Archangel Sachiel, the Angel of Money, Wealth, and Success
Archangel Sachiel is not as widely known as much loved Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael.
Only recently he turned his attention to Earth when our Planet started coming out of the darkness.
From space, it seems that more and more lights turn on breaking up the grey etheric smog, surrounding our Planet, the bright lights of people waking up to Love.
High-hierarchy Angels, who withdrew their attention from Earth thousands of years ago at the fall of Atlantis, offer their support to us now.
The highest order of Angels includes Seraphim, Cherubim (the plural of the cherub), and Thrones.
Even the closest to God, Seraphim – Seraphina and Seraphima – are available for people on Earth at the moment.
When you raise your vibration, they lower theirs to meet you halfway.
According to Kabbalistic and Christian angelology, Archangel Sachiel presides over the order of cherubim.
So, he is not really the Archangel, but the 12-vibrational Archcherub.
We call him the Archangel for convenience.
His name Sachiel means “the covering of God”.
You pronounce Sachiel: Sa – Shee – El.
The name Sachiel reminds me of the words “sachet” and “sack”, meaning “the bag”.
I see with my inner eyes intricate Divine material, weaved from the Light, surrounding GodHead and forming a huge round bag, containing all the goodness of God.
Archangel Sachiel’s Twin Flame is the beautiful Archangel Chiara or the Goddess of Money.
You can read about her in this article.
What are Archangel Sachiel’s responsibilities?
Archangel Sachiel or Sachael (different spelling) is the Angel of Money, Wealth, and Water.
As the Chief of Cherubim, he takes their role to the next level, being a Messenger of God’s Love and protecting the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life.
But his heartfelt wish for you is to turn your life into your personal Garden of Eden!
Archangel Sachiel governs the godly money on Earth – the money received for good reason and in exchange for your talent, abilities, and skills.
When you work, you receive money as the energetic equivalent of your time and energy.
And when your work aligns with the Path of your Purpose, Talents, and Abilities, you serve the World and send out your beautiful and powerful energy.
And the Universe returns the energy back in the form of money.

If the Path is NOT yours, the vast majority of your energy stays dormant inside you, only a little trickle comes out.
And unfortunately, you receive back the same little trickle of money.
You probably can’t leave your peanuts job straight away, but you can turn your talents into a hobby to start with.
One step will lead to another, look for ways to monetize it then.
And gradually your hobby will grow into a side gig and after the fully-fledged little business.
Hopefully, you will be able to leave the time-of-your-life-sucker job.
Archangel Sachiel will absolutely support you!
Sometimes he is called the Archangel of Career and Archangel of Success.
They are two of his other roles apart from being the Archangel of Money, Prosperity, and Wealth.
Archangel Sachiel’s day of the week is Thursday, and he is connected with Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion.
Everything he touches expands – your Light, your Purpose, your Joy, your Wealth.
When you follow your deepest and sacred desires and dreams, your light expands, pushing you in the direction of expanded wealth and abundance.
And no, your shadow part doesn’t expand but shrinks when the Angel of Light touches it.

His presence feels huge, the energy of Archangel Sachiel fills the whole room when you call on him.
It flows in waves, cool and soothing.
Archangel Sachiel is the Angel of Water.
He uses a different technique on your less desirable stuff.
The Angel of Water positions you in the middle of his Divine Waterfall and works through every cell, every atom, every particle of your being, dissolving and washing away the dark energy.
And you emerge squeaky clean, fresh, restored, and rejuvenated, as God would like to see you.
Archangel Sachiel brings Good Luck, Possibilities, and Chances to acquire Wealth in your life.
It can start as the little luck and the small amounts of money, manifesting in your life.
Use the Power of Gratitude, celebrate every bit of luck and every dollar, thinking to yourself:
“I should be so lucky. Lucky, lucky, lucky!”
And it will turn into big Blessings.
Archangel Sachiel touches with his invisible magic wand your entire life, transforming it into a blossoming garden of Wealth and Success.
And you are the most beautiful flower in this Garden!
How to connect with Archangel Sachiel
Remember that you deal with the high hierarchy Angel.
The Angels are not snobby.
Hierarchy and authority mean nothing to them.
But you have to raise a great deal your vibration in order to connect with Archangel Sachiel.
So, how to invoke Archangel Sachiel?
Meditation to connect with Archangel Sachiel
Make sure you won’t be disturbed.
Close your eyes and relax.
See yourself surrounded by shimmering white light.
Breathe this white light in and breathe out tension.
Feel your body filling with the white light.
Your body becomes lighter and lighter, and you rise.
You see yourself going briefly through the lower planes, surrounding the Earth…
Going through the clouds…
And finally, you are in space, full of stars, and look at the Earth, the small ball in the distance.
You can see the oceans, sparkling when the sun hits them, and the continents.
And you realize that you are not on your own.

