Archangel Aurora, the Angel of New Beginnings
The beautiful Archangel Aurora or Archeia Aurora is the Twin Flame of Archangel Uriel.
Her name means the Morning Star, the New Dawn, the New Sunrise.
Aurora is associated with the East direction and bringing the Light of God into this World.
And she heralds New Beginnings, Renewal, and Transformation in your life…
Here is what you will read at a glance:
Archangels Uriel and Aurora share the same energy – the Light of God, the Fire of God.
Only Uriel demonstrates the masculine qualities of it, like fearlessness, courage, dispelling darkness, and clear knowing.
And Archangel Aurora radiates soothing and nurturing Light, and touches you lovingly, bringing Hope and Wisdom in the most desperate time.
The colour of her energy embraces golden for Wisdom and rose for soft and beautiful Love and represents the radiance of the dawn.
Uriel’s colours are stronger: the same gold for Wisdom and ruby for Nobility, Purity, Power, and Vitality.
Both Archangels work with your Solar Plexus Chakra – the human centre where fears are stored.
Archangel Aurora comes to you when you are stuck in a relationship, career, or finances, to say that no matter how helpless you feel, there is a Light at the end of the tunnel, there is Hope, and there is a New Dawn for you.
She is the Angel of Light and a symbol of New Happiness and Inspiration.
The Powers and Abilities of Archangel Aurora
#1 New Beginnings
As I mentioned already, she is the Angel of New Beginnings.

Archangel Aurora brings a new dawn into your life where darkness has been before.
When you are in need of a fresh start, Archangel Aurora is a powerful ally who can help guide you on your journey.
#2 Purification, Renewal, and Transformation
She is also known for her ability to bring Purification and Renewal into your space.
Her energy can help to clear away any negative dark and dense energy present and bring in a sense of lightness and clarity.
Archangel Aurora can purify the mind, spirit, and body, and you receive bursts of Inspiration and new ideas, get unstuck and move forward in life with greater Purpose and Clarity.
She can assist you with personal Transformation, helping to release old patterns and beliefs so you emerge a new you.
Archangel Aurora can nudge you gently toward Spiritual Awakening and provide Guidance.
#3 Peace and Harmony
Archangels Uriel and Aurora are the Angels of Peace as well.
They work with Earth, bringing peace and harmony to the World.
#4 Healing
Archangel Aurora can assist you with Emotional Healing, especially related to grief and heartache, healing past traumas and wounds, and mending your broken wings.
She envelopes you in her loving and compassionate golden rose flame until peace and calmness come over you.
Her energy can help to soothe and calm the mind, release negative emotions and restore balance.
#5 Guidance
Her loving and wise energy can also help to guide you toward your Path of destiny and purpose on Earth.
She brings clarity and insight into difficult situations and helps to make decisions that are aligned with your highest good.
If you feel lost and confused, her Wisdom and Insight are exactly what you need to propel you forward in life.
Call upon Archangel Aurora when you seek Guidance and Inspiration.
#6 Divine Feminine Power
Archangel Aurora is an etheric embodiment of the Divine Feminine Power.
She empowers you to feel the fire in your belly again, and believe in yourself.
When the whole world doubts you, Archangel Aurora believes in you!
Be confident and strong and choose a new path in life.
You are amazing, and you deserve it!
#7 Clarity and Vision
Archangel Aurora sheds Light and brings Clarity and Vision.
No more confusion and wandering in the darkness.
You see things the way they are, even if they are ugly ones.
#8 Birth
She takes into her golden rose wings and blesses every new life on Earth, not only human babies but animals and plants as well.
She embraces every fragile seedling and is very active in the Spring when nature rebirths itself.
#9 Magic of Liminal Spaces
Archangel Aurora works with the magic of liminal places and times.
The word “liminal” derives from the Latin word “limen” which means “threshold”.
The elusive boundary between two worlds, where something has just ended and the new thing hasn’t begun yet.
It is a place of nothing, zero, the void.
Everything is possible.
You can bounce from the liminal place into a completely new life.
Examples of liminal places are the seashore, mist, and the flame of a candle.
And liminal times – midnight, the New Year, Equinox, Halloween.
Archangel Aurora’s Retreat
Archangels Uriel and Aurora’s Spiritual Retreat is above the Tatra Mountains in Southend Poland.

I asked Archangel Aurora why they picked the Tatra Mountains as a place for their Retreat.
She said it was simply because they fell in love and resonated with it so much.
They loved and enjoyed it for millions of years after the Tatra Mountains had risen.
And before Archangels Uriel and Aurora had the Retreat in Australia.
You can visit their Retreat at the Tatra Mountains in meditation.
Meditation to meet Archangel Aurora in her Retreat above the Tatra Mountains
Make sure you are on your own and won’t be disturbed.
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
You feel so peaceful, so calm now.
Ask Archangel Michael to wrap you in his Royal Blue Cloak of Protection as you are going on a journey to the Tatra Mountains in Poland.
And here you are, standing on the big rock at the top of the mountain.
What a majestic view!
You can see the mountains in the distance and the clouds, wrapped around their picks.
And there is a lake glistening far far away down between the mountains.
Look up now and notice the vast golden rose, tinted with ruby, shining like the sun above the mountains.
It’s Archangels Uriel and Aurora’s Etheric Retreat.
And amazingly you notice the golden staircase right in front of you, leading to the Rose shaped Temple.
You walk all way up until you reach the double doors open and welcoming you inside.
As you step in, you look around at the interior of the Temple.
The round walls are decorated with flowing golden rose material that shines and shimmers softly.
It feels very bright and airy, and you can smell the perfume of the sweet rose.
The tall and slender lady dressed in a long golden dress enters the room.
Archangel Aurora greets you warmly and asks how she can help you.
Tell her about the areas in your life where you would like to see changes.
Tell her everything and wait for her reply…
In the end, she wraps her golden rose wings around you and holds you in a long embrace.
Feel her powerful yet gentle waves of Light sweeping through your body, clearing, recharging, and recalibrating your energy.
She lets go and gives you a gift from her heart to yours.
What is it?
Thank Archangel Aurora, accept the gift, and put it safely in your aura.
It’s time to go.
Thank Archangel Aurora again and say your goodbyes, turn around and come all way down along the golden staircase until you stand on the big rock at the very top of the Tatra Mountains again.
Breathe deeply and come back slowly to your body.
Open your eyes and know that Archangel Aurora is with you ever since.
Invoke Archangel Aurora on your Birthday and ask to bless your special day and the year ahead of you.
And for your children too!
Ask her to hold your children in her beautiful golden rose wings as they enter the new year of their life.
To support them navigate life in their quest to find their place under the sun.
To become wonderful, kind, brave, and magnificent human beings.
To be the best they can be!
Archangel Aurora and Phoenix Rising from the Ashes
Archangel Aurora is linked to the mythical Phoenix bird.

