Listening to the birds tweeting is much better than any music.
They even name their houses in honour of the birds: “The Robin’s Nest”, “Woodpecker Cottage”, “Three Goose Farm” or simply “Birdsong Lodge”.
#5 Refusal to follow the crowd
Avians are strong-willed and have a mind of their own.
#6 Trailblazers and Way Showers
They don’t listen to anyone, no one is an authority for them, and any information given gets filtered through their own mind.
Avians always forge their own path in life.
#7 Strong energy
In their previous lives, they mastered the flow of energy inside and outside their bodies.
They know instinctively how to sustain high levels of energy.
#8 Psychic Abilities
Psychic Abilities come naturally to highly evolved Avians.
They still remember deep down how to use their Psychic senses and may demonstrate extraordinary abilities, especially Blue Avian Starseeds.
It is simply a matter of tapping into their Soul’s resources.
#9 Healing Abilities
Both Avian Races are blessed with Healing Abilities.
Avians have mastered Healing through the colours, also the stones.
From all Star Races, they are perhaps the only Experts on the stones.
They understand, respect and have befriended the stones’ energy, preferring them over the crystals.
Blue Avians have mastered the energies and created the powerful Healing Tool – the Blue Energy Pool.
They use it successfully throughout the Universe.
No one has to travel to their Planet for Healing really.
You have to state that you wish to experience Blue Energy Healing.
The Healers get this mental message and act on it.
#10 Deep Interest in Time
Avians are drawn to the mystery of how Time works.
They are fascinated with Time, buying special clocks for every room in their house.
Their passion for Time often leads them to learn the cards – Tarot, Oracle cards, etc. to catch the glimpse of the future.
It later prompts them to dip their toe into Manifesting.
And in the end, they discover that Time doesn’t exist at all!
It is a topic for another article though…
Now, they are the traits both Avian Races share.
But because each of them went their own way, they developed different signs:
Common Avian Starseed Traits

#1 Joyful and full of life
Avians are bright and colourful personalities, definitely extroverts.
Optimistic, light-hearted, and cheerful, they come across like a ray of sunshine.
Smiling and laughing, cheering you on, encouraging and inspiring.
They can be serious and wise when it is needed.
But the most of time, they are loud, energetic and hyper.
#2 An ability to see the big picture
They are not bothered about the little things in life as long as their World continues to be the giant and bright caleidoscope.
#3 Wise and noble Soul
Despite the noisy and seemingly not serious exterior, Avians are blessed with innate Wisdom and have high standards.
They will never fall low.
They behave as the blue blood rushes through their veins.
Men are gallant and chivalrous.
#4 Expansive nature
They feel like an explosion of energy, they fill in the whole room.
#5 There is something magnetising about them
Avians have the natural ability to charm and woo other people.
#6 Love and understanding of the colours
They can talk for hours about colour psychology.

Avians’ gardens are packed with colourful flowers, and they prefer the plants, blossoming all summer to prolong the joy.
Also, there are plants of seasonal interest.
And Avian’s home is a reflection of their bright personality and celebration, the symphony of colours.
Magnolia walls are their worst nightmare!
Painting their beloved home is almost religion.
They are vibrant maximalists, even brave enough to go with kitsch.
The choice of the colour of the paint is one of the most important decisions in life!
And of course, the colours of their outfits.
Even their dog sports beautiful and colourful garments!
#7 Balance of Masculine and Feminine
They struggle sometimes to attribute themselves to the male or female sex, often feeling that they are both.
They feel the sweet harmony of yin/yang inside.
Some Avians value relationships and family, but many prefer to be free of any commitments like a bird in the sky.
The Role of Avian Starseeds on Earth
Avian Starseeds bring high energy and free spirit to Earth.
Bold and beautiful, Avians come to the Earth to break the old grey mould and show everyone the World shimmering with colours, Hope, and Higher Understanding.
Leonie Dawson comes to my mind as a perfect example of Avian Starseed.
You can see what I mean here.
They teach how to rise above the little stuff on Earth that is not worth sweating and see the higher picture and possibilities.
Enjoy simple and meaningful life, every sunset and sunrise, every rainbow!
Live in Joy and Love.
Avians can pick the roles of an artist, designer, the photographer.
Also, they are deeply Spiritual, so, any role Spirituality related would appeal to them.
They can work with the birds – the ornithologist, the Wild Life rescue, etc.
Avian Starseeds are drawn to the sky and flights and can work for the airline.
And as a hobby – the paraplan, paraglider.
They might be interested in parachute jumping, helicopter or hot air balloons, and even flying a drone.
Let’s take a look at Blue Avian Starseeds Traits now:
Common Blue Avian Starseeds Traits