The Man has joined you.
He has long white silvery hair, a little beard, that makes him look older and wiser.
His gown is white and light blue, flowing in waves and changing colors.
Archangel Sachiel greets you warmly and reaches out his hand to you.
When you slip your hand into his, you feel the energy of Archangel Sachiel run along your arm, and your whole body exploding in high vibrations.
When you regain the ability to see again, you notice that you and Archangel Sachiel are not in the cosmos anymore.
You are surrounded by the thick white mist, embracing and caressing your body softly.
The mist vanishes slowly, and you find yourself in the blue and white world, standing right in front of the lake.
You can see the huge full Moon above the lake and the silver stricks of the Moon’s energy, charging the water of the lake.
Your hearing catches the subtle music in the air.
But what is it? The bells? The flutes?
You breathe in the fresh and slightly sweet air of this blue and white world.
Archangel Sachiel gestures you to enter the lake.
You go deeper and deeper, the water feels lovely and warm on your skin, and you swim.
On the right, you notice with excitement the hidden waterfall.

You swim closer and stand under the sparkling water, falling from above.
A little inquisitive bird hovers in front of you, chirping cheerfully, and you smile at it.
You are fully absorbed in the moment and forget about time.
Then you recall that Archangel Sachiel still stands, waiting for you, on the shore.
And you swim back to him.
It’s time to go.
You find yourself once again in space with Archangel Sachiel beside you.
He says: “I have enjoyed our time together.
And you are welcome to come back whenever you want to.
I have a gift for you.”
He rests his hands on your shoulders, downloading the sacred codes and keys into your energy fields.
And again you feel lost in time, you feel you are the Universe yourself with the stars and galaxies…
The codes and keys spin and glow like gold in your aura…
Archangel Sachiel embraces you:
“My energy will be with you forever,
I love you, and I bless you.”
You thank Archangel Sachiel and make your way back to Earth through the clouds.
And… you are back in your body.
Open your eyes slowly and cherish the moment.
How to pray to Archangel Sachiel?
The words of your Prayer don’t matter really as long as you pray from the bottom of your heart.
Here is an example of the Prayer:
“Beloved Archangel Sachiel,
I am grateful for everything I’ve got in my life already.
Everything material and non-material God lovingly provided to me…

Archangel Sachiel, you see everything, you know everything.
And you see and know that I’m feeling lost.
I ask for your Guidance and Blessings.
Please, touch my life with your Divine energy, be in my life.
Grace it with Abundance and Money.
Send Opportunities my way to acquire Wealth.
Help me to find my Purpose on Earth and build my Personal flourishing Garden of Eden.
Support me to step onto the Path of Prosperity and Freedom, Love and Joy.
Thank you, Archangel Sachiel.
I love you.”
It helps if you mention the exact amount of money you need.
For instance, you need $5k for the new car, because your old one is begging to retire.
The Universe likes precision, not vague ideas.
Also, you can write a letter to Archangel Sachiel.
Write it as you would write to the best friend and start with “My Beloved Archangel Sachiel”.
Poor your heart out, cry if you have to.
He understands and feels your pain, your desires, your aspirations.
And he will become an invisible part of your life, guiding, supporting, nudging you towards opportunities, creating synchronicities, miracles, and blessings on your way.
Channeling from Archangel Sachiel
“I am Archangel Sachiel.
And I am here to tell you a Story.
The Story of Love between you and Money…
This Story started a long long time ago when you as a young Soul started your sequence of incarnations on Earth.
You fell in love with the beauty of Earth, its wealth of colours, Nature miracles like majestic mountains and green forests, tranquil oceans, amazing plants, and animals.
You felt the abundance around you and wanted to experience it, again and again, every time you were coming back for another life on Earth.
Your Soul and Heart sang absorbing like a sponge the possibilities of physical abundance on Earth.
And you quickly learned as a young Soul that the amount of Beauty and Abundance on Earth available to you was proportioned to the amount of Money you had.
More Money meant more Freedom to enjoy yourself in the world.
You learned that Money buys you time – your most precious asset.
So, here I am, telling you that loving Money means loving your life on this beautiful wondrous Planet…

But perhaps, you feel the Money has fallen out of Love with you.
Perhaps, you think it has never even loved you…
The Money still loves you.
Open yourself to its Love.
The Story of your Love, the Romance with Money never ends.
Rise high and dance amongst the clouds with Money.
Everything starts with Love, and everything ends with Love.
The essence of Money is the flow of Abundance, Joy, Expansion, Growth, and Service.
Love the Money, get in the fast-flowing River of Wealth and live your best life on Earth.
Before I go, I give you a warm hug, sharing my energy with you.
I love you and bless you.
And I am always here for you when you call me.”