In the depths of despair, you can rise like the legendary fire Phoenix bird.
You have the power to rebirth yourself!
As Cassadee Pope sings in her song “I Am Invincible”:
“Broken glass inside won’t cut through me,
Pain behind my eyes I turn into strength…
I’m invincible,
I’m unbreakable,
I’m a diamond cut to last,
I’m unstoppable,
I’m a hero,
Like a phoenix from the ash…
…Cracks run through these walls,
But they still stand strong, oh
Heart covered in scars,
But my fear is gone…”
I love this song and you can listen to it here.
Aurora gives you the strength to rise like Phoenix despite everything and soar high, following your new path.
When the whole world gives up on you, don’t you dare to give up on yourself!
Archangel Aurora is also associated with the Goddesses Isis ( she is Mother Mary as well) and Kali.
Divine Mothers Isis and Mary were held and protected in Archangel Aurora’s loving golden rose wings during their Earthly incarnations.
Has Archangel Aurora anything to do with the Nothern Lights or Aurora Borealis?
Not really.
Galileo Galilei coined the term “Aurora Borealis” in 1619 A.D. after Aurora, the Roman Goddess of Morning.
How to call on Archangel Aurora
You don’t require any special invocation.
When you feel that you need a breath of fresh air, a change, a new beginning in your life, simply say aloud or silently in your head: “Beloved Aurora, I need your beautiful presence and assistance in my life.
Help me to see through my circumstances, give me wisdom and courage to let go of what doesn’t serve me anymore on my path.
Bring the new dawn into the dark night of my heart.
I outgrew my old life.
And I am ready for the next new exciting chapter.
With so much Love always,
From Me to you, dear Archangel Aurora.
And thank you”.
How to feel Archangel Aurora’s presence in your life
#1 You are drawn to the golden rose colour or the colour starts popping up in your physical life.
For example, you find yourself staring at the golden rose handbags or accessories in the store window display.
But you never took any interest in them before.
Or as you scroll through your Facebook, your eyes stop on the exquisite golden rose image.
Maybe, when you meditate, you close your eyes, and the golden rose mist fills the space behind your eyelids.
#2 Archangel Aurora sheds the light on the events in your life, so, you suddenly get the moment of Truth, start seeing people’s true colours and where you stand with them.
#3 Butterflies are a wonderful sign of Archangel Aurora as the symbol of transformation.

When your eyes stop at the butterfly or the image of one, it may be a sign that Archangel Aurora is guiding you toward the transformation.
Your time of being squashed in the tight cocoon is over.
The beautiful butterfly (YOU) is ready to leave the prison of the cocoon.
#4 Witnessing a breathtaking sunrise as Archangel Aurora comes in her full Power at the dawn.
If you want to connect with Archangel Aurora, the sunrise is the best time to meditate, feel her presence, and receive her Blessings.
#5 You start feeling at peace, that an invisible force supports you, and hope comes back into your life.
#6 You are getting ideas and presented with opportunities.
#7 Your attention is drawn to the repeat numbers, especially the “4”s – 44, 444.
“4” is the number of Manifestations in our material world.
Archangel Aurora Channeling
I Am Archangel Aurora, and I briefly enter your life every morning with the rising sun, often stroking your cheek gently when you are still asleep.
I bring a new dawn and new possibilities, a chance to start your life anew from a blank page.
If you decide to take the chance, I will support you and won’t leave, working tirelessly for you behind the scenes, being your biggest cheerleader, and patting you on the back to say “Well done you!”.
I’ll melt your doubts and place the energy of the sun inside your aura.
Rise like the sun, shine brightly to the world!
Become the sun every living creature needs.
Notice how people smile when the sun touches their faces.
You are the sun.
Is the sun worried that it is not good enough and what people say about it?
Is it not confident and suffers from a million issues?
No, it rises majestically above everything and goes all day on its business until it’s time to retire in the evening.
Be like the sun, you have a very important business to do on Earth.
And I will support you.
Let me give you a big hug before I go.
I love you and I believe in you.
And remember that now you’ve got the gift from me – your own sun and fire in your belly.

Gentle and sweet yet magnificent and powerful Angel Aurora…
You are not as well-known and “famous” as Archangels Michael, Raphael, and others.
But your beauty shines through every sunrise on Earth.
And you don’t mind helping tirelessly milliards of people and our Planet, unacknowledged and often unappreciated working behind the scenes.
I give you my love and my deep appreciation for every New Beginning in my life, every new seedling of Hope, every strike of Inspiration, and every spark of Joy…
I love you…
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Featured image: Creative Fabrica
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