#1 Simply genius
Blue Avian Starseeds demonstrate extraordinary mental abilities, they are genius!
Freethinkers, they walk the path no one before them has travelled, and their ideas are bold and revolutionary.
As it always happens, there is a lot of resistance, unacceptance and often hostility towards their ideas that are not for the average mind.
Blue Avian Starseeds can make talented physicists, especially on the grounds of quantum physics, also engineers, mathematicians, etc.
Any profession, requiring a brilliant mind.
#2 Modesty
They are not interested in fame and are definitely introverts.
But it doesn’t mean that Blue Avians can’t make great leaders.
They are the best leaders ever, blessed with charisma and absolutely zero power hunger!
Blue Avians become leaders if leadership is their calling for their knowledge, wisdom, gifts and blazing love for the Planet and its inhabitants (including people).
#3 Mystery
Other people perceive Blue Avians as surrounded by an aura of mystery and are drawn to get to know them better.
But Blue Avians protect their own world, and hardly anyone is let in.
Imagine the bird in the wild.
You can see it sitting on the branch of the tree and delighting you with its song or you can watch one soaring in the sky, but you can’t really get close to it.
#4 Simple life
Blue Avians are not interested in living a high life.
They much prefer a simple life with simple pleasures.

Their home’s philosophy is Wabi-sabi if you are familiar with this Japanese concept that embraces simple, raw and imperfect materials.
Wabi-sabi is “a Japanese aesthetic concept that finds beauty and serenity in objects, landscapes, designs, etc., that are simple, imperfect, and impermanent”, according to
And the garden of their dreams is the Japanese one.
#5 Service to others
Blue Avians love to be of service whether it is great service or small.
It could be a simple role working in Healthcare or they dedicate their life to service for the Planet, plants, animals, and even the Universe.
They are probably the most selfless and unassuming people on this Planet.
#5 Close to Nature
On their Home Planet, Blue Avians live as a part of Nature.
They don’t even build houses and live in the openings of the mountains, sort of stone caves. They only do buildings for work.
The climate is very mild, and they don’t need the protection of harsh weather.
And they have the whole World at their feet.

Imagine waking up every morning to the breathtaking and magnificent view!
The best feeling for them!
There is no separation from Nature, and the little blade of grass is equally important for them compared to everything in the Universe.
Human beings on Earth often think for some reason that they are more important than Nature.
#6 Quiet and contemplative
Unlike Avians who can be loud and feel like an explosion of energy, Blue Avian Starseeds are more reserved people.
#7 Family orientated
And unlike many Starseeds, Blue Avians long for another half – the partner for life.
Loving beings, they have a lot to offer – a kind heart, friendship, support, wisdom, and loyalty.
But you know how it is on Earth, someone can just take an advantage of them, unfortunately.
#8 Wide horizons
Blue Avian Starseeds are not interested in the little stuff that is going on around them, people’s tittle-tattles, gossip.
They ask themselves questions that never cross the minds of others.
#9 Interest in the Universe and Space
Remember that advanced Avians came from another higher dimensions Universe.
Their expanded consciousness embraces not only our Universe but the whole World.
They are passionate about how it is designed, and how it works.
Blue Avians have an intuitive deep understanding of life and the Laws of the Universe.
#10 Healing Abilities, orientated on Soul Healing
To understand and feel Blue Avians Healing Energy, think of Mother Mary.
She originated from Sirius C, experienced Venus, but later incarnated in a physical form as Blue Avian and mastered the Healing Blue Pool’s energy.
We turn to Mother Mary to heal our bleeding hearts.
When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
And in my hour of darkness, she is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be…
… And when the broken-hearted people living in the world agree
There will be an answer, let it be
The Beatles
Everyone knows this song, it is one of my all-time favourites.
Many Star Nations are brilliant Healers, i.e. Pleiadians, and Arcturians, but Blue Avian Magic of Healing is very special.
Their liquid blue energy penetrates through many layers of the Soul, talking to it and reminding every cell that it is made by God and is God in itself, able to re-create and rejuvenate itself, tapping into DNA and invoking its potential.
We normally expect Healing to be an external Force, working on our body.
But Blue Avian Healing wakes up the processes inside us that were dormant before and reminds us that we are powerful as God and can heal ourselves.
#11 Intuitive understanding of how the energy works
They know instinctively that everything is energy and learn to use the energy for their own and everyone else’s good.
#12 Magic and Spiritual Alchemy
Blue Avians live to turn everyday day into magic and every lemon into lemonade.
They are wise and the experts on how to make gold out of 💩.
Magic and Alchemy are two words often floating in their brains and resonating through their bodies.
#13 Close to Sirians and Ancient Egypt
Sirians and Blue Avians are two very close Star Nations, and they both have a close bond with Egypt.
And the Souls often love incarnating in both Star Systems.
So, someone, identifying their Star origins, can be tossing between Sirius and Blue Avians, but the answer is that they have incarnated in both Star Systems before.
Mother Mary comes from Sirius C, but later she incarnated in a physical form as Blue Avian.
And as I mentioned before, Avian Souls created the Kingdom of Birds on Sirius C as the epitome of Freedom, Love and Closeness to God.
True Mission of Blue Avians on Earth
Blue Avians come to Earth to be a living and breathing example of how to walk your path on Earth with Love, Dignity and Freedom.
To learn and grow in wisdom.
To be magical.
To follow your heart.
To be of service to the Planet.
And to shine forth their electric blue light healing and transforming the World.