How to keep connected to Archangel Sachiel
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Crystals Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, and the precious stone Sapphire help to be connected with Archangel Sachiel.
Pouring a glass of water for yourself, ask Archangel Sachiel to bless the water you drink.
Ash him to light up your bath and your shower water.

Also, draw his Sigil and display it somewhere you look often at.
Or probably the best is to draw your personal Sigil, your key to Archangel Sachiel’s energy.
Close your eyes, relax, think of Archangel Sachiel, feel his energy all around you, bask for a minute in it.
Then open your eyes, grab the pen and draw.
Don’t think, keep your rational mind switched off and draw whatever your hand draws.
The result might not make any sense, but nevertheless, it is your personal bridge between you and Archangel of Money and Wealth.

Here is my drawing:
Again, display it somewhere you can see it, doodle it often.
During the full Moon leave the water and the sigil (not in water) on the windowsill.
The water and your Sigil will be charged by the full Moon.
Use the water for drinks.
If you liked reading about Archangel Sachiel, you also might be interested to read:
- How to invoke Angels of Money, Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance in your life
- Archangel Chiara, the Twin Flame of Archangel Sachiel, the Angel of Money
- How to invoke Angels for help
- Archangel Aurora, the Angel of New Beginnings
- Archangel Nathaniel, the Angel of Fire
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With Love and Bright Blessings,
Irina and Archangel Sachiel
Featured image: Depositphotos
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I’ve cried like a baby while imagining flying through the Universe and praying with him and to him! This touched me deeply so thank you for this!
Aww, I’m delighted you enjoyed it, you are ever so welcome, Sylvia.
Dear Archangel Sachiel;
My wishes, and desires is to win, or to be blessed with $5 million dollars + To build a duplex of houses for me, my family, senior care, and others. How wonderful it will be to live in a peaceful, loving secure environment. In Jesus Name. Thank You.
This is so beautiful!!! Tahnk you..
You are more than welcome, Milda.✨
Terima kasih Irina. Saya akhirnya dapat mengetahui adanya Malaikat Sachiel ini. Yang selama ini saya tidak mengenal tentang malaikat. Seperti yang kamu tulis, apakah memang benar Malaikat Sachiel dapat dihubungi secara personal? Kamu sudah membuat perubahan tentang malaikat dalam hidup saya. Tuhan memberkati.
You are ever so welcome! Yes, Archangel Sachiel can be contacted personally.Angels are here for you. Angels love you, and nothing gives them the greater pleasure than a chance to help you. God and Angels bless you too.
I pray to win 10million in Lotto. With that I can buy myself a house so I’m out of being homeless & poverty & help my children & grandchildren & money for travel.
Thank you. Such clarity on ArchCherub Sachiel is most welcome and appreciated. Thank you ArchCherub Sachiel and I LOVE YOU. YOU who is weaved from the Divine marterial of LIGHT(Who is Jesus Christ). Amen.
I just discovered Archangel Sachiel today, November 19, 2023. I pray to win the Powerball jackpot, $295 million. I have taught for the past 30 years. My family, especially my daughter has cut me put of her life after the divorce. I not only want to give to my kids, ex-husband and my boyfriends son, I want to establish a not-for-profit that provides services to single mothers and their children to get them back on their feet. I also want to help purchase water purifiers for Water Women. I also want to have my dream home and life. Travel to see all of God’s creations. Thank you Sachiel for all you have provided this far in my life.
It is with immense Gratitude that I write to Thank You for an introduction to Archangel Sachiel. When I pray I experience his very presence!
May you be Blessed for sharing with us.
Thank you so so so much for your kind words of Gratitude.
I appreciate it.
May Archangel Sachiel bless you with Abundance, Prosperity, Joy, and everything you wish for yourself!
I wish to win the Texas Lotto so I can retire and help my sons Joey and Joseph and my brothers and sisters. Get a new home paid off all my bills and others. That is the desire of my heart. Amen
could you please send me the story of Sachiel.I love what I had read.
I’ve had alot of help from Jesus and all the saints and angles.
may you and your family be blessed always.
Dear Irina,
Thank you so so much and I’m much grateful for whatever you’ve shared to me .Am a Thursday born and I was looking for Thursday Archangel to invoke thank you so much God richly bless you and your family each and every single day .Please write to me the items and the steps needed to invoke Archangel Sachiel please.God bless you for me
You are ever so welcome Darkwah.
May God and Archangel Sachiel bless you and your family with love, prosperity, abundance, and luck.
I will always need you Archangel Sachiel for the rest of my life Always.
Dear Irina,
I’m very delighted and feel so special for opening my eye of understanding and the knowledge about Archangel Sachiel,I know very soon my life and everything about me will change for good, thank you.
Thank you so much, dear Gabriel.
You have a beautiful and meaningful name, by the way.