History of Avians on Earth
Higher dimensional Avian Beings have a long history on Planet Earth.
Avian Souls first started incarnating in a human form on Earth in the times of Atlantis and played a significant role in building a happy spiritual society.
Avians contributed their DNA to human civilization.
Avian Starseeds still have a strong connection with Atlantis and are the keepers of mystical knowledge of Atlantis.
After the Fall of Atlantis, a part of Avians with other Star Beings moved to South America, forming the Ancient Civilizations up there.
You can see Avians’ influence in the picture of Huitzilopochtli, an Aztec God, who is represented as a hummingbird or an eagle.
And the other part took their destiny to Egypt.
Atlantean High Priests Ra and Thoth and High Priestess Isis took their people and destiny to Egypt.

Isis became the Queen of Egypt as the wife of Osiris, the Egyptian King.
Her son, God Horus, was pictured as a human with a falcon head.
And later Isis was worshipped for centuries as the Goddess of marriage, fertility, motherhood, magic and healing.
Here is a little channelling from Isis:
You are Love.
Close your eyes and look into your heart, how much Love you’ve got!
It’s swirling inside your chest, and you can’t contain it anymore.
The blazing flame of your Love expands, encompassing you, your house, your street, your town, your country – the whole World!
It seems like the Rose Gold Fairy Dust everywhere.
You think you as one person can’t make a difference in the World.
But now you see that you can.
You bless the World every day by the mere presence in it.
You think you are small and powerless to change your circumstances.
But you can!
Magic is everywhere, it is floating in the air.
And you are Magical.
Take a look at your surroundings that you don’t like.
Now close your eyes.
You’ve got your own Magic Wand – you didn’t know it existed.
Admire it for a little while – transparent, shimmering with silver sparkles and waves of rainbow colours running through it.
It is my present to you, and from now on it will be in your energy forever.
Touch your reality with the Magic Wand now.
Poof! It’s gone.
Instead, you stand in your new reality, overjoyed by the miracle.
Soak it in for a while…
Yes, miracles are real, and Magic truly exists.
You simply never allowed them to be in your life.
But you let them in now.
Here not wishing but knowing that all Miracles, Magic and Blessings in the World are Yours,
The clear sign that Isis is with you is that you suddenly start believing in Magic and that you are Magical!
Isis is probably the brightest example of Blue Avian Starseed.
Her Soul was incarnate later for a very special Mission – to be the Mother of Jesus.
Mother Mary is still worshipped throughout the World, and you can feel the quintessence of Blue Avians’ energy again.
They are very strong but gentle, loving and wise, loyal and devoted, nurturing and soothing.
Even Blue Avians who are drawn to science and technology still demonstrate the qualities mentioned above.
And nowadays Avians walk this Planet – they wish they could fly!
They are an asset to our Planet, but they don’t realise how precious they are.
Avians work with other Lightworkers, bringing Hope and potent new energy to our World.
If you liked reading about Avian Starseeds, you also might be interested to read:
- Starseeds and their Characteristics
- Can you be a Sirius Starseed (plus Sirius A)?
- Starseeds Types, Sirius B
- Can you be a Sirius C Starseed?
- Urmah Star Race and Urmah Starseeds
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Love and Blessings,
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I have a strong connection to birds since I was a kid, they were always present guiding me even though I didn’t understand it at the time. Seeing birds in a cage always made me feel so sad, I myself feel like I am in a cage, not being able to fly, it’s like my wings have been denied. When my spiritual awakening started I was able to learn so much and my connection to birds became stronger, I feel them and they bring me messages. I wanted to know what kind of Starseed I am, so I was learning about it’s traits. According to my galactic connection I discovered that I came from Alpha Centauri and in fact I do resonate with it but one day when I was meditating I saw myself as an Avian. I started to search about it but until now I’ve only found poor information and I couldn’t make any connection. Lately I’ve been seeing myself as an Avian a lot, when I close my eyes, when I look at the sky and while meditating I am always flying. I decided to search some more and I came across this site, I so glad I found this post, it’s the first time I could resonate with everything. I had a lot of signs from Blue Avians before but the lack of information about them made it difficult for me to associate. But now everything makes perfectly sense. I just wanted to say thank you and I would love if you could tell me how do you get your information, is it only through channeling? I wish you well, stay blessed beautiful soul.
Hi Joaquim,
Yes, I get a lot of the information through channeling – I see, I hear, I feel, and also, I just KNOW.
Blue Avian experience is a part of my heritage too, so, it helps to get easier access to the information.
Thank you for your beautiful comment!