I’m delighted you’ve made a special connection with Archangel Sachiel.
He is an incredible Angel and such a joy to be around!
Wishing you all the happiness, abundance, and love in the world.
Many Blessings,
Dear Irina
I am very grateful and feels enlightened about your words and with believe I know you will lead me through shortly. Thank you
You are ever so welcome.
May you be blessed by Angels, and Archangel Sachiel, the Angel of Money, Wealth, Abundance, and Success, accompany you lovingly on every step you take.
Lots of Love,
A million pieces of gratitude Irina and Archangel Sachiel !
I am writing this on what is considered the Feast day of St. Michael, St. Raphael and St. Gabriel. Today now I learned about Archangel Sachiel then was guided to this page just when I needed it most. During the meditation I felt Divine peace, that was so needed. Since being treated for Acute Myeloid Leukemia I have been praying for stronger help financially. Being the spiritual person I am, this is so appreciated!
All the Best,
Thank you, Lori, so glad my article has been helpful for you.
I’ve been saying your mantra for Money, Prosperity and Wealth for a looooong time now. My uttermost desire is to WIN a BIG lottery so that I can “take charge” of my life. I live alone and am retired now but I feel abandoned by my family. I live in a Senior low income apartment complex but would like to move to the coast of British Columbia in Canada from central Saskatchewan where I’m now living as the winters are “too cold”. Although I’ve been winning smaller amounts of money on expensive scratch tickets it’s not the BIG lottery I desire to win by playing the lottery machine lotteries. I am going to buy a ticket for Friday’s BIG $70 million Lotto Max lottery and I ask that you can pray for me that I will “finally” be LUCKY and be blessed with this BIG win. Lots have won in Saskatchewan, Canada. THANK YOU Irina.
I’m sending my prayers your way for incredible luck and the Angels’ blessings and protection today and always.
Dear Irina,
Thank you so much for sharing with us the various energies from angels. I believe by sticking to your directions I will have a feel with Archangel Sachiel for a turn around in my life. Thank you.
You are ever so welcome, Joshua,
Archangel Sachiel is a beautiful and powerful Angel to take with you along the road of your life.
Every morning, ask him to be with you all day, loving, blessing, protecting, creating new possibilities, and directing you towards the flow of abundance and prosperity.
Lots of Love,
Thank you so very much. You’ve been a light for me, thank you thank you thank you.
You are more than welcome, Whitney.
please connect me with Angel sachiel
Praying for you, Archangel Sachiel is such a beautiful Angel to have in your life.
I am so grateful that I was lead to this sight thanks for the insight. I will use this in my journey. May all the blessing you have given to me return 100 fold back unto you fame.
You are more than welcome, Kim.
Thank you for your kind words.
Dear Irina, I read with excitement about Archangel sachiel .The beloved Angel love and abundance,,I have already fallen in love with this Angel. I want to thank Irina for insights about Sachiel. I wish I. know more how to travel in space to meet and facilitate with him or her. I like to explore more. lead me by hand please.
Hi John,
I absolutely love Archangel Sachiel.
You don’t need to travel in space to meet him.
Just think of him, and he is with you instantly.
Angels are omnipresent and can be in millions of places at the same time.
Actually, they operate outside of space and time.
So, just think of him and talk to him like you would talk to your most beloved friend.
Open your heart and tell him about your wishes.
Archangel Sachiel’s energy will flow and envelope your thoughts and dreams to help them to come true.
And his light will be with you forever.
Love and Blessings from Irina
Dear Friend, thank you so much for let me know archangel Sacheil and I hope my has changed from now on and it will never be the same Amen
Albert Oduro
Hi Albert,
I’m so pleased you loved my article.
Best Wishes, Brightest Blessings, and Lots of Love
From Irina and Angels
Thanks so much for this divine jot of twirling insight… As i said the sample prayer to archangel sachiel i felt a busk of hot energy swirling around me… His presence is so comforting
You are welcome, Elijah.
I love Archangel Sachiel’s energy too.
Dear Irina,
Thank you thank you thank you so much for sharing Archangel Sachiel. This knowledge and prayer has come at a significant time in my life.
Love & Light, bless you Antonette
Awww… Thank you so much, Antonette.
I’m delighted you loved and found my article helpful.
I pray for you and hope your circumstances improve.
Archangel Sachiel is with you every step, holding your hand, loving, and changing your life for the better.
Love and Blessings from Irina
Please can ask fir a prayer to archeangel sachiel to win the lottery as I badly money buy a house of our and a car fir myself snd daughter and to help us lead a secure financial life so we never gave to worry about money again thank you
Hi Noelle,
The prayer to Archangel Sachiel is included in my article.
Just add your own words that you need the house and a car for your little family, and you ask him to bless you and your daughter with financial security and abundance.